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Author Topic: Eldar MMS v2.0  (Read 66125 times)

Offline horizon

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Re: Eldar MMS v1.9
« Reply #60 on: June 05, 2010, 08:55:17 PM »
I never said I write a rule to make people win...

What I did say:
some people do dislike the fact a lance could hit on a 5+ or 6+ since the 4+ is a core rule game mechanic.
When I break that 'core' they will not agree with the rules.

Offline horizon

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Re: Eldar MMS v1.9
« Reply #61 on: June 06, 2010, 07:52:25 PM »
Hi again, and sorry if i answer to your mail so late.

About your question on how to balance the craftworls and the pirates,
Balance wise ain't bad.

supernova: you suggest?
for now i can't say details, cause i dont know clearly what will be your new rules.
Go by v19 I say.

Speaking of the background:
Pirates should have faster hit and run ships, not like before, when Wraithsips were more agile and costed much less than their pirate counterparts.
Eldar Pirates are what says their name: Raiders, they rarely have a place to defend, they assault transports to survive, and escape when larger fleets come to hunt them. So their ships should be designed for speed and agility to survive.
Craftworld Eldars are different, they are a regular army, a fleet builded to defend their artificals homeworlds, so a fleet that many times can't retreat.
They should have ships heavier and with better armaments.
Corsairs focus on small, easy to hide, ships, Craftworld on cruisers. But both are Eldar and both use the same 'substance' (Wraithbone) to build their ships. Both use sails, both have same weaponry. The difference in design is rather aesthatic without a good base in background.

Speaking of Ship Classes
Don't "retouch" the ships cost if possible, make craftworld pay for his firepower and pirates pay for their agility.
Pirates: Make the pirates cruisers turn 90°, so can act in formation with its escorts (the heavy cruiser and the battleship should still have less manouverability).
You could also give the Eldar heavy escort 2 hull points, after all is huge, and costs so much.
Craftworld: Make Wraithships turn 45°, mantain its firepower and the weapons selection, if compared to the pirate cruisers will have less power & agility, but will cost much less too.
Give to the Dragonship a weapon range of 45, that compensate for its lack* of manouverability and speed (*compared to other eldars ships)
Don't forget that craftworld ships should have access to boarding crafts & torpedoes, and this alone, make their capitals ships "heavier" than the pirates, even without adjusting their cost.
Costs, that is always tricky as 45cm weaponry is a lot on a fast moving Eldar ship. A 90* turn on a Corsair cruiser heavy, in the past MMS did have 90* Eclipses & Shadows. This led to cruiser heavy fleets, a thing I was wanting to avoid. 90* means the ship can do a complete backturn in one phase. That is so hard to play against. Almost reckless play suggesting; and Eldar should never be reckless. So I understand your point but a lot of playtest has seen the turn rate for a balance issue.

Heavy escorts: aha, well... that is already a debate on its own within the BFG universe. As long as there is no official 2 hits escort I will never take one aboard in MMS. Core rule breaking as msm does, ya know ;)

On weapon range. The WS / DS will make it possible to do a 25cm + 25cm + 45cm strike range = 95cm !! That is the longest strike range in the game apart of Nova Cannon which is unreliable. On a Dragonship that would be 3 Pulsars or 12 Batteries doing a 95cm strike range! And staying at a distance of 45cm!
See, the Eldar would do a setup for his fleet, then lockon and blast away with his long range gunnery from Wraithships & Dragonships. The finesse would be gone. It would be too easy. They would not miss the 90* turn. 

Yeah, CWE has aspect warriors & vampire raiders.

