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Author Topic: [WM] Dark Elf army  (Read 46238 times)

Offline graymatterblues

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Re: [WM] Dark Elf army
« Reply #60 on: April 02, 2011, 04:14:34 PM »
That would be very cool to see. I look forward to when you get them done and painted so we can see the intimidating pics!

Do either of you know where to get slave minis. That would also be right up the Dark Elves alley.

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Re: [WM] Dark Elf army
« Reply #61 on: April 03, 2011, 09:15:25 AM »
Using slavewarriors was actualy discussed during development of this list !

Use a mix of Empire flagelants and/or chaosmarauders and/or Bret peasants to proxy these, and use the basic HtH statline

Offline calmacil

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Re: [WM] Dark Elf army
« Reply #62 on: April 08, 2011, 03:47:24 PM »
I've built some terrain for our scenario. The first is a village, this will be one of the objectives in the game. I've made it so i can add in buildings of my choice.
I made the road through the village match my other road sections

The village with a few houses on, to give a sense of scale

This is a huge hill, or the base for a big forest. It measures 19inch by 13inch.

Also made the bases for these trees, makes them more stable. I glued them with that big tube of "sticks anything" glue from B&Q, so hopefully they'll remain intact.

Also, i've had a change of plan. I didn't like the thickness of the bases with the magnet strips on the bottom. So i've taken them all off and ripped out the steel paper from the box. I've attached the steel paper to the base of all the figures so they still stick to the magnets in the box. The steel paper is the same thickness as photocopy paper, so much better. Took me a while, but i'm happy now.  :D

« Last Edit: April 08, 2011, 04:05:18 PM by calmacil »

Offline azrael71

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Re: [WM] Dark Elf army
« Reply #63 on: April 09, 2011, 06:42:06 PM »
nice work.
After magnetising my epic eldar I was going to move on to my warmaster armies.
Doubt that will happen now as most of them are destined for the bay :(

Offline graymatterblues

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Re: [WM] Dark Elf army
« Reply #64 on: April 11, 2011, 10:13:25 PM »
Love the terrain pieces man. Keep up the good work!

Offline calmacil

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Re: [WM] Dark Elf army
« Reply #65 on: April 12, 2011, 12:23:30 AM »
That's a shame azrael, it's such a good game.

Thanks greymatterblues.
We used the village for one of our objectives in my first game with dark elves. It was a fun game, i like the scenario.

The scenario was the chaos army was landing on my shores and trying to capture the villages. We decided they were empire villages and i had kept my human slaves shackled in the houses, the chaos army will just butcher any slaves. I used the village in the pics above.

Bonus victory points were given for holding the villages.

6ft x 4ft table.

TerrainThere was woods in my top right, and bottom left. Top corner (on his right, my left) was the coast and sea. A hill next to the sea in his deployment zone with a watch tower. One village was in my deployment zone, centre table. The other on my left, about half way up the table (just below the sea)

The entire Chaos army deployed (2,000 points) against a quickly assembled Dark Elf defence (only 1,000 points) The rest of my army was out burning and looting nearby empire villages, but riders had been sent to bring word of the chaos invasion. Because they had just landed from ships the Chaos army wasn't allowed chariots. The dark elves could take a max of 1 unit of harpies and cold one riders in the main force. Each relief force had to have min of 1 character, and 500 points min.

Start of turn 2 roll for each relief force, 5+ they appear. Turn 3 = 4+ etc
1-3 = point A ....a road at the edge of the board near the 2nd village
4-6 = point B ....a road near the village in my deployment zone

I deployed first, Chaos has first turn.

I defended one village with 2 units of crossbowmen covered behind a wall, and 2 units of spearmen and 2 batteries of Bolt Throwers to the left of that village. A big brigade of 3 spearmen units and a unit of Harpies was positioned to try and take the other village. I decided to put nothing on my right flank, i didn't feel as though i had the luxury of baiting or setting up any flank moves. Limited resources made me concentrate on going straight for my two objectives.

The chaos army swept forward. Knights thundering down on my right flank, infantry/cav down the centre, dragon ogres supporting. I managed to get to the second village before him, and my relief forces appeared at the roads edge on turn 2.

All my bolt throwers and spearmen outside the village were destroyed by Knights his turn 3. Some of my crossbowmen retreated into a woods and encircled those knights, pinning them down with a crossfire of bolts. With desperation his harpies tried to take the village, but were unable to move the crossbow unit behind the wall.

