Me and a few mates are going to start a campaign for warmaster, so i thought i'd paint up a dark elf army especially for the campaign. This will be my third warmaster army.

I don't want to spend too long on this army, nothing too fancy, a tabletop battle standard is fine with me. Hoping this painting blog will increase my speed a bit.
I'm planning on a limited palet of black, gold, silver and purple.
Here's what i'm planning on painting.

That's 19 units and a pack of characters.
I've just cleaned up the female sorceress.
I'm going to do a round sacrifical stone with runes on it. I found an old watch that had fallen to bits, took the back off it and used the battery for the round stone.
Those engraved letters on the battery look really thin. I'll just wack a load of black paint on it and hope it doesn't show through. Made in the USA wouldn't be a great look for a dark elf army.

I've made a start on a hero in a chariot. This is the Cold One.
For the bases i want them dark. Just sand, black, drybrush codex grey and some some dark green flock.
Going to do the whole army this way.

Cleaning up figures at the moment