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Author Topic: Space Marine Lances  (Read 12944 times)

Offline BaronIveagh

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Re: Space Marine Lances
« Reply #30 on: May 25, 2011, 07:01:50 AM »

After a fair while searching through my codexes I think I hit upon where I read the description. Planetstrike! So 'that' really is low orbital aircraft strikes rather than low orbit strikes from a space ship. It is what it is.

Strikes from a ship in low orbit are too broad to be represented in 40K except as a time limit for the game or prior to deployment!



Ray, if you might pick up that copy of planetstrike, it also has, on page 64, three strike cruisers firing lances at a single greater daemon of nurgle. 

D'Art: The description literally says that the beam is 500m in width at point of impact, with additional damage for a km.  (Though it is not clear if it's due to an explosion or the thermal effects of the beam)  Though again, why would there be an explosion at all?  Logically, it would just leave a pool of molten rock and fires from thermal effects, though I know mushroom clouds look cooler to animators, it really doesn't compute unless the atmosphere is a lot higher in oxygen then the standard mix.
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Re: Space Marine Lances
« Reply #31 on: May 25, 2011, 07:13:49 AM »
You know... art and all... artists sometimes have no clue.

In the Rogue Trader Corebook they have this cool image of two Tau Protectors (in the Koronus Expanse? lol) attacking an Imperial vessel. All well.... but the Tau Protectors are firing laser/beams/guns/direct fire from their keel LAUNCH BAY.

Such a great image ruined by stupidity of the artist.

Offline RayB HA

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Re: Space Marine Lances
« Reply #32 on: May 25, 2011, 01:23:00 PM »

I think I'm gonna be sick! ;)

I'm going to have to translate 'lance strike' as something similar to a single BC shot with limited yeild or something similar. 'Lance strike' and 'Lance' are obviously 2 different things!  :)

The 'blast wave' from a lance could easily be the atmosphere being heated up so rapidly that it is a blast wave. Just like with really huge nukes! (although they have blast waves anyway).


That's the Mantas firing on their way out of the launch bay! Mantas are just that good!  ;D



When I joined the Corp we didn't have any fancy smancy tanks! We had sticks! Two sticks and a rock for an entire platoon, and we had to share the rock!

Offline BaronIveagh

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Re: Space Marine Lances
« Reply #33 on: May 25, 2011, 10:11:47 PM »
You know... art and all... artists sometimes have no clue.

In the Rogue Trader Corebook they have this cool image of two Tau Protectors (in the Koronus Expanse? lol) attacking an Imperial vessel. All well.... but the Tau Protectors are firing laser/beams/guns/direct fire from their keel LAUNCH BAY.

Such a great image ruined by stupidity of the artist.

LOL again, don't blame that one on FFG, that was all BL's doing.  FFG just recycled the art without bothering to go 'Wait a min...' (Besides, The Expanse has kroot and a warpgate to the Jericho Reach.  There might very well be a  handful of Tau that have snuck into the Expanse before the portal was found and fortified by the Imperium.  There are kroot warspheres,why not tau?)  

Ray, hate to break it to you, but FFG beat you to the punch.  A 'lance strike' is defined as a star ship firing it's lance weapon at a planet in support of ground troops (and they actually have separate rules for BCs and WB fire, moving the ship into position, and how much damage the primary strike and secondary blast do to both individual targets and entire regiments.)  

Eh, if it was something with a longer duration, I'd agree on the heat effect, but this would be more like a thunderclap that deals damage as a frag missile to everything for half a km.

GW licensing the right to make ship fluff to a 3rd party is going to make things odd for a long time, I think. 
« Last Edit: May 25, 2011, 10:21:10 PM by BaronIveagh »
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Re: Space Marine Lances
« Reply #34 on: May 26, 2011, 04:00:59 AM »
BaronI, I don't blame it on FFG (well maybe a bit ;) ) but more on the artist.

Offline RayB HA

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Re: Space Marine Lances
« Reply #35 on: May 26, 2011, 04:48:21 PM »
Wait FFG makes canon?! Really? GW can't possibly have dedicated the resources to proof read RPG's, I don't think the care.... :-\

When I joined the Corp we didn't have any fancy smancy tanks! We had sticks! Two sticks and a rock for an entire platoon, and we had to share the rock!

Offline RCgothic

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Re: Space Marine Lances
« Reply #36 on: May 26, 2011, 04:55:21 PM »
Yup, GW has stated FFG = Canon.

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Re: Space Marine Lances
« Reply #37 on: May 26, 2011, 07:25:23 PM »
Yup. FFG may only publish GW IP if GW approved of it. Alan Merrit wrote the foreword to Rogue Trader RPG.

Funnily enough he writes that the first game GW though about all those years ago was about huge ships fighting in space. But that miniature making was the problem. Citadel came along with space marines and the rest is history...

Offline RayB HA

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Re: Space Marine Lances
« Reply #38 on: May 27, 2011, 01:06:19 PM »
Scary stuff, I'll have to buy RT so I can add my scriblings.



When I joined the Corp we didn't have any fancy smancy tanks! We had sticks! Two sticks and a rock for an entire platoon, and we had to share the rock!