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Author Topic: List of flawed ships  (Read 289414 times)

Offline BaronIveagh

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #135 on: December 03, 2010, 06:00:57 PM »
Light cruiser role analysis:

The Dauntless is a patrol cruiser. It can chase down pirates and raiders single handed and overpower individual opponents of a similar tonnage by itself. The profile reflects this, focussing on  heavy forward firepower and speed at the expense of all-round protection and toughness. It's essentially a battlecruiser-light, able to outgun or outrun individual opponents, but it really doesn't want to be surrounded.

The Endeavour and Endurance are "Light Ships of the Line". Their focus is on supporting the larger cruisers in a fleet situation. They're more durable than the Dauntless, and thanks to their heavy broadsides they don't mind being surrounded and can more easily engage an enemy that stands and fights. Unlike the larger vessels, they can still react quickly to changing battleship conditions, but pursuing enemy vessels isn't their strongest suit.

The Defiant is an Escort Carrier, not a Fleet Carrier. Its pitifully sized bomber waves are overwhelmed by even modest turret defense, so unlike the other CVs it cannot operate from long range - it MUST stick with the fleet and pick on crippled vessels that the gunline leaves behind, regardless of what speed it may have - this is what makes it a Cruiser of the Line. It's much more useful in a defensive role, using its Fighters and manoeuvrability to put its AC where they're most needed within the battle line.

Unfortunately, its low Ordnance count makes it a low priority for RO checks, and it's even more outgunned by its gunship couterparts (6WBe to 17) than the other CVs are (21 to 33 for Dictator), even before accounting for the fact it has half the Ordnance it's supposed to have on board.

So what's to be done? It can't really fit any more weaponry onto the prow, S2 Lances is already stronger than FP2 WBs and S2 Torps of other Voss.

Option 1: Massive price break. It's a support ship, and it still wouldn't be undercosted at 90pts. This still wouldn't really help it much, as it's a badly broken ship.
Option2: Give it some more AC. This would breaks its ECV role, and will never be accepted officially.
Option3: Give it some Torps. This would help it gain more of a priority in the RO stakes, but the prow is already at max capacity, so this would necessitate a weapons change.
Option4: Give it some more Broadside weaponry. Not reflected by the model.
Option5: Give it some dorsal weaponry. The Zeus-class models can certainly take a dorsal hardpoint, and the argument is that the room not taken up by the undersized launch bays creates enough space to install a modest dorsal armament.
Option6:] More prow weaponry. But the Defiant already has more than standard Voss armament on the prow, there isn't really any capacity left for more.

Of these options, Option 1 is viable, but not attractive, as it doesn't really fix the ship. Options 2, 4 and 6 are not viable. This leaves swapping torps onto the prow and adding and dorsal weaponry.

Horizon accomplished this by S2 Lances -> FP2 WBs and S2 Torps, a slight trade down in firepower to the same as other Voss. FP2 Dorsal was added.

Another option could be:
Prow S1 Lance F/L/R
Prow S2 Torps
Dorsal S1 Lance F/L/R
Dorsal FP3 WBs F/L/R

This is slightly more firepower than Horizon proposed, maintaining its current prow strength but adding Dorsal Weaponry up to half that of a standard cruiser dorsal mount. It would then be able to bring a broadside of 8WBe to one side (2AC are roughly equiv to 2Wbe) similar to the other Voss, and have S2 torps to bump it up the RO priority list, but at the complete expense of any off-side firepower.

Horizon actually took a conservative approach with his profile because the Dorsal mount is a bit controversial, but the Defiant would still be underpowered even with the more powerful upgrade, but as a support ship it may just find enough of a nich supporting an otherwise all-gun fleet line.

Why option 2 will not be accepted has not been explained to me, please elaborate.

Secondly: A Defiant is not a CVE but rather a CVL.  CVEs are modified cargo ships, or quickly constructed carriers with insufficient engine power to keep up with the fleet.  (In BFG they count as Escorts, and are, as of FAQ 2010, part of some fleets lists now, in the RT PDF.)

