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Author Topic: List of flawed ships  (Read 289924 times)

Offline Phthisis

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #1230 on: April 27, 2011, 01:14:40 AM »

Several shots?  Do you mean several guns or several rounds of firing? 

My longest range guns are 60cm.  AAF average distance plus 30cm torpedo & fighter distance is greater than that.  How much damage do you expect to do at 60cm in one turn?

Offline Admiral_d_Artagnan

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #1231 on: April 27, 2011, 02:59:26 AM »
Several shots?  Do you mean several guns or several rounds of firing? 

Both. Chaos, depending on what list you take can dishout quite a lot of 60 cm WB and Lance fire at you over a couple of turns. Even my 1,500 list of Murders, Devs and Styx could dish out a lot of lance fire and then dish out a lot of WB fire when in range already supported by AC. and my list doesn't use Carnages which can dish out quite a lot of WB at 45-60 cm.

Shots which would make you think about bracing because they would be doing damage.

Offline horizon

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #1232 on: April 27, 2011, 04:01:57 AM »
A lot? Just focus on the biggest threats (in your case I think the carriers). His carriers do AAF? Well, he cannot reload. So next turn no more torpedoes and/or attack craft.

Place your own fighters on cap.
If you know the IN doctrine, adapt, place your fleet differently, so no all ships can be targetted on that first shotgun attack.

Offline Phthisis

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #1233 on: April 27, 2011, 04:56:40 AM »
Heres the two lists I have played so far:
Traversing List
At 60cm I had 30WBs and 5 Lances.

The Despoiler was a big drag on the list because it was a sitting duck.  Couldn't get by the front of the enemy fleet fast enough to keep up with the rest of the fleet.  I tried locking on but the damage output was unimpressive, especially against an Ork kroozer.  Tag won that game.  So from then on I would AAF past their front and turn around their flank.   The Despoiler would get left behind and mobbed because it could never keep up.  Losing your BB means a lot of VPs.  

Head-On list
At 60cm it has 14 lances and 9WBs.

Much better success at long range with the 2nd over the first at the cost of launch bays.
I have been holding off on a fleet like this because of certain claims of how Chaos is overpowered. I thought I'd be a jerk to play it.  Then 3 Nova Cannons showed up on the table and I figured it was fair game.
 I played this list once, but my opponent took the hits without bracing and lost a Lunar.  He nailed me with a double ram and a bunch of torpedos and wiped out my Devs.  I think it went well for the first time, but I was still terribly outnumbered by IN ordnance and couldn't stop the torp shotgun.  A narrow victory for myself.
His fleet was this:

I still havent had more than 1 turn of shooting before I get shotgunned by torps.

Horizon, they keep all ordnance ready untill after they AAF.  Then they launch it all.  Then they reload next turn.  Thats the way its done here.  Kind of my fault as I taught the IN player to do that.  
« Last Edit: April 27, 2011, 06:09:14 AM by Phthisis »

Offline horizon

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #1234 on: April 27, 2011, 06:30:44 AM »
List 1:
That's 9 lances at 60cm, not 5. Or did you play the 'plaxor' edition, cause that's what's a bit confusing from you and Tagger.
Also 26wb @ 60cm

Also, the Desolator would fit that list much much better!

But you had 8 ac, enough to stop 7 torp markers and some bombers. Add turrets, good placement, yakihaki.

Your 60cm lances easily crack the oncoming 6+ prow armour of the Dictators.

Shotgun = 1 time in a game. Just be prepared. Position your ships!

Weird, the head on list would be better in having no Desolator as that's a broadside ship (same as Devestations).

Offline Phthisis

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #1235 on: April 27, 2011, 07:17:20 AM »
All lists Plaxor edition.  Your version of the Despoiler. 

Plaxors version changes this list from 9 lances and 26 batteries at 60cm to 5 lances and 30 batteries.
I play Death Guard Legion CSMs in 40k and started playing chaos BFG to represent their legion's fleet, hence all the lobbying for the return of an attack carrier to the Chaos fleet list.  Fluff has always come first for me. 
List 1 was my attempt at a representation of a CSM barge, strike cruisers and bombardment & support ships.  I'm still trying to figure out a functional list for a CSM fleet under Plaxor's rules.

As for List 2, the Desolator is a bit wierd, but its a relatively cheap way to add 4 long range firepower.  It is no wierder than the Devestations which are also an abeam ship and my only option to get fighters to try and protect me from torpedos.

