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Author Topic: Relatively new to BFG- First Ork Fleet.  (Read 8691 times)

Offline CatSquig

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Relatively new to BFG- First Ork Fleet.
« on: July 21, 2011, 04:55:24 PM »
Howdy folks, I'm starting up BFG (wanted to for years but never got around to it..)
So I thought I'd finally get to work and start up my fleet.

Iv built afew lists before etc but having never played outside of 1 or 2 tester games, I'm not 100% sure what to put in these lists (I always end up with lots of Cruisers and little to no Escorts :P).

I know what I want, I'm after a heavy ordinance Ork fleet with lots of Fighta-Bombers (& perhaps some Torpedo's too for good measure).
So I was wondering if you could all give me afew tips.
I have both the BFG Books but it's come to my attention they are out of date now and I should use the new rules/costs from the PDF's (once I find 'em).

So if you could give me some standard builds or even an example lists it'd be much appreciated, Lemmi know what makes a good Cruiser/Escort balance (for Orks) and all tips/advice are welcome!

Thanks in advance.

(p.s. Whats the "normal" size of a game? 1,000pts? 1,500pts?)
(p.p.s. Also I have a converted up Space Hulk I'd like to use in a list sometime, however even after reading the book I don't quite get how they work, do you use them in campaigns? Can you use them in one offs? Or are they unbalanced in normal games etc, Thanks!)
« Last Edit: July 21, 2011, 05:00:14 PM by CatSquig »

Offline horizon

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Re: Relatively new to BFG- First Ork Fleet.
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2011, 09:21:46 PM »
1000-1500pts is good. 1500 being a good value overall.

Space Hulks can be taken in the armada fleet. Some people use them. I would play against them without a problem.

Fighter bombers is the key to Orks being effective. Pity, as they should be more escort focussed tbh.

The new faq's can be found in the sig of user flybywire.

Offline CatSquig

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Re: Relatively new to BFG- First Ork Fleet.
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2011, 10:07:33 PM »
That's fantastic, I was giving them a read over...

God I can't wrap my head around these new rules though, Turret Suppression and stuff.

Hurrah that sounds good, and honest I like the idea of few Escorts, Only good thing about Orks is their cruisers have afew more hit points, so I'd like to use that... (Plus it's easier to convert with models :P).

So I'd be looking to make a 1,500pts fleet list, then another with a Space Hulk in (and maybe Roks). But not sure what I should go for... or what's a good balance between all the ship types etc.

Offline horizon

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Re: Relatively new to BFG- First Ork Fleet.
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2011, 06:13:02 AM »
Balance fluff wise or effectice wise?

Offline CatSquig

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Re: Relatively new to BFG- First Ork Fleet.
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2011, 10:09:33 AM »
Well my fleet is already themed with alittle backstory, every ship in it is scratch build from imperial and chaos parts after a huge battle between the two left hulk fragments just floating around in space near an early-stage Ork planet, so as soon as afew bits began falling they scooped up the ability to space travel and quickly began slamming all the floating hulks together to make more ships :P

To quickly sum it up. So I'd prefer an effective fleet, there's no fun in playing against a fleet that will always loose, so a good balance would be nice.

Offline Zelnik

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Re: Relatively new to BFG- First Ork Fleet.
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2011, 04:44:31 PM »
Okay, let me give you a bit of an overview.

Orks are meant to be FUN to play, not necessarily effective to play.  That is a recurrent theme with most specialist games. The simple truth of it is, you won't win every game, but most games will be a LOT of fun!

The new rules and the old rules STILL APPLY. You may use either, it's your choice if you want krooza heavy (like me) or escort heavy. If you want Krooza's go old rules. Escorts, new rules.

Sadly, all the sexy new rules do not apply to the old rules.. no grabba clawz for my kroozas  :'(

Next, is ordnance. Fighta Bomma's are brutal customers, make no mistake, and Terror ships outclass Kill Krooza's just about every time, many don't even bother using them in their fleets.

Here is what ya gotta ask yourself: how do you want to krump your enemy?

Shootin? Boardin and rammin? fighta bommas?