Fleet Lists Ideas:
Till now i've spoken about single ships balance, but we have to consider the fleet formations too.
Usually the battles are done with fleets of 750 or 1500 points, and many fleet lists are done so you cannot have a Battleship with only 750 points.
Imperial and Chaos, at best, can use a grandcruiser like the Vengeance into battles of 750 points as well.
You could arrange the eldar fleets so, with 750 points the pirates cannot use their supernova grandcruiser, and must play with 2 cruisers and 4 to 6 escorts, or 1 cruiser, 2 light cruiser, and 4 to 6 escorts.
You coul also limit the pirate list so you must have 2 escorts (or 1 heavy escort) for every cruiser, and 1 escort for every Light cruiser.
For larger formation, you could put a limit of 1 supernova for every 1000 points (and 3 escorts).
An Eldar craftworld fleet of 750 points, should be able to play with 2 Wraith and one Dragonship.
A fleet with 1000+ points could use the Flame of Azurian special Dragonship.
Tau, Tyranids, Imperial Navy, Adeptus Mechanicus, Space Marines can all have a Battleship under 750 points... What's left ;)

Limiting the Supernova? As it is a rare ship I can do a limit on it. What do other people say on this?

2 escorts for every cruiser will make a pretty heavy cruiser list.

I think the current lists (apart of the light cruiser note!!) is okay.

I hope i wrote it well enought to be understood.
No worries, all good! Thanks.

Now, about my idea of the holofields, i'm sorry you didn't liked it, but still i dont agree with a thing you said:
Your holofield idea :
I do know some people dislike the fact if lances didn't hit on a 4+ (rule mechanic).
You should dont care too much of what people like or dislike, of course you must consider different opinions, but you are the one who's writing the rules now, so you are the leader.
As a leader you priorize game balance and game fun (fast and easy rules that reflects the racial traits) right?
Every time a rule is changed, of course some formations can loose strenght and some can gain it, but still, as long the overall game is balanced, peoples should not complain.
At this point in MMS, after a lot of versions and improvements I take care a lot of what people think before I ammend a change. The v19 list is pretty well used by the groups who dislike official rules. I cannot do a 'bulldozer' on it ;)

[uqote]Let me explain it with mathematics:
I dont understand how people dislike if can't hit with lances on a 4+, but don't complain when after that, the eldars have a save roll.
In the past you gave a save roll of 5+ on lance's hits, and a lance scored an hit on a 4+.
That means that you hit succeful 4 times on 6 multiplied for 3 times on 6.
The result is 2/6, that is equal of a roll of 5 or 6.
Statistically speaking you already made the lance hit on a roll of 5+ in your mms 1.9 rule mechanics (that was alot better than the 1 on 12 of the original ones).[/quote]
Because the save roll, is an effect that the Imperial Navy or Chaos can aqcuire in a campaign setting. Yes, they can get an upgrade on the shields to have a saving throw (campaign section). So a saving roll exists and it does not break the core rule.
Yes, math is the same, but I should also follow my set doctrine.

Math wise the Leadership test (with mods) can do the same as a saving throw or adjusted dice roll.

hope i've been helpful.

Certainly, I just convinced myself why 45cm weaponry is not cool with the current weapon systems.


Offline Mad Mö

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Re: Eldar MMS v1.9
« Reply #62 on: August 06, 2010, 04:54:10 PM »
First: Thanks for mentioning me and my input in the Eldar MMS rules 1.9. (Textmarked my name in my printout  ;D)
Aug. 3rd was my first game with Eldar vs. a Chaos fleet with MMS 1.9.
The rules worked fine, but:
My opponent made some very big mistakes.
Seems like other admirals in my gaming group find the rules o.k., too.
We´ll give the rules another try in the future. An imperial admiral wants to be next^^

Offline horizon

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Re: Eldar MMS v1.9
« Reply #63 on: August 11, 2010, 08:27:17 PM »
Hi MM,

did you try some of the new rule changes I am talking about in this thread?

Offline Mad Mö

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Re: Eldar MMS v1.9
« Reply #64 on: August 13, 2010, 12:12:54 PM »
Hi horizon
We used the MMS 1.9 rules as written.

Offline horizon

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Re: Eldar MMS v1.9
« Reply #65 on: August 13, 2010, 03:12:20 PM »
would you try out the ideas for 2.0?
getting feedback would be cool.

