We played it that the Portals on escorts did offer AC limit. But I think this would increase it's value beyond what an escort should cost. (Don't want another Hellebore!)
The Flayer Virus is a bit ugly hidden in the 'crew skills'. What if it were part of the roll for capital ship reinforcements? Say on a roll of a 2 it has the flayer virus, gets +1 to H&Rs, +1 BV but can't be squadroned. (no minus to leadership).
The Tombship is a beast. Limiting it to 1 per 3 cruisers seems sensible.
On the Cruiser killer moments, it was locked-on and hit with the lightning arcs over the odds. Brace saves weren't unlucky, there was just too much to save against.
Escort portals: I played
Good suggestions about the promotion table! I think a Cryptek upgrade would be better instead of the extra commander.
The choice for the Sepulchre wasn't always a no brainer. Having it as both at once isn't a bad idea. But it's nice for the player to make a tactical choice even if it is a relatively obvious one.
The change of Portals for Lightning arcs is reasonable. I just can't see why you'd only want 2 portals on a Reaper if you were going to pick them (actually, it could be good for Canoptek Swarms).