Actually, I've been doing some playtesting on these guys, so here's my thoughts!
Be warned I am currently in the grips of insomnia, so please bear with typos and bad wording
here we go...Leadership and re-rollsI do love the assigning of re-rolls to squads, even though I was kind of iffy on them at first. I forces you to really think on where they could be best spent, and encourages use of capital ship squadrons. Not getting +1 for enemy contacts isn't really a bad thing, especially if you have a Tombship as a center for your fleet with a shroud hanging around (see below on these).
Inertialess DriveKind of OP'ed at
full Firepower/Str on SO's. Tested 3/4 and think this to be a fairer solution. Also tested full power on SO's, but particle whips as standard lances under SO's (not LO obviously), but not really a nerf when hit with full power lightning arcs.
Living metalReally didn't see the point in recording critical hits that do no damage at all, but recognize that Necron hulls have resilience above the lesser races. Tested the following (standard table)
6. Inertialess Drive damaged +0- May not benefit from ID till repaired
7. Power surge +0/1- As fire, but snazzyier name, don't see mere flame being as big a threat to undead alien robots than to meatbags
8. as is, but no damage and -1d6 AAF
9. Control Node destroyed- -2 Ld, cannot benefit from re-rolls. cannot be repaired. Originally went with sepulcher destroyed, but effectively means and extra chance for shields collapse on ships that don't have it.
11. Hull breach- +1 dam
12.Bulkhead collapse-+D3
The above seem OK to me. Thoughts?
As for repairs, the best solution for me was always rolling current hits even when in contact with BM's. Rr's and extra dice seemed overkill, especially when Canoptek swarms came into play. Did test Canoptek swarms repairing unrepairable Criticals on a 6, but that's just more overkill.
SepulchreGiving both abilities is kind of overkill. Why not just have the Sepulchre Tombship only? Bestowing Enemy contacts to all friendlies within 30cm, and a -2(3 total) for enemy disengaging. -4 just a bit over doing it IMO

Why not take the Sepulchre off the Shroud and just give it the stealth abilities? Lost if crippled?
Particle whipsThe new mechanic is great! Beats the gimmicky ignore shields on 6's hands down.
Lightning ArcA canny opponent will expliot the closest target rule to it's fullest, but that's just common sense!
PortalsTake a little getting used to, but an interesting method of deploying AC, and the re-deploy rule is damn useful in the right situations. Not to taken with portals on the Jackals though, having to go base-to-base to launch/re-launch a wave of a useful size just isn't a draw for me.
ShipsTombshipBeast. I reckon this should go for 550 pts. 600 felt a little too high for me. 500 at 10 hits may be worth a go. The model isn't as beefy as other BB's.
Tend to take 1LA and 2 Portals per side.
Either one per 1500 pts, or 1 per 3 Scythes seems the fairest solutions. Prefer the former.
Scythe Agree with it as is. Tend to take 1 all LA to shadow my tombship, and 2 all portals as a squadron. had a good amount of success so far.
ShroudWould give it the stealth abilities as mentioned above, rather than a sepluchre. would also make the prow LA fpw 2 rather than 4. It's too attractive an option otherwise.
I would actually make the side LA's fpw 3 and make the prow option fpw 3 also. I reckon this and the loss of the spepulchre would make the shroud around the 160pt mark. Thoughts?
Jackal+5d6 AAF seems more reasonable given it's firepower, 60 points otherwise
DirgeAs is.
Fleet ListThe limits for Tombship as given above, and it looks good, if limited. Wasn't there a competition to make a new Necron ship mentioned a while back?
Okay.. a little long but my 2 pence on the Neron Dynasty list. Hope it helps