Hi guys,
I just read through the new codex and it's many background changes.
In no particular order I'll throw forth the changes that effect BFG:
1. Necron ships have shields!
(I would suggest using the Quantum shielding they have on their vehicles by having better armour when the shields are up).
2. Necrons have slow interstellar travel, probably about as fast as Tau. They can still be fast in system however. (lower attack rating to 3?)
3. C'tan are no longer the guys in charge, infact they're closer to being slaves! (No C'tan themed upgrades)
4. There is a clear hiarchy, Phaerons, Overlords and Nemesors being good choices for captains and admirals, while Astromancers being good for extra rerolls.
5. Necrons use the webway! All though not as extensivley as the Eldar they do 'own' large portions of the Webway, some even large enough for fleets to travel through!
6. Necrons enslave worlds, they don't just raid them. (They could have a raiding fleet or a full battle fleet)
7. Necrons actively seek to destroy nids, and will even ally with the slave races, like humans to do so! (Necrons could ally with other fleets).
8. No Pariahs, no Dragon on Mars and no real reason why they went into stasis anymore. (okay, not too BFG relevant
9. Necrons have fighters and troop transports, Scythes. (The inclusion of AC makes sense, although using ships portals to attack through the fighters might be interesting. i.e. Scythes act as fighters but may act as assualt boats if within 30cm(?) of a Necron ship with portals).
10. Necrons have 4 different types of world: Crownworld (Hive world eqiv), Coreworld (civ equiv), Fringeworld (penal or mining equiv) and Slaveworld (this is an alien world that is under Necron rule).
Anyone else got a couple of pence to throw in the melting pot before I write up a new Necron Fleet.