I'm listening keenly and I'm very greatful that you guys have been hashing this out with me.
I may be stuborn but I'm not uncomfortable changing my opinion due to a solid counter argument.
The main counter that I'm hearing for 2 shields is that SCs are too fragile in comparison to a full cruiser. But how is this a problem?
Why can't SM's have weaker ships than IN or Chaos?SM's should lose more ships in a game than IN. Afterall they are 'cheaper'.
Given the correct points values a SM fleet should be able to equal most other fleets, with the odd exception due to lance weighting. Just like any other fleet.
So the real question is what is the preferable ratio of offense to defense in the fleet and the number of ships in comparison to other fleets.
Assume that a SC will cost roughly 3/4 of a normal cruiser. It should balance its offensive and defensive quailties to match this. Keeping in mind that the more defensive you are the more turns you'll get to shoot your lesser weapons, and the more expensive you are the more weapons will be shooting at you reducing your defense rating. e.g. A Mars class BC has a far worse defense rating than a Dominator as it costs so much more.
If a SC had identical defense to an IN cruiser and cost 3/4 of its price it should have half it's firepower. However if it had 3/4 of it defense it would also have 3/4 of its firepower. Obviously this is a rough rule and you do have to take the fudge factor into account such as when a ship has a very specialised role compared to a more versatile but less efficient ship, or when you have 'token' firepower.
I prefer the 3/4 of an IN ship leaning towards defense but many of you seem to want the same damage but half firepower, or worse an equivlent: a Light cruiser wearing the shoes of a full cruiser. Which means you need 2 SCs to match the firepower/ordy of a normal cruiser. And this isn't even taking their special rules into account of cost.
Given that SCs should be cheaper than IN cruisers and that they have special rules they can't be too impressive.
1 TH on a SC: I don't like token weapons, especially when they can be used to increase the AC limit for a specific class as they have to be taken hand in hand to be effective. In the case of having a single SC TH versus 3 or 4 on a BaB. As with mixed armour values the BaB could take the brunt of this additional worth not being the mainstay and specifically being the game changer. So it only really boils down to my dislike of token weapons...
Lets look at the half firepower route (with 2 shields):
3 torps and 6WB each side= 1 TH, 3WB each side and 3BC's LFR. roughly.
3/4 firepower(1 shield): 4 torps, 9 WBs each side= 2 TH, 4WBs each side and 3BC's LFR. roughly. This still leans towards defence over offense.
In addition to all this you get +5cm speed, 90* turn, better boarding, better leadership and special H&R's not to mention special scenario bonuses. Seems like a bargain when the special rules seem to be free!
In my experience (non playtesting) of playing with and against SMs, the SMs have won more times than lost. In campaigns the SM players always seem to be in the top half. Playing as SMs I've never felt they were too weak except against Eldar, but then I always get that feeling against hemlock/nightshade fleets!"
I've watched numerous crushing campaign games against orks and IN. I've personally won more games as SM than have lost.
In playtests SMs have won more often as well. The BaB helping the loses.