Thanks Guthwine, thanks jchaos

I shouldn't really be painting figures that aren't in my 2k list (the hydra is in my 3k list) but i got bored painting spearmen and cold one knights. Fancied a chage

I'm also painting a manticore next
The hydra has always tempted me to start dark elf
Well done as always
I'm same as you fracas, i love the hydra model. I'm unsure how good it'll be in the game.
I was thinking of tactics as i painted the hydra. My plan is to try and avoid cavalry and use it against infantry. The infantry will only get one stand v's my Hydra, and suffer from terror. I think i'm right in saying that even with support the hydra should just win. (possibly with the exception of tough infantry like chaos warriors)
So i could line the hydra up inbetween two brigades, protecting him from any cavalry units. Then charge him out at enemy infantry