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Author Topic: List of flawed ships  (Read 290346 times)

Offline Admiral_d_Artagnan

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #945 on: February 25, 2011, 11:05:50 PM »
Retribution is supposed to be a powerful linebreaker, and it is. A far more powerful one than Invincible.
Its stronger torps allow it to bludgeon its way in, where it will use its additional FP6 to maximum effect, all the while surviving firepower that over 2 turns would cripple Invincible with barely a scratch.

The likelihood of you getting the Retribution into the midst of an enemy fleet with a well versed opponent is quite low. You'll only be able to really use an additional FP3. And if you're driving the Ret to get into the midst of an enemy fleet, you're not really using your broadside WBs aren't you? Means the Invincible is shooting all the while and getting more damage in.

The whole point of a Battlecruiser (Note to sig - would be calling this a Heavy Battlecruiser) is to project battleship-equivalent firepower on a fast platform - historical battleships weren't less powerful than battleships, and they were often more - Hood was the most powerful warship afloat for more than 2 decades. Nerfing it to FP12&3 Lances drops Invincible out of the bottom tier of battleships, and that's why I'm so fiercely trying to hang on to FP15.

Of course the Hood was the most powerful. No one was building any during those 20 years. Certainly not the Germans.

Assuming for a moment S4 lances were allowed, Admiral would be happy with S4@FP12 (slightly more potent than 3L&FP15) which shows that the objection is to the level of firepower in the broadsides, not the total firepower overall.

Yep. Again, I don't mind the dorsals to be brought down to 3 and the torp strength increased to 9.

This brings us onto the assertion that FP15@60cm is as good as FP22@45cm. You're saying WBs@60cm are worth nearly 50% more than WBs@45. This can't be the case:

  • Assuming Invincible is abeam ready to recieve a closing capital ship and that the ships are randomly located to begin with, there's a 40% chance a closing chaos cruiser could clear the 45-60cm range band entirely, in which case you may as well have had the extra firepower. If Retribution is closing against enemy abeam and the ships are randomly located to start with, there's a 25% chance of clearing the 60-45cm band entirely, in which case the extra range is moot. So there's at least a 25% chance the extra range won't even come into play at all.
Likelihood. I can say that there's a 60% chance the Chaos cruiser won't clear the band while the Ret has a 75% chance of not clearing the band. See it's all about perspective. The fact therefore according to you is that there is a better chance of the band coming into effect than not.

  • Then there's the fact extra range is most likely entirely wasted on the off-side because you're only likely to have targets on both sides when you're in a linebreaking position, in which case pure firepower is what's needed.
Again, the assumption is your opponent lets you get the Ret in there. Certainly I won't just let you. I don't know about your opponents though.

  • Long-range firepower is also less likely to be backed up by MORE long range firepower, thus diluting its effect due to shields compared to short range fire.
Yeah but long range firepower can be backed up by short ranged firepower. Perspective.

  • Finally, most battles are concluded at short range and less than 1/4 of the battle is going to occur in the 45-60cm range band, so even a moderate amount of extra dice to start with are going to be outweighed by 1 or two extra dice at shorter range over the course of a battle. If even 1/8th of the time the shorter ranged ship manages to line up a dual broadside then it will outweigh any advantage of having long range in an instant.

Yes but it doesn't mean you can't get damage in from long range fire. Really, you're discounting long range fire a lot.

Yes, longer ranges weapons batteries are worth more than short ranged ones. But 50% more? Really? If they were really worth 50% more, the overlord would be considered one of the best BCs rather than the most blatantly undergunned. It takes a targetting matrix to make it equivalent to an Armageddon, and even then it isn't better. 20% difference at most.

It's better now. Then it wasn't since the amount of dice being rolled aren't enough. Had the Overlord had FP12@60cm. no one would be complaining. I still prefer the Overlord to have FP12@45cm though to put it in line with the Armageddon. Yes it should be 50% more at lower strength if we stick to the current day ship platform. If we go by the Dominator profile where you can upgrade the broadside batteries to FP6@45 cm, you would see this precedent. It's actually a heftier change compared to my wanting the Overlord to have FP12@45cm from FP8@60cm. I would think that the Ret having a similar platform or cruiser-writ-large with the same type of weapons should have a similar ratio.