Here a shotgun works by concentrating fire on one or two ships.  If you spread your CAP out evenly then the attacker sweeps the CAP with fighters, launches several salvoes against the cleared ship, and then the remaining bays are bombers to finish them off.  Not uncommon for a ship to have 2 CAP swept, take 3 torpedo salvos followed by waves of 2 and 4 bombers.  Of course, if you protect one more than another with CAP they target the weak one.  In this way, 8 launch bays for 4 ships only blocks 2 or less fighters, not 7 torp salvoes and a bomber.  How do you see it done?
Because of this tactic, fighters are mostly useless for defense.  Anti-ordnance escorts would provide a viable counter. 

It is one time in a game, but its a big deal.  It can mean one dead cruiser and another crippled, plus a possible set up for ramming next turn.

Yes, I need to target the carriers.  They were out of range for my Murder/Hades squadron.  Only my 2 Devs were near enough and 4 lances wouldn't cause a brace.

Offline horizon

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #1236 on: April 27, 2011, 07:29:29 AM »
So... your 60cm Murder/Hades could not reach the IN fleet?

Your fleet positioning sounds weak. How could your head on department (MMH) be further away then your carriers?

Also, you illustrate why escorts can be good -> turret massing. No dedicated new things needed.

Okay. You 8 fighters are cleared by 8 fighters. That means 7 torps come in unscathed vs turrets. No bombers.
He has no Cobra's do to small sweeps (str2). Brace that one ship, yeah. Use turrets vs torpedoes if you have to decide. Or, indeed, you spread out, whatever.
I think your placement, positioning and adaption to the opponent is flawed.

Move your fighters from CAP. You know where his fleet will roughly end up after AAF. Put up a fighter screen in his torpedo path. Or move your ships so that AAF fails to do shotgun.

You can also make him think. Launch bombers. Move them in. His fighters need to clear them. Or put your bombers in his AAF path. His fighters won't be launched as you say.

You go AAF to him. Let him overshoot.

Offline Taggerung

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #1237 on: April 27, 2011, 09:15:50 AM »
What about a fleet like this...

Warmaster - MON - 90

Acheron - 190
4 x Devastations - 760
2 x Carnages - 360
4 x Iconoclast destroyers - 100

1500 points

First off, I wouldn't squadron all your Devastations, that way nova cannons can't prevent them all from being useless if you brace, at most put them in two squads of two or depending on leadership, leave them all single.

With the exception of Emperor lead fleet with dictators, or my original Ork fleet your opponent won't be able to completely get rid of all your fighter support with theirs. Yes, you will still have those pesky torps to deal with, but that's just something ya gotta deal with against IN or Orks...or pretty much every fleet besides chaos, nids or crons.

You can use the Iconoclasts as shields for your fleet if you know torps are coming. Since they will get torp'd easy (4+), you can use them to soak up that shotgun effect, since you know where it will be coming from.

After thinking about it for awhile, since your fleet suffers an inherent weakness by not really having good torp access, giving a new variant of the Iconoclast that has the hunter rule would be a good move.

Offline horizon

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #1238 on: April 27, 2011, 09:25:26 AM »
Oh shyte! wtf. Chaos has the Infidel with 2 torps. Chaos does not need/want other escorts with torps.

And that fleet isn't my cup of tea. Too much carriers. Way too much. blech.

You are dealing the wrong way with the problem.
It is tactics, not fleet selection or new ships.

Chaos has a weakness? Not as much torps as Imperials? Yeah, cool, deal with it.

Ive seen far more complaints from IN players not being able to deal with Chaos.

Offline Taggerung

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #1239 on: April 27, 2011, 09:31:02 AM »
No, not saying the Iconoclast should have torps, I am saying give it the hunter rule so it can shoot at ordnance.

In our meta game around here, ordnance heavy fleets are popular. I am personally moving away from them myself, especially with my orks, but even my IN has at least 2 dictators.

I need to play a game or two as Chaos to get a feel for how they work personally, but something like that is what I would try first and work from there.

Offline RCgothic

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #1240 on: April 27, 2011, 03:13:02 PM »
Retribution compared to an Armageddon and a Defiant:

Points: 355pts vs 355pts.

Ordnance: 9 Torps vs 8Torps & 2AC.
Advantage Cruisers, as AC completely eliminate Ret's torps. However, unless fired together, the Defiant's torps will be completely eliminated by turrets, its AC are completely impotent offensively, and the Armageddon's can expect fewer than 1 hit on average against the Retribution's prow. Armageddon is unlikely to get off a shot against flank armour, and Defiant isn't powerful enough for it to matter if it does, so this advantage matters little.