A CVL is a light carrier used more typically as a patrol carrier with a small group of escorts or as part of a larger carrier force, supplementing fleet carriers.    This would make it, almost be definition, the carrier version of the Dauntless.

In all honesty, no fleet in BFG has a true CV.  The Emperor comes close, but still reminds me of the Graf Zeppelin class with it's 15 cm cruiser guns under the flight deck.  This ironic, considering how hard people insist that IN should not be an ac fleet.  
« Last Edit: December 03, 2010, 06:03:27 PM by BaronIveagh »
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Offline RCgothic

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #136 on: December 03, 2010, 07:39:12 PM »
Firstly, because the HAs would never make a 4AC CL official, and whilst this document probably won't be, there's no point producing anything that couldn't be.
Secondly, because the proposed ship would be more heavily biased towards Ordnance than any other ship in BFG:

Defiant 12WBe Ord to 6WBe Direct Fire 2:1
Dictator 21WBe Ord to 12WB Direct Fire 1.75:1
Styx 18WBe Ord to 12Wbe Direct Fire 1.5:1
Emperor 24WBe Ord to 22WBe Direct Fire 1.09:1

Thirdly, Voss are Supposed to be Light Cruisers of the Line. A mini-flat top would not be.

Fourthly: The distinction between ECV and CVL is not as important as you may think, and the Casablanca class ECV, the most numerous class of carrier ever built, was far more frequently used in fleet operations than not.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2010, 07:49:14 PM by RCgothic »

Offline horizon

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #137 on: December 03, 2010, 07:53:37 PM »
Horizon: the Endeavour is short ranged and lacks firepower and hit points compared to other line ships.  Where as the other two are useful by increasing LB or lances, both being in demand in IN fleets, the Endeavour simply brings more of the same, in a much more fragile package.
Lances aren't in demand in the demand by the Navy with the Lunar & Gothic being mainstay cruisers. Launch bays are to an extend. But the Emperor is very good, and the Mars/Dictator not bad (though on the heavy costed site). Plus IN has torpedoes en masse to edge out lesser launch bays.

The Endeavour/Endurance are identical. 6 wb broadsides or 2 l broadsides is the same in essence power. Both have same prow.

By the same prow token the Defiant should have the same prow weaponry as the other two. Thus Defiant also 2wb/2 torps on the prow. So no lances on the prow.
So VOSS design.

Then the odd thing comes. 6 batteries = 2 lances = 2 launch bays. However given the size of the ship I think and quite know the 4lb on the Defiant is off limits. Thus a variant token is needed.
I give it 2 dorsal wb to get that balance.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2010, 09:25:57 PM by horizon »

Offline Admiral_d_Artagnan

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #138 on: December 03, 2010, 09:28:52 PM »
Considering the current list limits, I don't see +2 lb turning IN into a AC fleet, as it would then only match the Dictator rather then exceed it. being a Voss ship is either half a Lunar or half a dictator. 

You're missing the cost of the thing. If you add the LBs and then it stays at 130, it's now cheaper than a Dictator. 3 Str 4 LB Defiants plus 1 Emperor is would be how many AC for how many points?

Offline horizon

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #139 on: December 03, 2010, 09:35:48 PM »

3x130 = 390 = 12AC
1x365 = 365 = 8 AC

total 755 = 20AC
add admiral 50 = 805 = 20AC

What could Tau do?
3x Explorer = 660 = 24AC
1x Merchant = 120 = 0AC
add kor = total 830 = 24AC

Devestation = 4x190 = 760
add wm = 810 = 16AC

Offline Plaxor

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #140 on: December 03, 2010, 09:37:14 PM »
Considering the current list limits, I don't see +2 lb turning IN into a AC fleet, as it would then only match the Dictator rather then exceed it. being a Voss ship is either half a Lunar or half a dictator. 

