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Author Topic: New Imperial Player  (Read 5816 times)

Offline Trickstick

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New Imperial Player
« on: June 23, 2011, 05:27:00 PM »
Hi all. I have just started to get into BFG, it looks really fun and I love naval combat games. I just wanted to throw out a list and ask for some advice.

Apocalypse Class Battleship,
2x Dictator Class Cruisers w/ power ram,
2x Lunar Class Cruisers w/ nova cannon,
3x Sword Class Escorts,
3x Sword Class Escorts.


1500 pts.

I like the look of the Apocalypse. I know it may not be the best battleship but it seems to fit my idea of getting up in their face. The nova cannons are so that the enemy can't just sit back and play cat and mouse with me, I am hoping that it will force them to close.
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Offline Koshi

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Re: New Imperial Player
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2011, 05:43:53 PM »
Yes not bad. But Dictators with power ram?  Should they get to the frontline with support from the swords?

Offline Trickstick

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Re: New Imperial Player
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2011, 05:53:59 PM »
It was more that I had 10 points spare. They could be useful if I fail to reload or something.

I am slightly worried that putting novas on the Lunars cuts my torpedoes down too much. I was thinking that without needing to reload they can lock on or move more.
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Offline fracas

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Re: New Imperial Player
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2011, 06:51:31 PM »
ditch some swords to upgrade your lunars to armageddons BCs

Offline Trickstick

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Re: New Imperial Player
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2011, 12:13:25 AM »
Well I am using the bastion fleet list, so I need 2 cruisers per battlecruiser. So I can't take two armageddons without four cruisers.
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Offline fracas

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Re: New Imperial Player
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2011, 12:26:51 AM »
your ship choices can be had in the Armageddon Fleet list, which allows 1 battle cruiser per cruiser
thing is you are short on batteries at 45cm. usually doesn't matter till you face eldar.
not sure the nova cannon will be enough for that.
btw, the armageddon bc can take an nova cannon for 20 pts.

Offline Sigoroth

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Re: New Imperial Player
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2011, 05:38:31 AM »
It was more that I had 10 points spare. They could be useful if I fail to reload or something.

I am slightly worried that putting novas on the Lunars cuts my torpedoes down too much. I was thinking that without needing to reload they can lock on or move more.

If you fail to reload you won't be ramming. From my experience torps > NC. Also, you can AAF your cruisers to get into shotgun range without reducing your torpedo strength. The Dictators can either provide fighter cover to clear CAP or, if you get within 20cm, support the torpedo assault with bombers. Of course, this presupposes you haven't already launched.

Offline Trickstick

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Re: New Imperial Player
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2011, 01:13:13 PM »
I hadn't seen that you need to do AAF to ram, so that tactic is out.

I am now thinking that the nova cannons could be a waste if my plan is to get in their face. The one on the slower battleship may be enough to offer some long range support. So now I am thinking this bastion fleet:

2x Dictator,
2x Lunar,
3x Sword,
3x Sword,

Fleet Admiral,
Veteran Captain.

The veteran can go on a dictator to help keep the ordnance flying as I close. Are veteran captains a waste of points? I couldn't think of another way to spend them.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2011, 06:00:35 PM by Trickstick »
"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." - Hanlon's Razor

Offline Browncoat(USA)

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Re: New Imperial Player
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2011, 09:39:58 PM »
I've never understood the power ram thing... is that purely cosmetic (i.e. there isn't a nova cannon in front) or is there a mechanical benefit?

Offline RCgothic

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Re: New Imperial Player
« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2011, 11:23:15 PM »
Power Rams are 5pts each, and do an automatic hit when ramming in addition to any other damage caused, the equivalent of between an extra 3 and 6 dice against most targets

Offline Zelnik

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Re: New Imperial Player
« Reply #10 on: June 25, 2011, 05:14:17 PM »
trick, cudos to you for taking battlefleet cadia... it's not the easiest fleet to play!

I looked at your fleet. It's pretty damn solid, and a veteran capitan on your dictators is a good idea, assuming your going to squadron them.

Power rams are very useful, I cannot express how many times a ramming action has changed the course of a game, though usually it's the result of the enemy being overconfident, and not expecting 180+ points of angry cruiser slamming into their face.

Offline Vaaish

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Re: New Imperial Player
« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2011, 12:58:37 AM »
If he is planning on squadroning the dictators, why bother with the veteran captain? Just put the admiral on one of them and you'll end up with LD9 most of the time with the enemy on SO. Seriously, 50 points is rather excessive for the +1 ld. Even Chaos pays half that for the same thing. Use the points on NC, then you'll have three instead of one which is a good number in a 1500 point fleet.

Or just drop the vet captain use the armageddon list and fiddle with the escorts to take armageddon CBs instead of lunars.

Offline Sigoroth

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Re: New Imperial Player
« Reply #12 on: June 26, 2011, 03:32:32 AM »
Yeah, I'm with Vaaish, just use the Armageddon list and swap the Lunars for Armageddons. At 235 pts they're now worth taking (barely). The vet captains may be a reasonable idea but they just cost so much.

I personally prefer torps to NC but if you're going to go that route then 3 is a good number. I wouldn't do that here though, since I'd not put the Apocalypse prow on.

Offline Trickstick

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Re: New Imperial Player
« Reply #13 on: June 26, 2011, 03:46:37 AM »
I reread the Cadia rules, I completely missed the "pick lowest of two" leadership rule. Now I see why you said it isn't an easy fleet.

I don't fancy battlefleet armageddon. The extra battlecruisers sound nice but I really want to take swords as escorts, as they can stay abeam. However, I don't fancy taking marines and swords have to be RSVs.

Would the extra NCs really help with my ranged attacks. They do seem pretty random. However, I'm a Guard player at heart, so strong yet inaccurate blasts is kind of my thing. I'm just concerned that I won't have enough torpedoes to obliterate things up close. It would mean that the lunars don't need to reload, although all of my ordnance would be on two ships.

I can't actually decide if I want the Apocalypse. I looks like a nice model but seems to lack range for a battleship. The Retribution looks nice, although not very powerful. The Emperor seems to be what most people take, although I would probably have to drop the dictators. Those points could go on a battlecruiser upgrade.

So many decisions. This makes thinking about 40k lists seem easy, and there are only 5 capital ships to think about.
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Offline fracas

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Re: New Imperial Player
« Reply #14 on: June 26, 2011, 04:28:47 AM »
Look at battle fleet bakka