Minimum hits before permanent damage: 4 vs 1or2.
Retribution obliterates the cruisers in this category.

@60cm: 3L vs 2L
@45cm: 3L&FP18 vs 4L&FP6
@30cm: 3l&FP18 vs 6L&FP6.
Clear advantage to Retribution, which starts firing earlier and maintains that advantage at all ranged. The cruisers come closest to matching Retribution at 15-30cm whilst abeam 4 vs 4.5points of damage scored, however they cannot expect to frequently breach Retribution's shields except when locked on or at close range. Retribution gains far more benefit from being locked on, at close range, or against target moving away; with all 3 benefits, Retribution wins 11hits vs 7.5hits, enough to kill Armageddon or Defiant in one salvo yet hardly damaged in return.

Hits: 12 vs 14
Advantage Cruisers, however this is totally outweighed by the firepower, range and shields advantage as above. Without special orders or return fire, at the range most advantageous to the cruisers, the Retribution could destroy both of them in 7 turns, whilst the cruisers could barely be expected to destroy the Retribution in all but the longest games.

Let’s try another example.

2x Retributions (710pts) vs 2x Lunars 1xArmageddon and 1xDauntless (705pts)

Minimum hits to take damage: 4 vs 1 or 2.
Again, massively in favour of Retributions.

18 torps vs 18torps.

@60cm 6L vs 2L
@45cm, 6L&FP36 vs 2L&FP6
@30cm, 6L&FP36 vs 11L&FP18.
Again, the Retributions have the advantage at every range. The cruisers come close at 30cm, with 8,5 hits vs 9, but his isn’t enough to expect to cripple a Retribution in one turn’s firing, whilst the Retributions will nearly destroy a cruiser with that level of firepower.
Once again, the Retributions gain most benefit from lock-on, aspect and range thanks to their high proportion in WBS, and against a fleet this size they are also far more likely to get to fire both broadsides than the cruisers. In a worst case the Retributions could dish out an expected 36 hits past shields on 2 targets in one turn of shooting (both broadsides at close range into cap ships moving away), enough to obliterate 2 braced cruisers in a single turn. Clearly this is an exaggerated situation, but the cruisers would only expect 23 hits past shields in the same situation (just not enough to cripple both braced Retributions) and it shows how the Retributions only need to get things slightly right to swing an unassailable advantage.

Hits: 30 vs 24.
Advantage cruisers, however this is again neutralised by the massive gulf between the Retributions and Cruisers in their ability to dish out and take hits. Without any special orders on either side or return fire, at the range most advantageous to the cruisers, it would take them 6 turns to destroy the Retributions, whilst the Retributions would take just 5 turns to destroy all the cruisers in the same situation.

And these two analyses are pretty much how my playtests played out. Combined with BryanTroy’s playtests, how can anyone say the Retributions are overcosted at 355?

Offline Bryantroy2003

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #1241 on: April 27, 2011, 03:53:32 PM »
My fleet
2 rets
6 enforcers
3 falchions
50pt admiral

His list
1 Emp
1 Gothic
2 Dictators
1 Mars
9 Cobras

The lists above were prepared by persons that didnt actually control either and the only stipulation was one of them had to have the two ret's in it. We subbed in the LC's with dauntles's and while it was way heavier in AC then im used to it didnt do so bad.

Through most of the game I was winning, then on turn 5 that turned around as my Flagship Ret failed to down any incoming Torpedo's of the two waves of 6, and its brace did it no good as 8 of them scored hits, followed up quickly by 3bombers with 3 fighter escorts and all 3 of the attacks guarenteed hit. The auto crit rolled an 11 so we didnt even bother to find out any of teh other crits. It proceded to warp implode, right next to my other ret and his emp. Well suffice to say my other ret and his emp were nearly crippled to begin with as we had traded several close salvos and till this point only two ships had died two of my LC's. No one was actually crippled, but when the three BB's finished chain blowing up and the ensuing damage to the surrounding 18cm from the emp, 9cm from the first Ret and 14 cm from the second Ret were taken into account, only 4 of his cobra's and 2 of my Falchions were left standing. It was one crazy moment in our gaming carrer's. We had never seen anything so hilarious ever.

We both came to the conclusion, with the audiance's agreement, that the emperor was most displeased his own followers were fighting each other and decided we should all die. With that we are going to schedule another fight for later in the week which I will post here. But this time with only one Ret and definatly not That AC heavy for me again. I just cant use them very well.
You actually read this stuff?