You're missing the cost of the thing. If you add the LBs and then it stays at 130, it's now cheaper than a Dictator. 3 Str 4 LB Defiants plus 1 Emperor is would be how many AC for how many points?

Art I do agree with you that IN should have a hard time getting lbs, it's in their fluff. However your list is incorrect, you'd need 3 endeavors, 3 defiants, to get the emperor. This little thing is a nice way to make sure you don't ordinance spam, and in fact it is cheaper to buy launch bays with the dictators.

Offline horizon

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #141 on: December 03, 2010, 09:44:20 PM »
/Oddly the restriction on Endurance & Defiant has been waived. What is it know? 2 per 500?

Offline RCgothic

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #142 on: December 03, 2010, 09:45:02 PM »
That's being changed. It's 2 Endurances/Defiants per 500pts, which is effectively unlimited when you take into account other things you need to buy. I did want these tied into points, but I think the HAs have taken it too far again.

Offline Admiral_d_Artagnan

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #143 on: December 03, 2010, 09:49:48 PM »
The Defiant is an Escort Carrier, not a Fleet Carrier. Its pitifully sized bomber waves are overwhelmed by even modest turret defense, so unlike the other CVs it cannot operate from long range - it MUST stick with the fleet and pick on crippled vessels that the gunline leaves behind, regardless of what speed it may have - this is what makes it a Cruiser of the Line. It's much more useful in a defensive role, using its Fighters and manoeuvrability to put its AC where they're most needed within the battle line.

Of course not. If the role is just to pick off crippled vessels, it can just stay off and then use the legs of its bomber wings and escorts to assist in killing the cripples. That's how Escort carriers operated in real life. in Hunter Killer groups. They do well vs escorts (u-boats or destroyers in real life). They may even do well vs light cruisers and cruisers. But no one expects to take them into a line of battle.

Note that in Leyte Gulf, the one major fleet battle where escort carriers went up against gunships, the American Escort Carrier group mostly ran in the opposite direction of the approaching Japanese fleet. They did do well in that engagement, sinking a couple of cruisers with the help of the escorting Destroyer Escorts and throwing their aircraft (in fairness of 3 Escort Carrier Groups) and torpedoes into the mix but the point is they never should have even gotten within gun range of the enemy battlewagons. Only the inexperience of the Japanese prevented what should have outrightly been a massacre of the 3 Escort Carrier groups.

If there were gunships about, they would do their best to be undetected. Of course hard to do that in this game but if you want to refer to how an escort carrier operates in real life, that's how they do it.

Unfortunately, its low Ordnance count makes it a low priority for RO checks, and it's even more outgunned by its gunship couterparts (6WBe to 17) than the other CVs are (21 to 33 for Dictator), even before accounting for the fact it has half the Ordnance it's supposed to have on board.

Who cares about low ordnance? You have a ship like that, if you do not use RO, then you're doing the opponent a favor by eliminating half the weapons on board. RO all you want.

So what's to be done? It can't really fit any more weaponry onto the prow, S2 Lances is already stronger than FP2 WBs and S2 Torps of other Voss.

So what? This is a different type of animal from the other Voss ships.

Option 1: Massive price break. It's a support ship, and it still wouldn't be undercosted at 90pts. This still wouldn't really help it much, as it's a badly broken ship.
Option2: Give it some more AC. This would breaks its ECV role, and will never be accepted officially.
Option3: Give it some Torps. This would help it gain more of a priority in the RO stakes, but the prow is already at max capacity, so this would necessitate a weapons change.
Option4: Give it some more Broadside weaponry. Not reflected by the model.
Option5: Give it some dorsal weaponry. The Zeus-class models can certainly take a dorsal hardpoint, and the argument is that the room not taken up by the undersized launch bays creates enough space to install a modest dorsal armament.
Option6:] More prow weaponry. But the Defiant already has more than standard Voss armament on the prow, there isn't really any capacity left for more.

