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Author Topic: Mercurian Sector  (Read 3844 times)

Offline Hetairoi

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Mercurian Sector
« on: August 25, 2011, 11:09:29 PM »
Hey All,
Over the years I had been thinking about creating a fleetlist based around Amercian battleships from pre-WWI to WWII. While I have some background material I've doodled, I'm not ready to present yet. Ships configs I do have in abundance. I'm trying to shoot for this fleet needing to turn broad side to enemy ships, with little torpedo support save from CL's and L'xingtons. (I know L'xingtons where CB's before being converted to CV's, but I wanted a carrier BB). The time frame (in 40K) in which these ships were built, would have been around the beginning of the Dark Age of Technology or the end of the Great Diaspora/Exodus).

Now to the ships! Feel free to criticize. Points cost were completely made up. Armor ratings, turrets, and shields I tried to base around the main armor belts and AA guns actually mounted on American battleships. An interesting note, the first three classes did mount torpedoes in real life, and is incorporated herein.

Fleet Notes:

Special Rule - +1 to repair critical damage / bonus negated if ship takes a bridge smashed or engine room damaged crit (bonus cannot be regained even if the engine room is repaired) - this is represented by adding 10pts to the Smotherman cost

Launch Bays - I halved the cost of the Smotherman points (6.75) for launch bays that can only launch Furies / the L'xington has 80pts added for torpedoe bombers

Armor - I charged the full 10pts for all ships that have 4+ stern armor / I'owa's were charged 42.5 (5+/6+prow)+32.5 (6+prow) for it's armor / escorts with 5+ prows were charged 2.5 Smotherman points   

08/30/11 Added escorts
10/13/11 Added Smotherman points cost / minor tweaks to some weapons loadouts / some notes
10/25/11 Finally got the uploader to accept. Bolded points to the right of the table represent Smotherman points.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2011, 09:37:55 PM by Hetairoi »

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: Mercurian Sector
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2011, 02:14:59 AM »
For point costs, I would take the time and plot out their points using this.....

And when you have that done, compare the ships to everything you can and playtest. Anyways, I would love to see how this turns out!

I would certainly support an Illinois class cruiser of some sort :-) Can't just represent the mid-west with Iowa! If you did make an Illinois, I would probably paint Abraham Lincoln on the side with his foot up on the side on his monument's chair and he would have a white flying-V in is hands, a racoon pelt hat on, an American flag cape, camo pants, and combat boots; throwing the metal horns up in the air and headbanging. F15s flying over his head and all sorts of other badass America stuff. Oh yeah, probably Ronald Reagan on the other side, probably with a "Don't Tread On Me" flag or something sweet like that. Anyways, I'm done now.

Please make this a PDF. I would love to try it out.

Offline Hetairoi

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Re: Mercurian Sector
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2011, 02:56:17 AM »
That would be great. I'll plug these with Smotherman to see what is what. As far as mid-west classes, you'll have to wait, this is pretty much all the American BB classes save for Florida, New Mexico, and Pennsylvania. I'm also looking at DD/CL/CA classes to convert into escorts. Might even add in a B'iton/Ital'a/Ermann/N'ppon/Gu'l Sector Fleets. On a side note, LB's are mounted on the majority of the ships to reflect that most Amercian BB's in this time frame mounted 3 seaplanes for recon and light anti shipping duties.

Also thinking about an MC (Marine Corps) into the list to give a one time boarding action bonus and a permanent bonus for teleport attacks.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2011, 03:02:09 AM by Hetairoi »

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: Mercurian Sector
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2011, 04:21:32 AM »
Hehe fine. I will wait in the midwest. Anyways, I think you have some sweet ideas here.

Offline Hetairoi

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Re: Mercurian Sector
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2011, 06:38:24 AM »
Ok did some Smotherman and came up with this:
(On LB I halved the value as they can only launch fighters / all ships paid for armor 5)
Thoughts on reducing cost? I leaning towards keeping the costs listed, or reducing each by 10 pts. I'm not sure I really want these cruisers to be as cheap as Chaos or Tau ones.

N’vada      Armor 5 – 4  stern   Speed 20  Turret 2  Shield 2  Pts 180 (160 Smotherman)
Port                      Starboard              Prow         Dorsal
WB Str 4 30CM      WB Str 4 30CM      LB 3         WB 8 45CM
Lance Str 1 30CM   Lance Str 1 30CM

Notes: Can only launch fighters.