Offline lastspartacus

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Re: Eldar MMS v1.9
« Reply #66 on: September 02, 2010, 06:17:11 PM »
Hey Horizon.  Trying to use the link in the first post but it says 'Forbidden'?
Is there anything more recent than that link?  Did you ever figure out a mechanic for holofields that is balanced or are shields here to stay?

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Offline lastspartacus

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Re: Eldar MMS v1.9
« Reply #68 on: September 07, 2010, 04:31:13 PM »
Horizon, where are the ideas for 2.0 listed?

Also, I was trying to compare your ships using smotherman's formula, which may not be a viable tactic considering how different their rules are.
The point being, there used to be a small program you could punch in a ship's stats and get the point cost.
Does anyone know where this may be nowadays?

Offline horizon

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Re: Eldar MMS v1.9
« Reply #69 on: September 07, 2010, 06:49:09 PM »
Fleet Master I think.
Fleet Master used the Smotherman values. ;)

Smotherman is basic guideline. It should be used cautiously, even when determing point values for standard vessels like Imperial Navy and Chaos. It gives a rough idea from where to start.

You won't get an exact fix on point values for the mms vessels. The base value were the ones as given in the official rules. Some theorizing did first values (like upping Nightshade/Hemlock), playtesting ( a lot) gave further information and tweaks.

Offline lastspartacus

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Re: Eldar MMS v1.9
« Reply #70 on: September 08, 2010, 04:49:45 AM »
I notice it has an option to use the core rules, on Fleet Master, and the Smotherman version.  What is the difference, does one give higher point cost over the other or something?

Also, if you got links to 2.0 ideas id be happy to test them on vassal.

Offline horizon

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Re: Eldar MMS v1.9
« Reply #71 on: September 08, 2010, 05:37:26 AM »
I wouldn't know. Never used fleetmaster. Perhaps the core option is the official point cost and the smotherman value the calculated value?

MMS 2.0
* No restriction on Corsair Light Cruisers (that was daft,...).

* All Eldar vessels: 5+ prow armour / 4+ for port, starboard and rear
* The holofield-shield thing...

take one of the following...

i) Leadership test
Enemy must make a Leadership test before it can shoot at an Eldar ship. Apply the following modifiers:

> 30cm = - 2 Leadership
15-30cm = - 1 Leadership
<15cm = 0 Leadership

This applies vs all gunnery / direct fire attacks.
(this being a Rogue Trader RPG adaption)

ii) Regeneration

roll a D6 per remaining damage point, on a 6 one point of damage is restored.
A ship can be regenerated up to its starting maximum. Only 1 hit per turn can be restored this way.
note: a crippled ship can uncripple itself this way.

this with current mms to hit modifiers for eldar:
holofield = right shift vs batteries
holofield = save throw vs lances: 6+ 15-30cm / 5+ >30cm. <15cm none.

Warmaster Ancaris (port maw)

iii) Adjusting Hit rolls :
right shift gunnery

add this rule to the damage of lances and batteries for holofields:
15 cm or less - with armour 4+, both batteries and lances hits on a 4+
from 15 to 45 cm - batteries AND lances hits on a 5+
over 45 cm - batteries AND lances hits on a 6+

carlogh (sg forum)

iv) re-roll hits
when a ship succesfully hits the eldar ship it must re-roll the dice. Second roll stands. Re-roll after Lock-On shots.

Ray Bell

That's about it.

I'm not sure if people would want the Eldar torps to be weakened.

Offline lastspartacus

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Re: Eldar MMS v1.9
« Reply #72 on: September 21, 2010, 05:35:44 PM »
what is this 'holofield-shield' thing?

Offline horizon

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Re: Eldar MMS v1.9
« Reply #73 on: September 21, 2010, 07:29:15 PM »
The i to iv options. ;)

Offline lastspartacus

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Re: Eldar MMS v1.9
« Reply #74 on: September 21, 2010, 08:25:13 PM »
And said option would in theory completely replace current shields and holofields?