So the Ret is still undergunned in the sense that if it had FP18@60cm which it should, its broadside firepower at 45 cm should really be at FP27 when at 45cm (probably even at FP36 if we go by the Dominator but that might be too much).

Also, the Apocalypse crams 27WBe into those same three hardpoints. Lances are already far more potent than Weapons Batteries at range - denying WBs the ability to have FP6@60cm to a hardpoint just exacerbates this (and conveniently ignores that Emperor and Oberon do just that), and I'm not even asking for 6 per hardpoint here, or asking that the range upgrade be free.

Yes and the Retribution should really have FP18@60cm. So why not put that into the changes as well because really, isolating the weapons alone, the FP18@45cm of the Ret will be overshadowed by the Invincible which has FP15@60cm broadsides. If one can put FP15@60 cm broadside on what you claim is a battlecruiser, I don't see why they can't put FP18@60cm on a true blue battleship.

Of course, there are other factors in the game but first there should be an absolute comparison which is isolating and comparing the WBs only and then a relative comparison which is now comparing the ships other stats as well. 

Offline RCgothic

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #946 on: February 26, 2011, 09:03:11 AM »
You're flat wrong that WBs@60cm are worth 47% more than WBs@45, and that's all there is to it.

You are saying that WB12@60cm are equivalent to WB18@45. Against an enemy determined to stay at range, that's just 2 extra dice against capital ship abeam at long range (and we'll leniently ignore all the valid factors I mentioned in my previous post). FP18@45, once in range, gets 4 dice against that same target - it only had to fire once to eliminate the 60cm battery's advantage.

The FP12@60cm ship gains most advantage if the enemy is closing, 6 extra dice. But the FP18@45 ship will subsequently get at least +2 dice in every column compared to the FP12@60cm ship, and at extreme close range +5 dice. If the FP12@60cm ship is staying at 30-60cm, then the FP18@45cm ship can get up to +14 dice in comparison by closing to short range, and possibly +27 if it lines up a double broadside, that initial 6 dice advantage takes just 3 turns to go away even under the least favourable conditions to the FP18@45cm ship.

I'm not discounting long range WBs - that first turn advantage is worth something - but if you think they're worth so much more than 45cm batteries you're kidding yourself.  ::) I'd say 20% more valuable at most.

The only reason for having FP12 over FP15 is if you think that a Heavy Battlecruiser should be less powerful than even the least firepower-heavy battleships, which it 100% should be as powerful as.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2011, 09:41:01 AM by RCgothic »

Offline Plaxor

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #947 on: February 26, 2011, 09:36:22 AM »
Yeah Admiral D'.... I know Smotherman says that 60cm wbs are worth 1.5x as much as 45cm ones, but they really aren't. FP18@45 in my mind seems more like it would be worth FP14@60. So they should be worth about 33% more, not 50%.

Honestly think about it, would you trade FP18@45 for FP12@60?

Offline Eldanesh

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #948 on: February 26, 2011, 12:53:05 PM »
If you need a formula for imperial ships try this one:

It works only for imperials and isn't "up to date" (pre-Armada ^^), but it allows to rebuilt every imperial shipclass (before the pointswitch of Emp/Ret) to it's correct point costs. It also has a hardpoint system as well as individual cost fo every weapon system.

Offline Plaxor

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #949 on: February 26, 2011, 12:56:47 PM »
Oh, more thoughts on Marks;

So the idea is to make it viable to take marks en masse, in case you want to run a themed force. Of course as I mentioned before the revision to purchasing marks (any capital ship can take them regardless of if they have a chaos lord or not, you must have the same mark, but chaos lords can take a different one).

