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Author Topic: List of flawed ships  (Read 290384 times)

Offline Plaxor

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #930 on: February 24, 2011, 09:43:10 PM »
D6 up to 750 pts. +1 for every 500 points thereafter RC. This worked best in playtest.

Offline Admiral_d_Artagnan

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #931 on: February 24, 2011, 10:00:35 PM »
You're still not getting it. Your version has both range AND firepower. Your version gets to fire as much a WB broadside as a Retribution at ranges beyond 45 cm and chances are the opponent is closing which means 8 dice for 2 turns unless the opponent decides its better to go abeam at those ranges plus 3 more dice for lances. The Ret is still closing at this time. This makes it better than a Retribution esp at the lower points cost you are proposing even with the tradeoff of 2 shields, crit on 5+ and +1 crit to the modifier. It's not just more than 1 additional hit as you are claiming. Not with those dice firing at the 45-60cm band and note the Invincible will already be on Lock On at the 30-45 cm band unlike the Ret which will just be unmasking its batteries.

Only Chaos has the range to go for an abeam engagement at 60 cm and if they are doing so, the Invincible is getting a few more rounds of shooting at range. Other races will most likely be at the closing profile since they need to get their weapons into range. So that 45-60 cm band is quite important.

Even at 45 cm, the difference is only 1 dice vs closing because of the right column shift and so there is almost no difference. Against Abeam or Moving Away profiles, the difference is only one dice. Within 30 cm, against Closing, one would get 2 dice more but chances are the opponent will be on the Abeam profile if only to minimize the damage.

So the Invincible costs lower than a Retribution and dishes out virtually almost as much direct firepower as a Retribution. The only difference is with the torps. Not really a major loss especially with the changes to the torp rules reducing the width (assuming it's being incorporated).

It's not even a question of whether the Invincible is comfortable sitting in an enemy formation. The Inivincible can just maneuver instead and shoot at range which is a much better deal than having it sit in the middle of an enemy formation. Even a Retribution will get pummeled if it stays in the midst of an enemy formation for long.

And the funny thing is, you're claiming my version is good as a battleship light but not as a battlecruiser. Huh? There's a difference other than the terms? And to remind you with your crit disadvantages, only British battlecruisers suffered from this problem.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2011, 10:08:36 PM by Admiral_d_Artagnan »

Offline RCgothic

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #932 on: February 24, 2011, 10:13:17 PM »
You're still not getting it. Your version has both range AND firepower.
No, FP18@60cm would be both range and firepower. FP15@60cm sacrifices power for range. The range isn't nearly as useful as the extra firepower, but the Invincible does need the range more. I assume you'd be fine with FP18@45 then?

Your version gets to fire as much a WB broadside as a Retribution at ranges beyond 45 cm and chances are the opponent is closing which means 8 dice for 2 turns unless the opponent decides its better to go abeam at those ranges plus 3 more dice for lances. The Ret is still closing at this time.

Your proposed version would get 4 dice from lances and 6 from WBs in the same situation, which is clearly superior to what you're now complaining about. The Retribution would be firing torps, which are significantly more threatening than FP15 WBs.

It's ludicrous to suggest it's better than a Retribution. A Retribution would demolish it and its extra escort.

Also, at FP12&3 Lances, an Oberon would outgun it. Considering the Invincible is supposed to be a pure gunship, but your proposal would have it outgunned by a hybrid, that's pretty rubbish.

And the funny thing is, you're claiming my version is good as a battleship light but not as a battlecruiser. Huh? There's a difference other than the terms? And to remind you with your crit disadvantages, only British battlecruisers suffered from this problem.

British Battlecruisers have more character. There's no point making the ship if it doesn't have a significant character of its own. Yours is better in battles of attrition, which is characteristic of a battleship, whilst the lighter armament and lack of hits makes it 'light'.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2011, 10:18:10 PM by RCgothic »

Offline Valhallan

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #933 on: February 24, 2011, 10:16:14 PM »
yeah RC i said the invincible is better *at range* which is speed guarentee's it will be at. (maybe if you read the post and thought about it before snapping back you'd get it).

as the admiral says, under the conditions you actually use an invincible, its dishing out as much firepower as a ret, but for massively cheaper.

360 with the strange, odd number of WB your profile sugguests
330 with Fp12 at 60.

and note that both are top tier levels of firepower

Offline RCgothic

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #934 on: February 24, 2011, 10:36:23 PM »
So what if it outguns the Retribution at range? You don't pick a Retribution to sit at range, but to mix it up. You'll be taking a Victory to stay at range, and it will comfortably outgun Invincible in the same role. (5L & FP12 or FP15 & 4L). Easily thrashed.

