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Author Topic: List of flawed ships  (Read 290417 times)

Offline Plaxor

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #615 on: February 01, 2011, 12:02:16 PM »
All right; so here's an updated list of things that need changing from my docs/actual docs:

Core rules:
Attack Rating used ALWAYS for set up, mission, first turn etc.
Squadrons allowed between all capital ships. Escorts and Cls may squadron.
Teleport Attacks no hit restrictions (any non-crippled cap ship can make them)
Secondary commanders allowed to make Command Checks after 'failed' ones.
Insertion of the 'no two commanders on one ship unless otherwise specified' words.
Revision of allies/reserves rules
Blast marker rules ala 1.0

Bombers to D3, no turret negatives.
Fighter escort rules.
Boarding Torps re-roll hits. All to 30cm.

MMS (more or less)
Hero back to 50 point upgrade. Makes it so reserves don't have -1 ld.

MMS (basically shadowfields mimicing holofields, shields, turrets etc)

Revision of Star Pulse generator (hitting waves not individual ordinance pieces)

Blood angels doubling boarding value instead of +1.
Inclusion of 'Vanguard' light cruiser.

Swapping out the Jovian for Dominion within Tartanus
Including some form of Bakka.
Reduction of turret cost on various ships (like the mars)

Writing in that they have boarding torps (I forgot)
Revisions to Maelstrom fleet.

Wording revisions
List revisions...... a lot of them...
Inclusion of 'thexians'
-5 points on pirate fleets wb based escorts
-10 points on Citadel, written as CL (it might already be that...)
Addition of 'Darkling engines'

Warden final
Listing merchant as CL, not cruiser.
Minor fixes

Inclusion of 'Deadnot'
Removal of turret options on escorts.
Auto-equipped with boarding torpedoes
Inclusion of CL
Merging of current Battleships
Minor fixes

Removal of 'fleet turret option'

Doing nids....

Work on these, but they are later. After core rules and fleetlists are done.

Any other thoughts?

Offline RCgothic

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #616 on: February 01, 2011, 12:20:07 PM »
Just noticed the Space Marine Vanguard LC and the IN Vanguard BB. Could be confusing.

This is a very large amount to take in, and I feel I'm not up to speed on a lot of the changes. Are the Orks going to follow along the lines of the new HA ork List?

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #617 on: February 01, 2011, 04:04:28 PM »
So withough modifiers, what is the point in taking a fighter escort in mixed waves? Ideally it would be something that benefited assault boats as well as bombers.

It couldn't be something like "reduce number of turrets firing by 1" because it would always be better to risk the turret shooting down the bomber/assault boat than to dilute the wave with fighters.

-1 to hit per fighter for all turrets, would again barely be worth it - only the first fighter really provides any benefit (those after providing diminishing returns), and only against T3+.

A re-roll to hit for each surviving fighter is again not worth just having an extra bomber/assault boat.

A universal reroll for each surviving fighter brings us into eldar territory and doesn't really have any effect beyond the first fighter except in being more likely to survive to provide it.

So what's the point in fighter escorts?

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #618 on: February 01, 2011, 08:36:15 PM »
IN Vanguard BB? You mean Vanquisher? the Vanguard is a new thing from forgeworld.

Fighter escorts give a form of resilient ordinance to the bombers that they are escorting. See FAQ 2010 ordinance questions, that's where I was discussing it with other people. It's somewhat complex, but you'll see.

The only representation of fighter turret suppression is that the fighters are removed first when hitting a ship. Presumably they expend their ammo/time distracting the turrets from the slow bombers/assault boats.

Sorry about the long list, I was writing down everything that I could think of that i've 'collected' over the last two weeks. I forgot to list a few things, like insertion of a special qualities section.

The HA ork list has been around since christmas. A few weeks after I built the Ork list. It is quite restricted/confusing, and FS ork warlords shouldn't be free. The Armada list is much better for a basis, and will be used instead.

Note that Deadnot's will only be allowed in WAAGH! fleets

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #619 on: February 04, 2011, 09:47:15 PM »
Sorry, I was having a confused day.

Anyway, a few comments on Imperial Fleets 1.1:

This is significantly different from the version going into Bakka. I'd say use Bakka's profile and cost 290pts.

Needs including/fixing?