Tzeentch/Nurgle seem pretty fixed with what I have. With Nurgle being cheaper, and also changing the 'boarding action' mechanic to get rid of the stupidity behind it. Tzeentch will provide an ability that is useful on any capital ship, as well as when taken more than once. Similar to Nurgle's. As well it won't be a 'just carriers' type thing.

Khorne: Really doesn't need a revision, as it works fine already, although it is slightly better on Slaughters. No big deal.

Slannesh: The issue here is that this is only useful to take on one or two ships, I was wondering how people would feel if the leadership detriment was changed to -1, but multiple ships would affect the LD? Probably to a max of -3. Or maybe some chart, saying the first stops the 'enemy vessels on SO' rule. The second subtracts LD, and the third prevents SO from being taken.

Offline Valhallan

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #950 on: February 26, 2011, 07:13:39 PM »
I think the admiral knows that fp 18 at 45 is slightly better than fp12 at 60. hence the new ret being +10points. I wanna say i heard this fixed ret profile and cost from him on the port about a year ago....

anywho. FP12 w/ target matrix. great solution.

and RC i'm not arguing FP12 to make it weaker than everything else (though i do think the ret should be super heavy for WBe, and as such it is a bad comparison). But i'm arguing Fp12 to keep the points below 350. if it had BB level firepower, BB level hits, BB level points, but all it looses are 2 shields and some harsher crits... I really don't see where its a heavy battlecruiser. but rather just a fast BB.

Offline Admiral_d_Artagnan

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #951 on: February 26, 2011, 08:21:55 PM »
You're flat wrong that WBs@60cm are worth 47% more than WBs@45, and that's all there is to it.

I'm not sure where you're getting that percentage. I'm basing my reasons through actual stats. The Dominator is my example. If you have anything to refute that WB ratio, then please do so.

If there is anything wrong however, it is the profile of the Retribution. It should have FP6@60 cm per hardpoint.

You are saying that WB12@60cm are equivalent to WB18@45. Against an enemy determined to stay at range, that's just 2 extra dice against capital ship abeam at long range (and we'll leniently ignore all the valid factors I mentioned in my previous post). FP18@45, once in range, gets 4 dice against that same target - it only had to fire once to eliminate the 60cm battery's advantage.

The FP12@60cm ship gains most advantage if the enemy is closing, 6 extra dice. But the FP18@45 ship will subsequently get at least +2 dice in every column compared to the FP12@60cm ship, and at extreme close range +5 dice. If the FP12@60cm ship is staying at 30-60cm, then the FP18@45cm ship can get up to +14 dice in comparison by closing to short range, and possibly +27 if it lines up a double broadside, that initial 6 dice advantage takes just 3 turns to go away even under the least favourable conditions to the FP18@45cm ship.

I'm not discounting long range WBs - that first turn advantage is worth something - but if you think they're worth so much more than 45cm batteries you're kidding yourself.  ::) I'd say 20% more valuable at most.

The only reason for having FP12 over FP15 is if you think that a Heavy Battlecruiser should be less powerful than even the least firepower-heavy battleships, which it 100% should be as powerful as.

Nope, not kidding myself at all. It's not even a matter of value. It's a matter of what the WBs ratio is when it goes up or down in range. Percentages don't even come into this, nor does Smotherman. A regular cruiser has FP6@30cm WBs per hardpoint. A battlecruiser in the game has FP6@45cm WBs per hardpoint. This should mean that a battleship should have FP6@60 cm per hardpoint (and in the case of 2 battleships it is so, the Ret being the odd duck out).

And while I think battlecruisers should have almost the same firepower as the least firepower heavy battleships, I don't think they should have it more as in your case and it IS more no matter what you say. If you insist on the Invincible having FP15@60cm, then push up the Ret to FP18@60 cm and this discussion ends. It should not have more WBe, something which you are so fond of using than the Ret.