Invincible goes abeam, gets an additional 8 dice (assuming the enemy is closing and doesn't speed completely past the 45-60cm range band)
Retribution is closing and fires torpedoes worth 14 additional dice, but let's assume they miss. Invincible +8 Dice.

Retribution opens fire at 30-45cm against enemies abeam and so Invincible gets 1 additional dice against its closing enemy. Invincible +9 Dice.

Turn3: Retribution closes to >15cm and breaks the enemy line, firing at closing<15 & moving away at 15-30. Invincible fires against closing enemies under 30cm. Retribution gets 14 additional dice and wins by 5.

So it's ludicrous to suggest Invincible is better - using each in their natural roles Retribution comes out a clear victor.

Offline Admiral_d_Artagnan

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #935 on: February 25, 2011, 12:24:58 AM »
No, FP18@60cm would be both range and firepower. FP15@60cm sacrifices power for range. The range isn't nearly as useful as the extra firepower, but the Invincible does need the range more. I assume you'd be fine with FP18@45 then?

Huh? Again the difference is only 1 to at most 2 dice. What sacrifice? And yes, you want FP15 then cut the range to 45 cm. The Ret is supposed to be the better gunship. You're marginalizing the Ret if you give your Invincible FP15 which if translated to 45 cm would come out to around FP22 or 23.

Your proposed version would get 4 dice from lances and 6 from WBs in the same situation, which is clearly superior to what you're now complaining about. The Retribution would be firing torps, which are significantly more threatening than FP15 WBs.

And I don't mind the Str 4 lance to go down to Str 3. I said that. I only said if you still want a bit of firepower keep the original Str 4 dorsals. What threat from torps? If it was still a 9 torp wide attack sure. As it is, it is not anymore. It's only 2 or 3 depending on whose version is to be followed and torps can be easily avoided now. It is not threatening unless the engagement is within 30 cm and I don't really expect the Invincible to deliberately get into those distances.

It's ludicrous to suggest it's better than a Retribution. A Retribution would demolish it and its extra escort.

Have you tried it?

Also, at FP12&3 Lances, an Oberon would outgun it. Considering the Invincible is supposed to be a pure gunship, but your proposal would have it outgunned by a hybrid, that's pretty rubbish.

So? It is supposed to be a battlecruiser right? You're really confusing me now. You want more firepower, I find the original designs armament fine. But you say it's too powerful and so fine, reduce the dorsal to 3. And now you say it even with the original armament configuration is too weak? What is it really? By your logic the Oberon has the Retribution outgunned so I guess the Retribution sucks now doesn't it?

British Battlecruisers have more character. There's no point making the ship if it doesn't have a significant character of its own. Yours is better in battles of attrition, which is characteristic of a battleship, whilst the lighter armament and lack of hits makes it 'light'.

That's funny. Now that the flaw is pointed out to be limited to British battlecruisers, you go to the character argument. Well, sorry, I prefer a ship with character which doesn't blow up when its sneezed upon. German and American battelcruisers perform fine, thank you. If I were to design battlecruisers, I would follow the German and American designs.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2011, 12:30:44 AM by Admiral_d_Artagnan »

Offline Sigoroth

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #936 on: February 25, 2011, 04:42:07 AM »
sig, the question was not ' for all existance: nothing' (if that was the case, then your 'i exist' arguement works). but rather for all existance, there exists nothing. so you'd have to claim that everything exists to negate nothing existing at all...

but then again nothing is part of everything, so it must exist, however if there is a nothing, something doesn't exist.

Haha, talked yourself in circles there didn't you? Your problem is in your definitions of exist and nothing. Can there be nothing? Yes. Does nothing exist? No. Nothing means "no thing". For something to exist there has to be some amout of it, ie, "some thing". Nothing is an absence of something. Therefore it does not "exist"; it is not exigent. Just like darkness does not exist. It is not a thing, it is an absence of a thing. Likewise "cold" does not exist.

Offline Sigoroth

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #937 on: February 25, 2011, 05:16:03 AM »
On the topic of the Invincible I must admit I am on the fence for the hits/shields thing. If we're talking the same model as a typical BB then I'd say 12 hits. Maybe some auxiliary boosters would be in order. However, I'd prefer a modelling project that stripped down some of the superstructure of the standard BB or mixed it with a plastic cruiser to get something somewhere in between. For which I could see 10 hits. Though in this latter case I'd like to know why it would count as a BB in terms of game classification rather than counting as a cruiser.