Offline Phthisis

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #1242 on: April 27, 2011, 04:27:49 PM »
My Devestations were near my Desolator, which was placed forward of my Murder/Hades squadron.  The idea was to bait my opponent with those three targets that wert traversing in front of him.  He considers my Devestations a big threat so I knew he'd detatch his 2 Dictators and Victory to deal with them.  He did.  The Desolator got away and crossed in front of my Murders/Hades and absorbed the torpedo shotgun for 3 damage.  The Devestations werent so lucky.  The first AAF for the Dictators put them about 38cm away, which was too far to torp shotgun.  I launched 4 fighters on CAP expecting a torp shotgun next turn.  He AAF with them again and rolled vert well and had just enough range to get into base contact with both.  They rammed it.  I failed my brace test.  9 points of damage.  Then they had range to fire torps against my other Devestation.  I botched my turret roll and took 5 points of damage after brace.  So yes, bad positioning on my part.  Also a lot of bad luck.  Carriers will go with the Murders next time.

There are logistical problems with each of your strategies for dealing with this torpedo shotgun tactic.
First, although I have 8 fighters, they only gobble cap on one or two targets.  They use 2-4 fighters to clear cap and have another 4 remaining.  If they have range, that means I get every torpedo salvo plus 4-6 bombers.
Bracing that one ship means bracing the whole squadron.  If I can Lock On next turn at close range, bracing may be a terrible idea.  They also may be in range to AAF and ram again, so I may need to do some manovering myself.  A lot of times is better to lose a ship because bracing could lose me the game.
A fighter screen in front of his path is slightly better than CAP as it largely deals with the additional bombers, but they will still sweep them all away with fighters and give me 7 torp salvos.  
Moving away only delays the shotgun by 1 turn and gives him the opportunity to line himsrlf up better.  It can also sacrifice my opportunity to fire.
Launching bombers isn't a threat. At 20cm they may not be far enough to get in the path of his AAF.  Torpedos will pass right through them and still hit me.  Against a T2 ship, 3 bombers and a fighter average 2 hits.  For 2 waves that is about 4.  6 torpedos cause 10.  Not an even trade, not enough threat to think twice about AAF.  If the bombers are even in range to intercept his AAF and he takes the hits, he now gets to bomb me with 8 squadrons in return, in addition to his torps.
Assault boats may be better as they have longer range and could potentially crit his prow weaponry, but by my calculations it only has a 50% chance of working on one ship out of 6 or 7.
I could AAF at him, but then he doesn't need to AAF in order to torp me and I sacrifice a lot of firepower.
If you can think of a solution to somehow prorect my ships, definately let me know!!

Iconoclast squadrons would effectively screen.  A squadron of 4 can absorb 3 or 4 salvoes.  They would cost 100pts and be wiped out.  Two squadrons could absorb 6-8 salvoes, which is the usual number for a shotgun.  So I'd lose 200vps to absorb it and still take approximately 4 damage to the ships behind.   This opposed to losing, say a Murder for 170.  CBA says its a wash, if not slightly worse.

That's my old Despoiler list with 2 Devs replacing my BB and Iconoclasts instead of CSMs.  At first glance I would rather have my old fleet instead, but it does deal with a couple of that fleet's downfalls. I had the very same idea before (minus iconoclasts) but rejected it although now I don't remember why.  I will take time to think it over.


If chaos has a weakness it's that it is, on the whole, more vulnerable than any other fleet, including Eldar.  A lack of torpedos isn't a weakness.  A lack of a reasonable defense against torpedos is the root of the problem here.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2011, 08:45:02 PM by Phthisis »

Offline Ruckdog

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #1243 on: April 27, 2011, 09:19:08 PM »
Found this thread after Phthisis's post over on Dakka...Looks like you all put some serious work into these stat alterations! I need to visit this board more; I had no idea this project was underway  :P.

Offline Admiral_d_Artagnan

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Re: List of flawed ships
« Reply #1244 on: April 27, 2011, 11:10:24 PM »

Why would you put your Devs in front of along with the Desolator? You put the Desolator and Murder-Hades in front and have your opponent choose which among the two he would like to take on with the Devs coming in the flanks or slightly to the rear to give AC support.

If your opponent considers the Devs more of a threat then why give them to him on a silver platter? Make him work hard to eliminate the threat.

I have to agree with Horizon's comment about the problem being the tactics and not the ship.