Since when have these ships been Torpedo Bombers/Minelayers? I would keep these abilities to the fleet list. Torpedo Bombers are worth nowhere near 40pts, doing roughly comparable damage to regular bombers under FS (especially as they may not launch the turn they themselves are launched - that's a half ordnance rate) And minelayers aren't worth 20pts either. Mines are nowhere near as versatile as AC. I'd rather this was kept to the fleetlists, scenairos and campaigns, otherwise I think every carrier should have the options.

Still rearing its ugly head?

Don't like the profile. Its broadsides are too strong for a cruiser, and its dorsals are too strong for a cruiser. It also has battlecruiser level firepower, though obviously range issues. I could just about see FP9@30cm for a cruiser compared to S2 Lances@60cm, but the broadsides should cap out at 12. That would be fine for 200pts.

How about FP6@45cm for -25pts? It's just not an attractive option.

Perhaps it should take a leaf out of the Hydra's book? Swap the ranges of the batteries. FP6@45cm, with a FP4 bonus@30cm. That would make it an attractive option to keep at 180pts.

Just a Tartanus Tyrant? They're not so different that it makes sense to have 2 ships.

Does it get Dorsal WBs and +10pts as per Bakka? Should definitely be 4HPs.

Thought we were keeping these at 120pts? I may be forgetting the whole discussion, but with 6+ Prows and 90' turns they're probably worth 120pts.

Thought we were going with a 90/100pt Endeavour/Endurance Prow?

Is worth more than a Dauntless - Defiant gives up its main broadside for its LBs, whereas on the Dauntless those are just secondary weapons. 120pts.

Can we include please? I like it. 35pts.

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #620 on: February 04, 2011, 09:53:02 PM »
Also, in Traitor Fleets 1.1 p2/29 you have spelled "Ordnance" "Ordinance".

Ordinance is a Local Law or Religious Ritual.

Ordnance is what you blow stuff up with.

I haven't checked to see if this error has propagated through the whole document(s), but I'll keep an eye out from now on.

Offline Eldanesh

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #621 on: February 05, 2011, 04:35:14 AM »
 IN V 1.1
...strange....don't like. The option is..weird...

Should perhaps have an Option that brings Batteries to 60cm ~ 10-20 Points

compared to the Emperor still unattractive, due to the "conflicted design". But as this layout is essential for the ship I suggest point decrease ~ -20 Points.

Very underperforming. Perhaps it would be a good idea if the targeting array and/or the 3rd turret is included without any  additional costs

Love it....that means it is waaaaaay to cheap, even with the special rule :)  Suggestion: Torps +2 (never liked S4 tubes), Broadside -2, dorsal -2. Price +10 Points. (So still an impressive S18 Broadside)
Option to increase broadsides @45cm for +20Points and/or dorsal to @60cm for +20P

maybe I'm breaking a dogma, but do you really think hatthese ships are priced right? I always had the impression that  both are ~10P points overpriced especially if compared to the  Dominator or chaos ships. So probably 170P would be better,IMO

Well, you decreased the price, which is a good think. But I think I had prefered the other way: 190 Points, but the 45cm Broadside with S6. (if you follow my idea and decrease the Lunar/Gothic the current Tyrant should be 175 Points and the “improved” with S6@45cm 180 Points)

at the moment a better Tyrant (+1turret, weapon layout) for the same price...IMO to “close” to the tyrant and not needed or should be changed.

I don't like IN ships with 4 HP. Leave this to Eldar or Tau.
Also such a cheap cruiser can be abused to spam BCs or BBs.

Hate to say this, but the easiest way that other CLs become more attractive is to make the daunt more expensive. Should be at least 120P, perhaps even more.

Should only be allowed in a very limited way/very special fleet lists … otheriwse the IN can easily become a “carrier fleet”. Especially the Tempest could be a problem: 20 Hangars for 900 Points could be a bit much...

List section
Admirals and rerolls are overpriced (Has anyone ever used a Solar Admiral with 3 rerolls? I've already played games with 5000 points and 4 Battleships and never used such a guy ^^)  This is not a IN specific thing, but more or less all races are involved. But I have no real idea how to solve this as cheap commanders are somewhat of a race advantage (e.g. having a cheap LD10 Admiral is one of the few advantages that SM have...)

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #622 on: February 05, 2011, 10:12:35 AM »
This is significantly different from the version going into Bakka. I'd say use Bakka's profile and cost 290pts.
IN V 1.1
...strange....don't like. The option is..weird...

Will go to Bakka's profile at SPD 20 for 300.
Needs including/fixing?