Extra range translates to one extra turn of firing without LO and one extra range more of firing with LO both of which are fully supported by 60 cm lance fire chances of which are the enemy is closing on you therefore maximizing the no. of dice available which is 6 WB dice supported by at least 3 more lance dice for a total of 9. There's definitely value there and not simply 20%.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2011, 08:35:37 PM by Admiral_d_Artagnan »

Offline Admiral_d_Artagnan

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #952 on: February 26, 2011, 08:25:12 PM »
Yeah Admiral D'.... I know Smotherman says that 60cm wbs are worth 1.5x as much as 45cm ones, but they really aren't. FP18@45 in my mind seems more like it would be worth FP14@60. So they should be worth about 33% more, not 50%.

Honestly think about it, would you trade FP18@45 for FP12@60?

Who said anything about Smotherman? Just look at the progression of the cruiser to battlecruiser and even to battleship barring the Ret. The hardpoint firepower remains the same while the range increases. The problem here is that the Ret should have had FP18@60 cm from the get go. You do that and any complaining I have stops.

I would trade FP18@45 cm for FP18@60cm.

Offline Taggerung

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #953 on: February 26, 2011, 08:29:41 PM »
I actually agree with Admiral, the Retribution is rather undergunned.

The Emperor has FP10@60 in the front, and if it's abeam (Which why wouldn't it be) it has FP16@60 on either side. Anyone else see why the retribution which is a line breaker BB cannot outgun an emperor at 60cm? I mean the Carnage class chaos cruiser which is half the points has basically the same firepower as the retribution! This seems pretty messed up to me.

I suggest lowering the cost as the initial Retribution was over cost as it is, and when I plug the Retribution into the smotherman, it comes out at 341 pts not I think a 15pt reduction would not be unreasonable (but even then, it still seems poor compared to the other battleships)

Offline Admiral_d_Artagnan

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #954 on: February 26, 2011, 08:39:16 PM »
The only reason why I pushed for FP18@45cm before was the HA didn't want the FP to be 18@60 cm which was what I pushed for originally. Since this is not going to be an approved SG document, can we include that change now after which we can let RCG have his FP15@60 cm WBs for his Invincible?

Offline Valhallan

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #955 on: February 26, 2011, 08:59:22 PM »
seconded. give the invincible fp15 at 60 (or 12 with matrix) if we give the ret fp18 at 60.

Offline Taggerung

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #956 on: February 26, 2011, 09:03:02 PM »
Where is this invincible ship you guys are talking about?

Offline Admiral_d_Artagnan

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #957 on: February 26, 2011, 09:04:52 PM »
The one RCG is pushing for.

Offline Taggerung

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #958 on: February 26, 2011, 09:18:23 PM »
It just seems like a weaker retribution...why bother even making that ship in the fleet list unless it falls under the BC category and not as a BB. It just seems like a waste of a ship. If anything, make the retribution at those levels, and then give the chance to upgrade to the new retribution stats, that way the fleet lists don't get cluttered up.

Offline Sigoroth

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #959 on: February 27, 2011, 04:03:31 AM »
I don't think that the Ret should have 60cm range. I think that it is possible for a BB to have 6WB@60cm per hardpoint, but that it isn't easy and if it isn't necessary then the IN wouldn't bother to do it. So possible, but not necessary.

The actual value of range depends wholly upon the role of the ship. Having long range is necessary on either a slow ship or one with a 5+ prow. If you're slow, short ranged and have a soft nose then you'd better be bloody cheap! On the other hand, a line breaker simply doesn't need range. If the Emperor had the choice of 12WB@60cm or 18WB@30cm I'd take the former. If the Ret had the same choice I'd take the latter.

In the IN fleet we see a preponderance of line-breakers. Armoured prows, short range, prow weapon system that can't be combined with broadside guns. Therefore range just isn't worth much. Much more important to have weight of fire. So the Tyrant sucks. On the other hand, the Carnage, which is like the Tyrant in that it has half its broadside increased in range and dropped in strength (from 6 to 4) is a great ship. Soft nose, combinable prow weaponry and good stand-off capabilities come together to make the range worth it on the Carnage.

So if I had a choice between a 60cm Ret and a 45cm Ret I'd take the 45cm Ret. I don't want to pay for the range.