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Author Topic: Fleet Commanders and Fleet Characteristics in BFG  (Read 2504 times)

Offline Thinking Stone

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Fleet Commanders and Fleet Characteristics in BFG
« on: February 24, 2012, 01:41:28 AM »
I have long been thinking about the role of Fleet Commanders in Battlefleet Gothic, and I have always found them to be somewhat lacklustre. My thoughts have been to give them more of a customisability, something that will either make them more characterful characters or provide interesting bonuses to their fleet.

For Fleet Commanders, I would prefer some kind of fleet bonus, something a bit like in the original campaign Sub-Plots. I think that many of these fleet characteristics (whilst originally only being representative of a chance occurrence) would make for very interesting and well-themed fleets, at least as a starting point. Putting these 'fleet upgrades' on a Fleet Commander would also be sensible as a small fleet would have less of the idiosyncrasies that mark a large fleet.

For Secondary Commanders (like Captains, Chaos Lords, &c.), I think a squadron/ship bonus would be more appropriate. This could make for very individual ships/squadrons that would be good for small fleets or to represent important parts of large fleets.

Anyone else have ideas?
Thinking Stone

Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: Fleet Commanders and Fleet Characteristics in BFG
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2012, 05:57:51 AM »
Commanders that grant different abilities to the fleet as a whole. Something like a defensive commander which grants a bonus to bfi and turrets or an offensive commander that has lock on or reload bonuses a strategic commander might have bonuses to movement special orders. Also just removing the points costs and having levels for one off games similar to campaigns.
I don't make the rules, I just think them up and write them down.

Offline horizon

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Re: Fleet Commanders and Fleet Characteristics in BFG
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2012, 06:31:39 AM »
« Last Edit: February 24, 2012, 06:33:23 AM by horizon »

Offline Phthisis

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Re: Fleet Commanders and Fleet Characteristics in BFG
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2012, 11:16:51 PM »
My group's approach as been this:

Fleet commanders allow a certain number of SO to be placed each turn.

Leadership is not random can be increased or decreased on individual ships for a point adjustment.

Fleets have wargear that can be used to upgrade ships with special rules.

Certain fleets have commanders that confer special abilities to the whole fleet. 

This has provided for more strategic and characterful gameplay. 

Offline fracas

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Re: Fleet Commanders and Fleet Characteristics in BFG
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2012, 02:16:58 AM »
i like random leadership. i think it is realistic.

what about buying a squadron commander with a +1 for a specific special order

Offline Thinking Stone

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Re: Fleet Commanders and Fleet Characteristics in BFG
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2012, 02:47:02 AM »
Phthisis: I've come to like thy group's idea more and more (looking over my shoulder for Sigoroth... sorry Sigoroth!). I have an interesting idea for expanding it I've partially borrowed from another group who re-worked the main Warhammer 40K: strategy points. Essentially, this is a way to incorporate the limited information and command and control facilities available in battle that the original BFG chain of command and random leadership was designed to replicate.

Essentially, a fleet has a pool of strategy/tactical points that they get from the size of the battle or via fleet commanders. To use Special Orders, they remove a strategy point from the pool and the Special Order is passed automatically. (In the WH40K version, I like the idea of every action taking a number of strategy points but in BFG I think this more limited version is better). Also, fleets need a certain number of strategy points to disengage in one go; if a fleet uses up their last points in a desperate gamble to win the game, they can now only disengage individually, allowing the enemy to exercise their wrath as they disengage piecemeal. Finally, strategy points can be expended in deployment so that one's fleet can obtain a more advantageous position at the outset of the game.

A player now has choices in list composition ("Should I take more Fleet Command and get more special orders or should I take more actual ships to cause damage?" - representing the trade off between tactical assets), during deployment ("If I put my ships here I'll have less special orders but I will begin the game outmanoeuvring my enemy...") and during the game, since the strategy points are limited in availability. Choosing not to (or not being able to) spend strategy points represents the command and control elements of the fleet being unable to cope with the battlefield circumstances and the lack of information.

Leadership is no longer really required though, so it would need other things to represent (maybe more strategy points for squadrons with higher leadership, attack craft interactions, navigation etc.?) - I think that having a crew characteristic is good though.

I also like the other things thy group uses to make the fleet more interesting! This is essentially my original idea, that fleet commanders can take some 'Traits' that give the fleet or their squadron (for secondary characters) characteristics; something like AndrewChristlieb's suggestions but able to affect the whole fleet. E.g a fleet commander takes the 'Long Deployment' trait (a disadvantage analogous to the ones in the main rulebook's campaign section) but is now allowed to take the 'Expert Crew' or 'Extensive Scout Knowledge' traits which provide bonuses for crew stuff and strategic points respectively. Perhaps this tree idea is best?

Horizon: I have seen some of Sigoroth's ideas but it was a while ago... I liked many of them, though.

Fracas: What do you think of my alternative suggestion? Perhaps fleet/squadron traits can represent random leadership better (e.g. a fleet just out from the Academy will have no battle experience but fresh ships and crews whereas a fleet/squadron that has been engaged near the Eye of Terror for a while will have damaged ships and crews but experienced and hardened crews).

Thinking Stone.