Yes. Remember, last update was before Nate released Bakka

Since when have these ships been Torpedo Bombers/Minelayers? I would keep these abilities to the fleet list. Torpedo Bombers are worth nowhere near 40pts, doing roughly comparable damage to regular bombers under FS (especially as they may not launch the turn they themselves are launched - that's a half ordnance rate) And minelayers aren't worth 20pts either. Mines are nowhere near as versatile as AC. I'd rather this was kept to the fleetlists, scenairos and campaigns, otherwise I think every carrier should have the options.

Technically any cruiser has the capacity to be a minelayer. Anything with launch bays can be torp bombers. It's always allowed, kinda like the special torpedoes. However those will only be allowed in Admech outside of a campaign.

The advantage to minelaying is that it isn't limited by launch bay capacity, and you can have more in play than launch bays. Although the disadvantage is that they don't hit what you want, and if you take criticals they could suck more. Might go to a free exchange?

Torpedo bombers are something I've never liked, but the rules allow them. I suppose that they aren't really any better than normal bombers in this system. Could be cheaper? Or both these things could be campaign only.
Still rearing its ugly head?
Sorry, like I said, I haven't updated it yet. This will be replaced by the Dominion.

Don't like the profile. Its broadsides are too strong for a cruiser, and its dorsals are too strong for a cruiser. It also has battlecruiser level firepower, though obviously range issues. I could just about see FP9@30cm for a cruiser compared to S2 Lances@60cm, but the broadsides should cap out at 12. That would be fine for 200pts.
Love it....that means it is waaaaaay to cheap, even with the special rule :)  Suggestion: Torps +2 (never liked S4 tubes), Broadside -2, dorsal -2. Price +10 Points. (So still an impressive S18 Broadside)
Option to increase broadsides @45cm for +20Points and/or dorsal to @60cm for +20P

Yes, this was built too strong. It shouldn't have more than fp 20 on a broadside. Although the example model I'm building does have 'dauntless' wbs, jam-packed in there. How do you guys feel about 12 sides and 8 dorsals? Maintaining points? It would make the thing basically the BC eq of a Dominator.
The reason for the 4 torps, is that the only list that it is available in, the Tartanus Sector fleet, makes less use of torpedoes. See fleet lists.
How about FP6@45cm for -25pts? It's just not an attractive option.

-25 is waaaay! too much decrease. I was thinking about how low it would have to be for me to be tempted, and getting 165 pt IN cruisers with 6@45cm wbs and torps seems like a solid deal. Although I could see -20. Note that the Dominator will soon be able to swap its NC for 4 torps in any fleet list. This was wanted desperately in the past, and I disagreed because it would make the Tyrant less useful. However in each scenario you lose something. Either 2 torps or 2 wbs (and the 45cm ones...).
Perhaps it should take a leaf out of the Hydra's book? Swap the ranges of the batteries. FP6@45cm, with a FP4 bonus@30cm. That would make it an attractive option to keep at 180pts.
Just a Tartanus Tyrant? They're not so different that it makes sense to have 2 ships.
Well, you decreased the price, which is a good think. But I think I had prefered the other way: 190 Points, but the 45cm Broadside with S6. (if you follow my idea and decrease the Lunar/Gothic the current Tyrant should be 175 Points and the “improved” with S6@45cm 180 Points)
at the moment a better Tyrant (+1turret, weapon layout) for the same price...IMO to “close” to the tyrant and not needed or should be changed.

I did think that the Tyrant should be 175. However they aren't exactly the same, the Hydra has only 4 torps and no access to a NC. About equal of a trade off, as no one really cares about the extra 2 wbs@45cm. Hydra might lose a turret if it comes down to it, but I still feel that the Tyrant is just barely overcosted for what it is, and the Hydra is about right.

The only real reason for the inclusion of the Hydra over the Tyrant is just for a feel. It is slightly different, in fact it's the RT cruiser. I demanded that Nate give the RT cruiser some background and reason for being so common. This is simply a plot-hole fix, and has decent enough background/variation to make it viable.

The idea is to easily allow the Tartanus a 'Tyrant' type vessel, that can't upgrade its range. As Tartanus shouldn't have a lot of LR weaponry, except at extremely low wbs strengths, such as the Vanquisher with its low 45cm weapons output. Or the Exorcist with its low 45cm output, the Dominator etc.

Also to make it less NC-centric, although you could still just spam dominators.....

Does it get Dorsal WBs and +10pts as per Bakka? Should definitely be 4HPs.
I don't like IN ships with 4 HP. Leave this to Eldar or Tau.
Also such a cheap cruiser can be abused to spam BCs or BBs.