Of these options, Option 1 is viable, but not attractive, as it doesn't really fix the ship. Options 2, 4 and 6 are not viable. This leaves swapping torps onto the prow and adding and dorsal weaponry.

And yet there's my proposal which isn't included. Str 3 forward firing lances and option to change to Str 6 torps. And I don't understand why the Defiant can't have it.

What Zeus model? Is it an official BFG model?

Horizon actually took a conservative approach with his profile because the Dorsal mount is a bit controversial, but the Defiant would still be underpowered even with the more powerful upgrade, but as a support ship it may just find enough of a nich supporting an otherwise all-gun fleet line.

Yes, definitely controversial and I don't like dorsals on non-Battlecruiser ships other than AM and even they don't have it on LCs if I am not mistaken which is why I don't understand why not just have one weapon on the prow for this particular Voss. They do not all have to have the same 2 prow weapon.

You worry about it being underpowered but worry at the same time about it being overpowered compared to the Endeavor and Endurance by presenting WBes. Well, really, pick one because it can't be both.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2010, 09:51:52 PM by Admiral_d_Artagnan »

Offline Admiral_d_Artagnan

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #144 on: December 03, 2010, 09:52:46 PM »
Art I do agree with you that IN should have a hard time getting lbs, it's in their fluff. However your list is incorrect, you'd need 3 endeavors, 3 defiants, to get the emperor. This little thing is a nice way to make sure you don't ordinance spam, and in fact it is cheaper to buy launch bays with the dictators.

What Horizon said.

Offline RCgothic

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #145 on: December 03, 2010, 10:04:35 PM »
I'm not remotely worried about the Defiant outgunning the Endeavour/Endurance. Even with the Dorsal mount, it's physically impossible to squeeze enough weaponry onto the hull to compensate for the 1/3 strength broadsides. Using the maximum firepower configuration (Not Horizon's profile), it will have equivalent weapons strength (AC included) to the other Voss ships in 2/3 of its arcs, and 0 firepower in the third.

Your proposal, S3 Lances, is WBe9 on the prow, far in excess of what the Prow is shown to be capable of holding (far in excess of what a cruiser prow can hold as well. The Dauntless is a special case - its entire prow is built around its weaponry at the expense of armour), and therefore falls down under option 6.

Your objection to Dorsal CL weaponry is also not backed up in this case by fluff or reason - we know those S2 LBs take up less space than the S12 WBs they replaced, so there must be additional space that in the case of the Defiant but not the other Voss may be used to install a Dorsal Weapons system.

Zeus class Light Cruisers (Voss stand ins)

Now I realise this discussion will ultimately be about compromise, and I want this Defiant profile more than I want the Avenger to not have FP20, so I have a proposal. Let this Defiant profile with Dorsal WBs and S2 Torps go through and I'll withdraw my objection to a FP20 Avenger.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2010, 10:12:32 PM by RCgothic »

Offline Admiral_d_Artagnan

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #146 on: December 03, 2010, 10:10:58 PM »
And you think 6+ prow can be justifiably added to S2 LFR lances? Compared to Str 3 F only lances? If that's the only problem, then forget the 6+ prow for the Defiant and put the same weapons of the Dauntless on it especially since it's not supposed to be part of the Line of Battle anyway.

And don't drag the Avenger into this. Each ship has to be fixed by itself. The Avenger even if you put FP20 on it would still be horribly overcosted.

My objection about dorsal weaponry is based on the game itself. There are no dorsal weaponry on non BC cruisers for the IN. If you can show me there is one, I will withdraw my objection. Reminder: FOR THE IN. And don't use stand ins as well. Not everyone can get access to it. But people can get access to the stats.

Sure they replaced FP12 but game balance and race mechanics has to come into play in a situation like this. Giving Str 4 LBs would let IN get cheap access to AC.

