Well i've been brush painting my Firestorm Armada models and i've not had any problems with the paint coming off.
Since I figured a rogue trader fleet would have a much higher proportion of light cruisers compared to regular cruisers, I need a way of cheaply constructing more Light Cruisers.
Here's one that I chopped up last night. Doesn't look too great but it only took about 3 minutes to remove a section, file each side down and glue it together again.

Since I have all my old ships from the starter set I thought I'd cannibalize a few cruisers and see how they look. Fluff wise I think they're pretty easy to explain.
Rogue Trader comes across hulk in space/buys a reserve ship. Takes it to some xeno or rogue shipyard to be refit as a light cruiser to make it more suited for his purposes, e.g. faster, fewer crew etc.
I should hopefully have another 2 dauntless' in a few days to bring my light cruiser count up to 4. Add that to my rogue trader cruiser and rogue trader murder class and i'll be able to field the two emissarys I ordered