As for the armament, again I'm a little torn. 12WB@60cm + 3L is fairly decent. By which I mean it outguns any current battlecruiser and competes with BBs. Just to be sure, we're going for a true battlecruiser right? So the current battlecruisers should be renamed heavy cruisers, yes? Well, no IN "heavy" cruiser could put out 12WBe at 60cm. The Overlord has 8. The Armageddon only pushes to 45cm range. No heavy cruiser has 3 dorsal lances either. So with 12+3 at 60cm it out guns and out ranges any IN heavy cruiser. If you leave shields at 2 and turrets at 3 then we could make this ship fairly cheap.

Consider the bonus speed as a trade-off for BB turn rate, add +15 pts over, say, an Armageddon, for the extra dorsal lance and BB status for fleet selection criterion (235+15=250). Now add 40 pts for hits and 15 pts for range upgrades (+10 per 6 per 15cm = +20 - 5 for having WBs as opposed to the Armageddon's lances) and we get 305 pts. I'd throw in the 3rd turret for free, since everything else is paid for at upgrade prices. I'd even fudge it down 5 pts because of this, giving an even 300 pts. It could maybe stand to come down another 10 pts too, given it has paid full upgrade prices from 30cm (as it's based on Armageddon costs and it has paid the full upgrade price based on a Lunar).

Anyway, that's all as may be. However, another point I'd like to make is that I don't like multiples of 5 in WBs. The only place I see multiples of 5 is on the Emperor/Oberon. Even there I wish they'd made the dorsal 6 and prow 4, as that makes more sense. With the Murder, Hades, Tyrant and even fixed Despoiler I see not two equal divisions of 5, but an asymmetric spread of 6 and 4. So for this reason I don't like the 15WB broadside.

However, having said that, I'm not entirely opposed to the idea of the Invincible putting out that much firepower. I notice that you (RCG) have listed the prow torps as strength 6. I know why d'Art did this, since he was clearing room for more dorsal weaponry, but why have you done it if, as you say, this is an identical model to the Ret? Surely it should have 9 torps in that case? Well, my suggestion is to leave the broadsides as 12@60cm and add in 3 WB LFR on the prow, at either 45cm or possibly 60cm range. This would give it the reasonable stand-off firepower you're after without giving it near Ret levels of linebreaking capability. It would simply be 1 step above a typical heavy cruiser when used in that fashion. In fact, it would have as much over a heavy cruiser as a heavy cruiser has over a normal cruiser (ie, +15cm range on broadsides, +6WBe LFR).

Offline lastspartacus

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #938 on: February 25, 2011, 05:38:23 AM »
I like the idea of a stripped down BB, i really do.  Given the entire purpose of a BB though, and its role as a rare and husbanded vessel, purposefully made larger and more powerful than is standardly practical...why make a stripped down one?  Battlecruisers seem to be the gold standard for admirals in BFG currently.

Offline RCgothic

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #939 on: February 25, 2011, 11:47:46 AM »
Huh? Again the difference is only 1 to at most 2 dice. What sacrifice? And yes, you want FP15 then cut the range to 45 cm. The Ret is supposed to be the better gunship. You're marginalizing the Ret if you give your Invincible FP15 which if translated to 45 cm would come out to around FP22 or 23.

Retribution is supposed to be a powerful linebreaker, and it is. A far more powerful one than Invincible.
Its stronger torps allow it to bludgeon its way in, where it will use its additional FP6 to maximum effect, all the while surviving firepower that over 2 turns would cripple Invincible with barely a scratch.

Apocalypse is supposed to be a better gunship, and it is. A far, far more powerful one than Invincible!
It has a broadside alone of 27WBe@60cm compared to Invincible's proposed 28.5WBe@60cm total focus.

Oberon, with FP16&2L@60cm, is a comparable gunship and has 4AC on top.

Emperor, with FP16, has comparable weapons battery fire and then 8AC on top.

Victory as proposed, (L4@60&FP15@60 OR L5@60&FP12@60) will have much more
firepower @60cm and be a better linebreaker by dint of its durability.

In terms of firepower @60cm, The only battleships that Invincible isn't overmatched by are the Vanquisher and Retribution. Vanquisher, which is deliberately cheap, can have a prow launch bay, in which case it's similar to the Oberon. Invincible is already on the bottom tier of battleships in terms of firepower.

The whole point of a Battlecruiser (Note to sig - would be calling this a Heavy Battlecruiser) is to project battleship-equivalent firepower on a fast platform - historical battleships weren't less powerful than battleships, and they were often more - Hood was the most powerful warship afloat for more than 2 decades. Nerfing it to FP12&3 Lances drops Invincible out of the bottom tier of battleships, and that's why I'm so fiercely trying to hang on to FP15.

Assuming for a moment S4 lances were allowed, Admiral would be happy with S4@FP12 (slightly more potent than 3L&FP15) which shows that the objection is to the level of firepower in the broadsides, not the total firepower overall.