Yes to RC. Eldanesh, this makes it unique, and people don't spam dauntlesses to get more BBs or BCs, in fact people who want BCs usually just play Solar. People usually don't like to take 4hp ships just to get another Emperor/Ignus (although that would be a decent fleet...) etc.

This is also a compromise as in Tartanus, Cls are mandatory to take cruisers, so a cheap one is good.

Thought we were keeping these at 120pts? I may be forgetting the whole discussion, but with 6+ Prows and 90' turns they're probably worth 120pts.
I think that the HA might've decreased their cost after. I know the discussion basically said 6+ and 90' for no change. But was that no change after HA decided it was 110 pts? I imagine so.... I'll ask sig/horizon, one of them will remember.

Thought we were going with a 90/100pt Endeavour/Endurance Prow?
Nope. Remember that discussion? It kept its lances, so it stays at 120.

Is worth more than a Dauntless - Defiant gives up its main broadside for its LBs, whereas on the Dauntless those are just secondary weapons. 120pts.

Fair enough... I would love to hear someone elses thoughts on this. As we did have a discussion on how crappy 2lb carriers are. I do think that it is a better option than the defiant, even without the 6+ armor... so 120 it is!

Can we include please? I like it. 35pts.

Will be included in Bakka, not in Tartanus.

Should perhaps have an Option that brings Batteries to 60cm ~ 10-20 Points
Sorry, but no. At the very least it will allow us to release a BB with that sometime later. Although this is somewhat unlikely as none will compare to an Emperor, which has 15@60 focusable already.
compared to the Emperor still unattractive, due to the "conflicted design". But as this layout is essential for the ship I suggest point decrease ~ -20 Points.
We had a long discussion about this one, and that was the 'voted' result. This will not change unless there is a mass uproar to do so.

Very underperforming. Perhaps it would be a good idea if the targeting array and/or the 3rd turret is included without any  additional costs

Our original idea was somewhat complicated. Although I think it is decent for 235 with the targetting array. How do people feel about 3 turrets? I could see that easy. Or even another -10 points.

maybe I'm breaking a dogma, but do you really think hatthese ships are priced right? I always had the impression that  both are ~10P points overpriced especially if compared to the  Dominator or chaos ships. So probably 170P would be better,IMO

The Dominator has the disadvantage of having a mandatory NC. In 'fs' it doesn't but it will swap for a sub-par torp salvo. They're fine where they are. They might be overpriced, but they don't break any internal balance in the IN fleet.

Hate to say this, but the easiest way that other CLs become more attractive is to make the daunt more expensive. Should be at least 120P, perhaps even more.

Sorry... this is a no. The Dauntless is good for it's points, but not great enough to justify an increase. The other CLs are good now because they have 6+ armor, and are the same cost. (at least I think...)

Should only be allowed in a very limited way/very special fleet lists … otheriwse the IN can easily become a “carrier fleet”. Especially the Tempest could be a problem: 20 Hangars for 900 Points could be a bit much...

Enforcer isn't a big deal, as Tartanus doesn't include Dictators.... So you can get 4lbs for 240 points (now after the increase) which is correct.

The Tempest is priced correctly, and Tartanus is a bit more AC-oriented than normal IN fleets, it trades off torpedoes for this. Normal IN fleets can get 20 for 995 points (3 dictators+Emperor). So this isn't a big deal. Plus Escort carriers have their own flaws, and people I don't think would like running a fleet full of them.

List section
Admirals and rerolls are overpriced (Has anyone ever used a Solar Admiral with 3 rerolls? I've already played games with 5000 points and 4 Battleships and never used such a guy ^^)  This is not a IN specific thing, but more or less all races are involved. But I have no real idea how to solve this as cheap commanders are somewhat of a race advantage (e.g. having a cheap LD10 Admiral is one of the few advantages that SM have...)

Yeah, they probably are. This is one thing that is accentuated by the Emperor, which I feel is undercosted, as you get the +50 point bonus to your admirals cost (as the emperor is almost always the flagship).

Most characters became more consistent through working this out. Notice that SM masters of the fleet became 75, the arch magos for Admech became 75.

I'll probably change the LD ups to +25 points each due to this fact. As one leadership is usually considered worth about 20 pts. Any disagreements?

Chaos will follow suite as closely as possible.

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #623 on: February 05, 2011, 12:09:32 PM »
Fp6 @ 45cm is actually twice the firepower of fp4 in certain columns. A swap of the ranges on the base profile would be just enough to make the upgrade to fp10 less of an auto take.