The units that had appeared behind the walled village (2 units of dark riders and 2 units of Cold One Knights) attempted to smash through his knights and marauder horsemen (also a hero riding a dragon) so they could advance into infantry units. This didn't happen, he came out on top in that melee. (chaos knights are so tough)

There was a huge battle for the second village. The 2nd relief force (Harpies, 3 units of Cold One Knights) came crashing into his marauders, dragon ogres and chaos warriors. Their lances bouncing off chaos armour. They were pushed back, reformed and charged again, retreated, charged back in. Eventually breaking the chaos flank, and forcing his general to sound the retreat to his ships. It was a hard battle and bloody. I had a break point of 10, he killed 6 of my units. Two Cold Ones Knights units were down to a single stand.

I managed to hold onto both towns. None of my characters blundered, meaning noone was executed, which was nice.  I was fairly lucky with reinforcements.

Great game though, so much happening.

Overall i really like battling with the Dark Elves. A very fast sweeping army. The campaign should be great.

I'm starting to plan a few more scenario battles. I'd like to do one with limited visability (either dark, blizzard or fog) where one army is camped, with patrols moving around. Camp fires (i'm going to make 10mm bonfies) that give a greater LOS. The other army is smaller but has the element of surprise. An ambush scenario.
Also one involving some units from my O&G army. A battle in the Giant Downs with random moving Giants (roll a scatter dice, then roll on the "uh oh what's he doing now! chart)
I've got 3 giants painted up  ;)
« Last Edit: April 12, 2011, 08:02:48 PM by calmacil »

Offline graymatterblues

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Re: [WM] Dark Elf army
« Reply #66 on: April 14, 2011, 05:34:13 AM »
Those scenarios sound like a lot of fun! Especially the one with the Giants! Yikes!

Offline jchaos79

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Re: [WM] Dark Elf army
« Reply #67 on: April 28, 2011, 06:40:46 PM »
great to read a battle report! I would like to seen some pics in action of that lovely army. And congrat for your victory

Offline calmacil

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Re: [WM] Dark Elf army
« Reply #68 on: June 05, 2011, 05:52:03 PM »
Long time no update  ;D Real life got in the way, not got a painting table at the moment. But nevermind there's no mad rush.

Started on my general today. Took Lex's great advice (thanks Lex) and got myself a 38mm washer from a well known hardware store. It has a hole in the middle so i put a 2 pence coin over it.

Also started on some spearmen, cleaning these figures takes ages  :P

Started on 2 units of cold one riders as well

Offline calmacil

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Re: [WM] Dark Elf army
« Reply #69 on: June 12, 2011, 09:29:04 AM »
Made a small progress on my general.

Also started my final unit of crossbow(elves)men, nearly finished them

Offline calmacil

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Re: [WM] Dark Elf army
« Reply #70 on: June 20, 2011, 06:58:05 PM »
Finished a unit of crossbowmen today.  ;D

Offline Guthwine

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Re: [WM] Dark Elf army
« Reply #71 on: June 20, 2011, 07:26:51 PM »
Very nice, I especially like your basing style.
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Offline docdom

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Re: [WM] Dark Elf army
« Reply #72 on: June 21, 2011, 02:39:50 PM »
Very nice, I especially like your basing style.

Because you two guys are soulmates and both don't paint the base edges.   ;D . Sorry about that. You are both great painters for sure!

Offline calmacil

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Re: [WM] Dark Elf army
« Reply #73 on: June 21, 2011, 04:16:26 PM »
Thanks Guthwine, thanks doubleclick. Very kind  :D

Very nice, I especially like your basing style.

Because you two guys are soulmates and both don't paint the base edges.   ;D . Sorry about that. You are both great painters for sure!
I do though, i paint the edges black (that's the truth, i'm not being sarcastic or anything)

Finished my general today. Here he is

« Last Edit: June 21, 2011, 04:19:43 PM by calmacil »

Offline Guthwine

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Re: [WM] Dark Elf army
« Reply #74 on: June 21, 2011, 04:54:38 PM »
@DCH: Wowowowow! :D  All my bases edges are painted scorched brown, they may not always be painted when I take a picture but sooner or later they are. :)

Great general, especially the lizard looks fantastic.
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