These things will determine what your fleet will be built with

Offline CatSquig

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Re: Relatively new to BFG- First Ork Fleet.
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2011, 05:33:42 PM »
Hah! Awesome ^^
I know Orkz will be fun, it's the main reason I'm starting them..
(Also eventually planning a 'Nid fleet, instinct chart seems fun :P)

I guess I can pick the rules (house rule which edition etc) but I'd prefer to play with the most used currently, I'd imagine it's the most upto date?

I'd personally love to go Cruiser heavy since, they will be easier to convert xP and I don't really like many of the Ork escorts, I guess they are useful but I'd rather have the big butch 10 hull point Kroozers supported by ordinance instead of escorts.
I imagine myself mainly beating them with Fighta-bombers (and abit of dakka-dakka/ramming to finish the job ;P since random/heavy Dakka is fun and ramming makes games XD).

Offline Taggerung

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Re: Relatively new to BFG- First Ork Fleet.
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2011, 05:04:02 PM »
Terror ships are fantastic. So are ravagers.

A fleet made up of those is a super simple fleet, and brutally effective...until you fight eldar.

Offline CatSquig

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Re: Relatively new to BFG- First Ork Fleet.
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2011, 09:30:22 AM »
So the "Ork Clanz in Battlefleet Gothic" PDF (aka 'ERE WE GO 'ERE WE GO 'ERE WE GO!)
Looks like the most upto date list and has everything I want in it..

Seems like it gets huge advantages over other lists, free Warbosses, better upgrades, leadership bonus to Skwaadrons, all sorts of Battleships & Kroozers from both Gothic books... Aswell as, if you fancy it, Ork Clan bonuses.

What are the disadvantage of this list?
Since I defiantly feel I'll be using this one to build my list.

/Edit: Ah... Found the disadvantage, it forces you to take lots of Escorts.. So you can't have a Kroozer heavy fleet >.< Meh!

Oh and btw is there any Gothic only forums left around? I came here from Port Maw but can't seem to find anything else dedicated (and active).

« Last Edit: July 31, 2011, 11:23:30 AM by CatSquig »

Offline CatSquig

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Re: Relatively new to BFG- First Ork Fleet.
« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2011, 11:56:47 AM »
Afew quick questions before I make my fleet;

*For +5pts, are Boarding Torpedo's worth it? Since if they in theory 'deal no damage' they are only good for taking out escorts, or am I underestimating the impact Critical Hits have in the game?

*Following the above question, Iv read in the 2010 FAQ that Boarding Torpedo's now need to roll against the enemy armor? So is there really any reason to use them?

*Still sticking with Hit-and-Run questions, Why would I ever use Assault Boats over Fighta-Bombers? I'm guessing they ignore armor, unlike Boarding Torpedo's.. But still wouldn't a Fighta-Bomber do more in almost every circumstance?

*To quote from the 2010 PDF, "Ork capital ships can add +2 turrets to their ships for +20pts, Ork escorts may add +1 turret for +5pts per escort". Is this worth it at all for Cruisers or Escorts? I should have enough Fighters to not have to worry about needing more turrets... So, Opinions?

*With Torpedo's(/All Ordinance?) etc now being in "Size 3 salvo's" (2.5cm's) with a D6 next to them to show their Strength, how are people representing them? I'll be converting my own so.. Any ideas on what I can use to base them? How is other Ordinance represented too, has anything else changed?

*And Finally.. Can anyone please explain to me in simple terms how turret suppression works?


Offline Zelnik

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Re: Relatively new to BFG- First Ork Fleet.
« Reply #10 on: August 08, 2011, 02:11:51 PM »
Hold on, I must squee at your adorable avatar.

Ok, now on to your questions.

1. Depends, H&R attacks can be beastly if used right, but overall, no. You need your points elsewhere

2.if you are nids or marines, yes.

3. Fightabommas are notoriously unreliable. With assault boats you at least have a garanteed shot at knocking out enemy weapons or a lucky engine.

4. Never assume you will -ever- reload with orks.  You get one big waaaaagh! Alpha strike, then it is five turns to get a reload or lock on to work...

