So I decided to pop my head in here, because I felt like posting my Necron Scarab idea and this thread was here already...
I don't know just how much the fluff covers Necron ordnance, and if it's fully covered then may as well ignore me. However, it feels silly to give a standard ordnance loadout to the Necrons. Do we really need every race having the same thing with a different name? Mind you, wouldn't surprise me if GW has done exactly that.
Regardless, here goes nothing:
Instead of bombers/torpedo bombers/assault boats, Necrons get swarms of large scarabs. Armed with the finest Necron cutting tools (ie, weapons), they fly out to enemy ships and land on their hulls in the same way that friendly fighters might CAP. These must be destroyed by turrets and friendly fighters, and remain in place until each and every one of them has been shot to tiny living metal pieces (once landed they are treated as individual scarabs and cannot be destroyed as a wave). For each round that they remain in place, they deal x damage, or x damage per scarab. This may be fixed damage or rolled for; could be resisted by armour but not shields.