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #624 on: February 05, 2011, 06:01:11 PM »
True.... Hmmmm...

Basically we have two options for the Tyrant. Making it fp.6@45cm +4@30. Or just automatically including the upgrade (which now I'm ok with considering we have the Hydra around.)

Actually I've come up with some new solutions for Tyrant/Dominator/Hydra conundrum.

Here's my favorite option:

Returns to 185, wbs=8@45cm 2@30cm. 5pts to make the 2@30 45cm. Still mixed and fits the fluff, but not such a crappy downgraded version.

Downgraded version has 8wbs@45cm for -10pts. Not so crappy compared to the original, but still sub-par. Doesn't compete with the Tyrant for the range bracket, although it is cheaper.

2nd option:

Returns to 185, wbs=4@45cm 8@30cm. Making it basically a dominator that spends '5' pts to get some wbs@45. I don't think this fulfills the fluff.

Dominator: 6wbs@45, 2wbs@30cm.

I really like Option A, and it fits the fluff quite well.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2011, 06:42:08 PM by Plaxor »

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #625 on: February 05, 2011, 07:44:53 PM »
I'd really prefer the Tyrant to get FP6@45cm & FP4@30cm for 180pts.

Dominator should be left as is, possibly -20pts for the downgrade. FP6@45cm would miss the Tyrant's FP4@30cm, but it would be cheaper and have a NC.

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #626 on: February 05, 2011, 08:42:27 PM »
Hmmmmmm... I do think the Dominator at fp8 makes it just about worthwhile enough that it doesn't seem like a BS upgrade.... and the Tyrant at 8 makes it actually feel like it is the long-ranged IN cruiser it's supposed to be on a regular basis. FP4 makes it so... pitiful and the fluff doesn't make sense for it.

At fp6 it straddles these two lines, and with fp8 it's like half upgrading its range, making it different enough from the Hydra. Also establishing the Hydra as a sub-par vessel. It's the least changes needed to make all these ships viable.

With fp6 on the Tyrant, the Hydra would have to go back to fp4@45cm (like it was in the original RT doc) to maintain it's fluff. Then likely lose a turret and go down to 175. Although this causes some minor issues with RT fleets, as Nate included the third turret to make it more viable in a low-ordinance fleet like the RTs.

Although the RTs could get the Dictator included in their list. With +15 points saying that attack craft are limited like lances. Still keeping the feel and balance there, and making it less demanding to include an Exorcist, Demiurg vessels, or escort carriers. (likely will include Tempests...)

Offline Plaxor

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #627 on: February 05, 2011, 09:12:08 PM »
Added a poll. Feel free to vote.

Offline RCgothic

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #628 on: February 05, 2011, 09:37:00 PM »
Fixing the Hydra should be secondary to fixing the Tyrant/Dominator.

Tyrant with FP6@45cm and FP10@30cm would be worth its 180pts. At the moment it isn't, so this is a good fix. FP10@45cm for 190pts stays the same. For the Imperium's primary WB cruiser, I think this is a good fix.

The Dominator's base profile is fine. The downgrade to FP6 is worth -20pts.

This puts clear distance between Tyrant and Dominator: You get a NC and FP6, or you can trade in the NC and +10pts to get an additional FP4@30cm each side. I think that seems a fair comparison.

So where does that leave the Hydra? As it is, the additional turret probably doesn't balance the loss of 2 torpedos (particularly with the new bomber system), so it should be less than 180pts anyway.

Smotherman says that loss is -7pts, or -5pts with the turret. If upgrading FP4 of the Tyrant to 45cm is 10pts, downgrading FP2 to 30cm is 5cm, so the Hydra comes out at 170pts.

Compared to the Dominator at the same cost, you have far more close in firepower. Compared to the Tyrant, you're a good 10pts cheaper. I think that's enough of a clear space without trying to do anything fancy with the Tyrant/Dominator's profiles.

EDIT: The poll doesn't really reflect my view. I agree with the Tyrant FP6@45 FP10@30 for 180pts / Dominator FP6@45 for 170pts changes, but I'm happy for a Hydra to be FP4@45, FP10@30cm, 3 turrets and 4 torps for 170pts.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2011, 09:46:47 PM by RCgothic »

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #629 on: February 05, 2011, 09:41:32 PM »
Deal. I'll probably do this next update. I'll wait to confirm after a little, to see if there is any more commentary.