5. I use the st3 token, and cut the bigger ones down to size. I don't need that many.

6. If you have a fighter in the same squadron as bombers, it effectively gives you one assured attack no matter how high the turret value of the defending ship is.  So long as you have a fighter for each bomber and vice versa. If the fighter is shot down by turret fire, the effect still happens. It is effectively (d6-turret value) +1.  You can only be subtracted to zero in the parenthases.

Offline CatSquig

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Re: Relatively new to BFG- First Ork Fleet.
« Reply #11 on: August 08, 2011, 02:46:59 PM »
3. Fightabommas are notoriously unreliable. With assault boats you at least have a garanteed shot at knocking out enemy weapons or a lucky engine

6. If you have a fighter in the same squadron as bombers, it effectively gives you one assured attack no matter how high the turret value of the defending ship is.  So long as you have a fighter for each bomber and vice versa. If the fighter is shot down by turret fire, the effect still happens. It is effectively (d6-turret value) +1.  You can only be subtracted to zero in the parenthases.

"Ork fighta-bommas and other attack craft that behave as both bombers and fighters apply this bonus by adding +1attack for each marker in the wave (after attacks are modified by turrets), meaning each ordinance marker that survives against turrets will be able to conduct atleast one attack and will not have a minimum of zero attacks."

Doesn't that make fighta-bomma's very reliable since they always get atleast 1 attack off?
I DO understand now however so thank you very much for explaining it to me!

(p.s. How do you use H&R attacks correctly then, to make them beastly? :P)

Offline CatSquig

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Re: Relatively new to BFG- First Ork Fleet.
« Reply #12 on: August 08, 2011, 02:50:45 PM »
Right well here is my test list, using the Armarda List along with the 2010 FAQ updates...
I'd appreciate all feedback and suggestions;

Gorbags Revenge - 310pts
Ork Warlord + 40pts
2xRe-Rolls +40pts
Extra Power Fields + 25pts
Total: 415pts

Ork Terror Ship - 185pts
Ork Terror Ship - 185pts
Ork Terror Ship - 185pts
Ork Warlord + 40pts
2xRe-Rolls + 40pts
Total: 595pts

6xRavager Attack Ship - 240pts

5xBrute Ram Ship - 125pts
5xBrute Ram Ship - 125pts

Grand Total: 1,500pts

Defiantly feel I'm lacking on Firepower, really wanted to take a Hammer BattleKroozer but I'd need 4 normal Kroozers for that. I guess where Firepower is lacking it will be made up by the huge amount of Ordinance that'll be put out, along with my Brute Ram ships taking out any Cruisers that stray close enough.
Originally I just had 1 Re-roll on Gorbags, but as I finished writing the list it had 20pts spare... So I just slapped on another re-roll, however I feel I may have afew too many, maybe I should get +2 Turrets on Gorbags Revenge for +20pts... or perhaps Looted Torpedoes (+20pts) on one of my Terror ships (the one with a Warboss on) or something like that... hell maybe even Mega-armoured Boarding Parties (15pts) + Boarding Torpedoes (5pts) on one etc...?

But yes any and all advice is welcome, I'd really like tips and such to make a good list.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2011, 02:53:01 PM by CatSquig »

Offline Zelnik

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Re: Relatively new to BFG- First Ork Fleet.
« Reply #13 on: August 08, 2011, 04:48:29 PM »
How do you make h&r beastly? Numbers! Focus on one vital ship and shut it down.

Ignore power feilds, take looted torpedos on gorbag.

Also, remember you need 2 kroozas for one hammer.

My fleet

4x terror ships
2x hammer battlekroozas w/ warbosses and looted torps
6x brute rams
Exactly 1500.

You don't need the rerolls as much as you think.  You will fail most of your rolls anyway, expect it.

Offline CatSquig

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Re: Relatively new to BFG- First Ork Fleet.
« Reply #14 on: August 08, 2011, 04:58:04 PM »
expect it.

That seems like a solid list I may have to steal it, will give both lists a test and make my own from experience, thanks for all the help.
Also looted torps over an extra shield? O_O Really?