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Author Topic: Fleet Commander Placement  (Read 2917 times)

Offline Trickstick

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Fleet Commander Placement
« on: July 20, 2011, 02:06:37 AM »
Ok, so I was talking to my opponent about the placement of fleet commanders and we were of different opinions on the matter. He thought that you needed to place them as you built the list, whereas I thought that you could place them after rolling for leadership. Which of us is correct? If you could point out the bit in the rules it would help too. We are using 2010.

We played it his way and I stuck my Fleet-Admiral on my Apocalypse class. However, my dictator rolled LD6 (booo) and it would have been really helpful to stick the admiral on it. It ended up only getting one wave of ordnance out for the entire game. I still won though.
"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." - Hanlon's Razor

Offline Sigoroth

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Re: Fleet Commander Placement
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2011, 05:54:45 AM »
This should be in rule questions forum.

Characters are placed after leadership is generated. Squadrons are also formed after leadership is generated.

Offline Phthisis

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Re: Fleet Commander Placement
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2011, 07:10:58 PM »
In that case, wouldn't the fleet commander have to be on the Apoc rather than the Dictator anyway due to the Apoc being a more expensive ship (and a larger class)?

Shameless Plug:
In our rules, your Dictator wouldn't get screwed like this regardless of where you.put your fleet commander.
A 42% chance of passing an RO check on a Dictator is terrible.  Was this your only carrier?  Have fun with those 6WBs you paid 200pts for.T3

Offline horizon

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Re: Fleet Commander Placement
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2011, 09:19:43 PM »

Chaos has the ruling the commander (warmaster) must be on the most expensive ship. The Imperial Navy does not have that ruling, thus you can place your admiral on any ship (quite handy if your Emperor rolled Ld9 already, admiral on a cheaper ship).

It is not fluffy to be honest.

Oh, he won with only one wave of ordnance from his Dictator. Guess those 6wb did help something. ;)

Offline Trickstick

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Re: Fleet Commander Placement
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2011, 01:48:28 AM »
In our rules, your Dictator wouldn't get screwed like this regardless of where you.put your fleet commander.

I don't know, I quite like the random happenings of the leadership. I had a Mars class as well so it wasn't that bad. The Swords really saved the day though, my opponent underestimated them and they got a lot of criticals, causing a few cripples and a warp drive implosion within his fleet.


Chaos has the ruling the commander (warmaster) must be on the most expensive ship. The Imperial Navy does not have that ruling, thus you can place your admiral on any ship (quite handy if your Emperor rolled Ld9 already, admiral on a cheaper ship).

It is not fluffy to be honest.

I know that Chaos has their placement decided before they even start but I can't find the bit in the rules saying you can place your admiral after LD is rolled. It probably doesn't help that our most experienced player (the one teaching us a lot of the rules) is chaos, so would never have thought about it.
"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." - Hanlon's Razor

Offline Admiral_d_Artagnan

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Re: Fleet Commander Placement
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2011, 04:06:52 AM »
Phthisis, don't insert your rules for now. He is asking about the existing rules. Let's not confuse him further.

Offline Phthisis

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Re: Fleet Commander Placement
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2011, 05:20:30 AM »
 ;D  Alright.  It was admittedly shameless.

Offline Vaaish

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Re: Fleet Commander Placement
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2011, 05:52:42 AM »
As horizon said, in an IN fleet, you aren't required to place the admiral on your most expensive ship. Just move him to the ship his leadership is most needed on.

Offline horizon

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Re: Fleet Commander Placement
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2011, 06:14:47 AM »
I know that Chaos has their placement decided before they even start but I can't find the bit in the rules saying you can place your admiral after LD is rolled. It probably doesn't help that our most experienced player (the one teaching us a lot of the rules) is chaos, so would never have thought about it.
I know, it is hidden somewhere but lets see if I can find it... The Ships of Mars rules iirc?