This brings us onto the assertion that FP15@60cm is as good as FP22@45cm. You're saying WBs@60cm are worth nearly 50% more than WBs@45. This can't be the case:

  • Assuming Invincible is abeam ready to recieve a closing capital ship and that the ships are randomly located to begin with, there's a 40% chance a closing chaos cruiser could clear the 45-60cm range band entirely, in which case you may as well have had the extra firepower. If Retribution is closing against enemy abeam and the ships are randomly located to start with, there's a 25% chance of clearing the 60-45cm band entirely, in which case the extra range is moot. So there's at least a 25% chance the extra range won't even come into play at all.
  • Then there's the fact extra range is most likely entirely wasted on the off-side because you're only likely to have targets on both sides when you're in a linebreaking position, in which case pure firepower is what's needed.
  • Long-range firepower is also less likely to be backed up by MORE long range firepower, thus diluting its effect due to shields compared to short range fire.
  • Finally, most battles are concluded at short range and less than 1/4 of the battle is going to occur in the 45-60cm range band, so even a moderate amount of extra dice to start with are going to be outweighed by 1 or two extra dice at shorter range over the course of a battle. If even 1/8th of the time the shorter ranged ship manages to line up a dual broadside then it will outweigh any advantage of having long range in an instant.

Yes, longer ranges weapons batteries are worth more than short ranged ones. But 50% more? Really? If they were really worth 50% more, the overlord would be considered one of the best BCs rather than the most blatantly undergunned. It takes a targetting matrix to make it equivalent to an Armageddon, and even then it isn't better. 20% difference at most.

Also, the Apocalypse crams 27WBe into those same three hardpoints. Lances are already far more potent than Weapons Batteries at range - denying WBs the ability to have FP6@60cm to a hardpoint just exacerbates this (and conveniently ignores that Emperor and Oberon do just that), and I'm not even asking for 6 per hardpoint here, or asking that the range upgrade be free.

Quote from: Sigoroth
However, having said that, I'm not entirely opposed to the idea of the Invincible putting out that much firepower. I notice that you (RCG) have listed the prow torps as strength 6.
Legacy of the original profile. I've left it at 6, because it de-incentivises charging the ship in like a linebreaker. and it helps to keep the price down.

You started your price analysis from the Armageddon. For my profile, starting from the Retribution: -2 shields for -20pts, - 3 torps for -10pts, critical hit rules for -20pts, -1 turret for -10pts, +5cm speed for +25pts, +5pts "fudge factor" gives 325pts.

We already have ships that are smaller and more lightly armed than battleships. If we were to make it smaller&more lightly armed battleship/bigger more heavily armed BC, it's basically just a fast, heavily armed GC. It's not different enough to be truely interesting. A fast & fragile battleship on the other hand, is soemthing that does add a new dimenion to the game.

Your aversion to FP5 is slightly weird. ;) How would you feel about FP14 or FP16? (4+6+4 or 6+4+6?)
« Last Edit: February 25, 2011, 12:12:08 PM by RCgothic »

Offline Plaxor

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #940 on: February 25, 2011, 04:34:57 PM »
Had a thought on Mark of Tzeentch....

As people don't have any reason to take it en masse, (unlike the other marks) I was considering basically swapping it with the 'strands of fate' power from the Daemons section. Basically a vessel with a MoT would instead of having a re-roll, it would allow the player to re-roll any critical hits caused by the vessel on an enemy vessel, as well as being able to force the opposing player to re-roll criticals suffered on the ship. Not H&Rs though I don't think.

Offline Valhallan

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #941 on: February 25, 2011, 07:10:12 PM »
i just wanted to say that the invincible's dorsals are immune to direct fire crits due to the +1 to crit rolls.

how about a compromise. Fp12 at 60 with a targeting matrix for free.

Offline RCgothic

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #942 on: February 25, 2011, 07:28:55 PM »
The Dorsals aren't invulnerable, Hit and Run attacks can still take them offline.

FP12 and a Targetting matrix is actually a reasonable suggestion - it keeps its ability at long range, but really loses out against capital ships closing at short range, reducing its effectiveness as a linebreaker (where it really has no business being anyway).

Offline Valhallan

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #943 on: February 25, 2011, 07:32:44 PM »
i just wanted to say that the invincible's dorsals are immune to direct fire crits due to the +1 to crit rolls.

how about a compromise. Fp12 at 60 with a targeting matrix for free.

read 'direct fire crits'

- glad you like the target matrix suggestion.

Offline lastspartacus

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #944 on: February 25, 2011, 09:27:06 PM »
I like that MoT idea, as a primary tzeentch player, cuz I like the thousand sons but do realize the mark is weak.