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Author Topic: Fleet for tournament  (Read 17637 times)

Offline horizon

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Re: Fleet for tournament
« Reply #15 on: August 28, 2011, 08:35:09 PM »
iirc mms 1.9 had them at 80pts. That is the version I created, thus not the BFG:R adaption.

But, yeah, due the original hellebore crap it is easily overlooked. But in mms we gave it purpose. yay.

Offline Sigoroth

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Re: Fleet for tournament
« Reply #16 on: August 29, 2011, 05:47:14 AM »
Hellebores are 75 pts in MMS v1.9, 80 pts if you upgrade them to minelayers. As for minimum points values to use the VS that's easy, 1k points. Minimum for a VS and Eclipse for me is 1500 pts.

Offline Ghuda

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Re: Fleet for tournament
« Reply #17 on: August 30, 2011, 09:04:06 PM »
Now here she is! The paintwork is not completely done yet, but as a father of two kids I don't have that much time to spend on painting :(

I name her the Varda fleet

50   Shadow Prince                  Fingon Ancale   (Fingon The Radiant One)
480   Void Stalker + AB             Elentari Ilfirin   (Immortal Queen of the Stars)
285   Eclipse + GK                  Amal Orea      (Mother of Dawn)
150   3x Nightshade                 Sorne Esta sq   (Eagle I sq)
150   3x Nightshade                 Sorne Attea sq   (Eagle II sq)
150   3x Hemlock                  Fealoce sq      (Fire Dragon sq)
210   3x Hemlock + 1 Aconite   Feanaro sq           (Fire Spirit sq)
25   Extra Reroll

I used Quenya for the names of the ships (I play a lot of Dungeons and dragons, thus my Eldar are very elvish).

I will play my first battle in the tournament this friday against Chaos. My idea is to try to get my escorts (one sq of H & N on each side of the battlefield) behind his fleet and lure him to my capital ships (if it is possible with a hiding place for them nearby). Hopefully he will split up his fleet due to the threat of the escorts that I can strike his carriers and then I win the ordnance battle with my 8 launch bays and 16 torps.

Please I would like your opinions on how to fight chaos.

P.S. I can show you the fleet lists of all my opponents if you are interested

Offline Ghuda

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Re: Fleet for tournament
« Reply #18 on: August 30, 2011, 09:06:43 PM »
I could not upload the picture of my fleet :(. The attachment folder is full or something.

Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: Fleet for tournament
« Reply #19 on: August 30, 2011, 10:52:31 PM »
You have to be a little more cautious against chaos than most fleets because of their lr guns. Make sure you use your terrain to block los as much as possible.

When your moving your escorts take it a bit slower than you might against say imps and see how he reacts. If he moves to follow or intercept one take your ships on the other side around his back side while keeping your ships he is intercepting just out of gun range. Once you are behind him you can move your capitols around and move your escorts that are being intercepted to where they were, basically moving clock wise or counterclockwise around him. Once some of your ships are behind him hit and run to his rear staying to the limit of your range and dropping back your 2nd move. If the sun is with you the only weapons he might be able to use next turn will be his 60's if at all. If he breaks off to defend his rear you can move in for the kill with your other ships. If not continue to play cat and mouse trying to keep your sips to the extreme rear and at the limit of your range.

If they ignore your escorts and go after your caps get the escorts behind them as quickly as possible and hit them as above while keeping you caps outta range.

Use your fighters to cover the escorts targeting ab's then bomber waves as ab's are usually sent as singles or with a single fighter escort. Remember your 8 launch works out to 12 on average with their saves.

Your right in targeting launch ships first cripple or kill as many as need be for you to be on top with ordnance then focus on the longest range weapon threats.
I don't make the rules, I just think them up and write them down.

Offline horizon

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Re: Fleet for tournament
« Reply #20 on: August 31, 2011, 04:05:17 AM »
At Ghuda, sounds all good.
For the picture: upload it to sites like photobucket, flick, stashbox. Or if you have a gmail account with picasa to the webalbum. Then place a link to the picture in here.

At AndrewChrislieb, he is playing the (utterly cool) fanrules Eldar MMS v1.9. So nothing of this ridiculous dropping back with the 2nd move. ;)

In case of further questions, here is the link to those rules:
the first link, the link to the DE you can ignore except for the brilliant artwork.

Offline Ghuda

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Re: Fleet for tournament
« Reply #21 on: August 31, 2011, 08:00:48 AM »
Horizon thnx!

Here is the link:

Any more thoughts on how to fight chaos?

Is someone interested in the my opponents' armies? We have decided to announce our fleet to each other before the games. So everyone can prepare for battle

In addition to my tactics, I 'll send two fighters with every escort squadron (on cap) to protect them

Offline horizon

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Re: Fleet for tournament
« Reply #22 on: August 31, 2011, 08:10:20 AM »
Nice fleet. Sails need some more inner work I guess?