Those 2 LBs are on a light cruiser chassis which is even skinnier than norm and thus they get the boarding modifier. There will be limited space on such a ship. Remember that such a ship does not only need to carry the attack craft but also the ordnance for those attack craft and other auxiliaries which also take up space unless you think they are all placed outside the skin of the ship.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2010, 10:21:37 PM by Admiral_d_Artagnan »

Offline RCgothic

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #147 on: December 03, 2010, 10:14:03 PM »
As justifiably as a 6+ prow could be added to FP2 WBs and S2 Torps, yes (+/- 1WBe).

I don't see why I shouldn't drag the Avenger into it. I don't agree that FP20 or a price drop would fix it, I think it needs something else. You disagree. I want a Defiant with the profile mentioned. Without compromise, it seems neither of us will get what we want.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2010, 10:15:54 PM by RCgothic »

Offline Admiral_d_Artagnan

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #148 on: December 03, 2010, 10:29:46 PM »
As justifiably as a 6+ prow could be added to FP2 WBs and S2 Torps, yes (+/- 1WBe).

You're missing the point. We're talking about lances. You're saying that Str 2 LFR is different from Str 3 F only and the latter would be wrong to have 6+ prow when both are basically lances, one which is more flexible but has all those other equipments allowing it to be flexible in its firing arc than the other which is more powerful but fixed. I do not see any real difference as to why the Str 2 LFR lance can get 6+ prow while the Str 3 F only lances cannot.

I don't see why I shouldn't drag the Avenger into it. I don't agree that FP20 or a price drop would fix it, I think it needs something else. You disagree. I want a Defiant with the profile mentioned. Without compromise, it seems neither of us will get what we want.

We don't need each other's agreement. We're not the only ones involved in this discussion. There will be a consensus sooner or later. You might very well get your Defiant version. I might well get my Avenger or Defiant version. We both may or may not like the results but it's not entirely up to us. There are others who while affect the decision as well. So I or you do not need to compromise. I just need to present my opinion and you yours and the above posts are my idea of fixing the Defiant. It's well within the existing rules of the game. The weapon profile exists in the game. I don't need outside models to model it. I can just take a lance or torp Dauntless and stick LBs onto it.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2010, 10:31:22 PM by Admiral_d_Artagnan »

Offline Plaxor

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #149 on: December 03, 2010, 11:00:56 PM »
Also as a note guys, this is V1.0 we will playtest whilst doing the other fleets and determine if more change is needed or things need changed back etc.

At some point if consensus can't be met, but an option is close. I will make a judgment call and that is the profile that will be playtested.

Most people agree that the avenger needs dropped in points, but the amount is variable on the profile chosen. I will delete this until consensus is agreed on a profile.

Now the two proposed profiles:

20wbs@30cm - The only one in opposition to this is RCgothic, for consensus on this item 1 more person would have to agree.

16wbs@45cm - Sigoroth is in opposition to this, meaning that there would need to be 3 more to pass this one.

There are really two compromises out there:
fp18 total, some portion at 45, the rest at 30
Making one an upgrade of the other

It looks like the opposition to each other group is due to these ideas:

Against FP20; this would compete with larger vessels, and makes it potentially have more firepower than the Retribution. Also it doesn't do much for the flaws of the ship (I.E. it burning and dying while closing)

Against rng 45; this doesn't seem fluffy for a linebreaker, and doesn't compete with larger vessels the same due to overall less firepower and different playstyle.

As far as the defiant... I really don't get what is up with you guys, can't you agree on some profile? I wouldn't mind it being 4lbs if it were still restricted by endeavor purchases. Otherwise, I'm against that change.

So of the proposed changes:

Swapping the lances for 2 torps and 4 dorsal/prow (why can't we just make these prow?) wbs.

Making the lances str 3 prow, but swappable with str 6 torps.

Making it have str 4 torps.

Guys, rank these on a 1-3 scale, 1 being the one you want most etc.