T’nn’ssee    Armor 5 – 4  stern   Speed 20  Turret 2  Shield 2  Pts 180 (140 Smotherman)
Port                         Starboard           Prow                Dorsal
WB Str 6 30CM      WB Str 6 30CM      LB 3         WB Str 8 45CM

Notes: Can only launch fighters.

C’lorado    Armor 5 – 4  stern   Speed 20  Turret 2  Shield 2  Pts 190 (180 Smotherman)
Port                    Starboard      Prow              Dorsal
Lance Str 2 30CM   Lance Str 2 30CM   LB 3         WB Str 8 45CM
                                              Lance Str 2 30CM

Notes: Can only launch fighters.

South D’kota   Armor 5      Speed 20  Turret 3  Shield 3  Pts 220 (200 Smotherman)
Port                       Starboard               Prow         Dorsal
WB Str 6 30CM      WB Str 6 30CM      LB 3         WB Str 8 45CM
Lance Str 2 45CM   Lance Str 2 45CM   

I also have a cruiser design worked out in Google Sketch. I basically took the Hiigaran destroyer from HW2, deleted the stern facing and ventral turrets, added a third prow facing turret, deleted the starboard bridge, working on a superstructure, and adding small turrets to the port and starboard. It looks nice so far, might have these cast up once done.

Offline afterimagedan

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Re: Mercurian Sector
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2011, 03:17:59 PM »
I do not see the amount of hits anywhere. Am I missing something?

Offline Hetairoi

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Re: Mercurian Sector
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2011, 04:33:20 PM »
All CA's and CB's are 8 hit / BB's are 12 / CL's are 6 / and escorts are 1

Offline Hetairoi

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Re: Mercurian Sector
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2011, 04:09:23 AM »
See first post for some changes

Thinking about allowing Chaos ships as reserves per the Bastion List with some changes. All Chaos ships cost an extra 20pts as they can no longer be taken over by opposing Chaos players and will no longer become unreliable against when facing other races, but will fail all command checks if doubles are rolled even if passed. Also, when facing Chaos players, failed command checks (no matter the reason) will result in the ship not being able to turn and can only shoot weapons batteries and lances at half strength.

Thoughts on the above and other notes? As soon as I figure out how, I'll attach my excel table for the ships data (I keep getting uploader is full even though the PDF is only 54KB)
« Last Edit: October 14, 2011, 04:16:10 AM by Hetairoi »

Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: Mercurian Sector
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2011, 04:58:32 AM »
Umm sure! But am I the only one who thinks it should be a japanese chaos fleet... :D
I don't make the rules, I just think them up and write them down.

Offline Hetairoi

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Re: Mercurian Sector
« Reply #9 on: October 14, 2011, 05:01:55 AM »
Umm sure! But am I the only one who thinks it should be a japanese chaos fleet... :D

Actually, I was building a N'ppon Sector also, though I wanna firm up Mercuria and B'iton Sectors first  ;)

Offline Hetairoi

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Re: Mercurian Sector
« Reply #10 on: October 25, 2011, 09:57:57 PM »
Looking at the IJN fleet, they only had 4 battleship types produced between 1940-1944. The earlier versions were made by Britain. So thinking that the IJN will be a carrier heavy fleet.

IJN Battleship classes
Kongo / Fuso-Ise / Yamato

The Yamato has the same main armor belt of the Iowa but a thicker deck armor (Iowa=6" / Yamato=7.75"). Bigger main guns (18" vs 16") but fewer secondaries (Iowa= 20x5" DP / Yamato 12x6.1" DP)

A quick down and dirty:
Y'mato      6+/5+stern   5 shields  4 turrets
dorsal    WB 10    60cm  L/F/R
port      WB 6        60cm
starboard  WB 6         60 cm
prow   lance 4   60cm  L/F/R
keel            3 launch bays   (Furies only)

For carriers
S'inano 6+/4+ stern (based off of the Yamato hull in real life) 4 shields 4 turrets
dorsal                  WB 6 30cm L/F/R
port/starboard     WB 6 30cm
port/starboard     6 launch bays
prow                    2 launch bays (8 total AC)

T'iho 5+/4+ stern 2 shields 2 turrets
dorsal                 lance 3 30cm L/F/R
prow                   WB 4 30cm L/F/R
port/starboard   4 launch bays (4 total AC)

S'okaku  5+/4+ stern 2 shields 3 turrets
dorsal                 WB 6 30cm L/F/R
port/starboard    6 launch bays (6 total AC)