How to fight Chaos. Depends on the fleet.

As for fighter protection -> can be done but I would adapt to the battle flow.

Chaos has long range. But only 5+ prows. So batteries will be effective.

Make you attack run count. Timing is crucial. Do not go into attrition. It does not hurt to fly away and plan a new attack run.
Especially escorts are good for this.
Carriers are top priority when sniping.

Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: Fleet for tournament
« Reply #23 on: September 01, 2011, 02:30:17 AM »
Ok cool sorry for the misunderstanding. I do see some really good things with the mms rules espically the added durability but I dont really get the mms part tho? This seems like it is designed to make the eldar play like all of the other races which kinda defeats the point of them being different. Ill have to play around with it and see if I can get a feel for it I guess  ;D.
I don't make the rules, I just think them up and write them down.

Offline horizon

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Re: Fleet for tournament
« Reply #24 on: September 01, 2011, 04:07:27 AM »
Yeah, you should.

Yes, the become a little more like others but that is the key issue to avoid the msm (original rules) core rule breaking mechanism aka movement takes place in the movement phase.
mms means that Eldar are pretty fast and pretty manoeuvrable. Top if the bill. They still need to coordinate and time their attack runs.

Offline Ghuda

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Re: Fleet for tournament
« Reply #25 on: September 07, 2011, 07:03:21 PM »
Last friday I lost my first battle :(.  I made some stupid rokie mistakes in this batlle and learned a lot :).

I played against the folowing chaos fleet:
150p - Warmaster Ld 9 / Extra re-roll / Mark of Tzeentch
035p - Chaos Space Marines
260p - Styx Heavy Cruiser
190p - Acheron Heavy Cruiser
190p - Devastation Cruiser
180p - Inferno Cruiser
180p - Inferno Cruiser
165p - Slaughter Cruiser
150p - Iconoclast Escort x 5

On the field there was one little astroid field (15cm by 5cm) on the battle field near my deployment area.

The battle (short version):
In the first round I one of my nighshade sq was crippeled by lances. Then I got my oponent to split up his fleet (because I tried to get one sq of nightshades and one sq of hemlocks behind him) and attacked the two carriers with half my fleet (Void stalker + hemlocks with aconite), but could not destroy them before they disengaged due to stupid mistakes. On the other side of the table I decided to attack a cruiser as a distraction. I tried to lure him away from the carriers even more but I pushed this attack to much and I lost a whole squadron of nightshades and my sq of hemlocks, and my eclipse were crippled. In the end I could only cripple the styx, devastation and his iconoclast squadron ( I could not destroy the last escort). I did not have sufficient fire power left on the table to fight four cruisers and disengaged.

Next battle vs Imperials
The imperial fleet:
50       Captain (Ld8)
345     Victory Class Battleship
260     Dominion Class Battlecruiser
220     Dictator Class Cruiser   
195     Dominator Class Cruiser (+Turret)
195     Dominator Class Cruiser (+Turret)
210     6x Viper Class Destroyer
25       1 Reroll

Thoughts on how to fight this army?
I know this guy and he won't split up his fleet so the tactics used vs chaos won't work

Offline horizon

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Re: Fleet for tournament
« Reply #26 on: September 07, 2011, 07:13:36 PM »
Aside of Victory & Dominion the Imperial Navy has less gunnery range, less speed. So easier for to setup an attack run.
tomorrow more.

That you lost with mms ain't bad for the ruleset to be honest. I want a 50/50 approach of utter complete balance. haha

Offline kevinrose

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Re: Fleet for tournament
« Reply #27 on: September 07, 2011, 10:24:14 PM »
I Agree!

Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: Fleet for tournament
« Reply #28 on: September 08, 2011, 12:13:01 AM »
I like that imp list :D.  Im assuming that he is taking the Dictator as a reserve?  Almost all of their long range weapons are lances which works to your favor (lances dont like holo fields).  As your closing try to keep a minimum of 6cm between your escorts (stem to stem) to limit the effectiviness of his novas and use any terrain you can to block them.  Use your nightshades torps to knock out his larger salvos or use your manuverability to avoid them.  Imps are slooooow.... use that to your advantage by making sure that when you have your ships at about 60cm out from his when you stop.  By stoping 60cm out from him his next turn will leave him outside of range on all but his lr lances and 6 weps even if he aaf's on average. On your next movement he will be at 40-50cm (assuming he has not used aaf) placing you at the optimum point to move in close and unload focus on the dominators as they pose the biggest threat up close or the carriers if your having problems with them (you shouldn't be with your fighters).  On his next turn he will have several braced or crippled ships and be forced to move at least 10cm past you to try and bring their guns to bear.
I don't make the rules, I just think them up and write them down.

Offline Ghuda

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Re: Fleet for tournament
« Reply #29 on: September 09, 2011, 05:46:26 AM »
tomorrow more.

I am looking forward to your opinion on how to fight this imperial army :)