Wow. These are simply gorgeous. How long has it taken you to get this far. I am curious mostly because I am a slow painter... It has taken me nearly a month to finish four units of goblins. I use to many colors and don't use the dip method though.
Thank you. Well i'm not keeping score, but I think it's taken me 10-11 days so far. That includes cleaning the figures. I don't paint every day. However, notice that i've chosen the easy units to paint first (bolt throwers, harpies) Units with a high model count such as spearmen took me longer.
It's the first time i've painted warmaster figures, i'm finding it refreshing how quickly the army comes together. I really feel as though i'm getting somewhere, it's encouraging.
I'm not dipping, i'm adding a wash (but basically the same thing) All i do is use base colours, no highlighting or shading and then wash with badab black (a GW wash) It works well with an evil army, makes them dark and sinister looking. Not sure it would look right with an army like high elves. But should be fine with your Orc army.
I highly recommend using a wash, it's my secret weapon