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Author Topic: GothiComp 2009  (Read 9005 times)

Offline horizon

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GothiComp 2009
« on: April 17, 2009, 12:01:05 PM »
Following are the rules for GothiComp 2009.

This is the fifth annual GothiComp, and will be run in a somewhat similar way to last years event. The main change is the way entries are submitted.

The Goal
The general aim of this competition is simply to encourage players to get painting and show off what they can do. I encourage people to enter no matter how good or bad their painting and converting skills are.

The Deadline
This competition will open may 1, 2009, and the deadline for submissions is Friday 31st July 2009, 4pm (UK time).

The Categories
The Single Ship/Squadron entry
Each separate entry should consist of a single miniature to be used for Battlefleet Gothic (however, note that conversions, scratch builds and even vessels from outside manufacturers are welcome). The only exception to this is:

- If the vessel is a light cruiser or equivalent, one or two vessels may be submitted as a single entry in the same photograph. Space Marine Strike Cruisers can be treated as light cruisers.

- If the vessel is an escort or equivalent, then the submission must consist of between two and four vessels in a single picture.

Aside from this stipulation, the entry is largely down to the participant.

The community will vote on the entries as usual.

In addition, there will be a 'conversion prize'. This will be a token prize for one entry based on the skill and style of any conversion work which has gone into the vessel, in an effort to encourage creativity in modelling as well as painting. This will be judged by a select panel. All entries are automatically submitted into both competitions simultaneously. The judges for the conversion prize are myself, Warmaster Nice and Cybershadow.

The fleet category
This year we introduce a new category: the fleet. For this participants submit a single picture of a fleet worth between 1000 and 1500 points in game terms. The fleet must follow the standard fleet restrictions. Fleet lists published in Warp Rift are also allowed. If you have a fleet based on a non-published list it is adviced to contact me about it.

The Prizes

The Pictures
You should submit a single picture per entry, no more. Each photograph should be no more than 3 megabytes large. They may be of any pixel size as long as the file size is not exceeded.

The Submission
To submit a picture of your vessel to this competition, you simply mail it at: comps@tacticalwargames.net

Make sure the header of the email contains the following: ship name / class name

Note that you do not have to be a member of the www.tacticalwargames.net boards to enter this competition but in order to vote you will have to sign up.

We will compile a gallery of the entrants which will be available online. This gallery will remain as a permanent fixture to the site, and so you will be able to browse the pictures in the future. Please note, I am sure that there will be a rush in the last 24 hours before the end of this competition, therefore please don't wait until the last few hours if you can avoid it.

The Voting
Voting will take place here on these boards. Entries will be split into heats of up to ten entries each (this depends on the number of entries). The winner of each heat will go through to the next round until a winner is determined. Please note that entries will be placed into heats in the order in which they are submitted here.

Note that this year only the ship and/or class name will be shown, not who submitted it.

Additional Rules
All decisions are final, any prizes are non-negotiable and the competition organizers reserve the right to remove competition entries or request that they are resubmitted or altered. We will hopefully never need this stuff, but just in case...

That is it. Feel free to email me with any questions that you may have. Now, what are you doing still reading this? Get painting!

Have fun!

Offline Gothmog Lord of Balrogs

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Re: GothiComp 2009
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2009, 02:44:09 AM »
Sweet. I am glad the forums are back and I am glad to see BlackHorizon is here as well. I will be in gothicomp this time. Got some sweet conversions to show off.
"Give me a thousand men crazy enough to conquer Hell and we shall do it!"

Offline horizon

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Re: GothiComp 2009
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2009, 06:59:17 PM »
Good to see you again as well.

Offline horizon

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Re: GothiComp 2009
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2009, 07:53:03 AM »
The account is open. One prize is under discussion. Looking forward to your entries!

Offline horizon

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Re: GothiComp 2009
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2009, 07:26:59 AM »
A little reminder...

Offline horizon

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Re: GothiComp 2009
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2009, 01:21:28 PM »

again a little reminder for GothiComp 2009. Unfortunatelly still no offer or news on possible

So I decided to throw in the following as a prize:
Adeptus Mechanicus icons (from the AM vessels)
two metal chaos battleship bridges
the metal lances from a Desolator battleship
Some Imperial Navy sprue stuff

nothing much but at least something.

So far we have 4 entries for single vessel competition and 5 entries for the fleet category,

keep on painting,

Offline horizon

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Re: GothiComp 2009
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2009, 08:24:17 AM »
An update to the GothiComp prizes:

GothiComp 2009 prizes

The Single Ship/Squadron
Provided by Dark Real Miniatures ( http://www.darkrealmminiatures.com/ ) [from their Hostile Stars game]

Kraytonian Scientific Exploration Fleet
- 2x Kraytonian TwinBlade Cruisers
- 3x Kraytonian Dark Knife Frigates


Pax Arcadian System Defence Fleet
- 6x Pax Arcadian Ashigaru Destroyers

conversion prize
Provided by Horizon

Assorted bits. (Adeptus Mechanicus icons, Chaos battleship bridges, Imperial Navy sprue bits, Craftworld Eldar bits).

The fleet category
Provided by Vanvlak

16 GPB + shipping costs at Forgeworld.

Many thanks at Vanvlak and DRM for providing these excellent prizes.

Submissions for GothiComp 2009 to be sent at:


Good painting and success!

Offline horizon

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Re: GothiComp 2009
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2009, 02:23:07 PM »
Reminder: A little more then 2 weeks to go!

Offline captPiett

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Re: GothiComp 2009
« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2009, 02:30:42 PM »
if one has a bunch of entries that one submits at the same time in different emails (ie if one has been slacking about submitting multiple entries and does it all at once near the deadline) will they end up in the same group/heat competing against each other like last year? Or does order of submission not matter?

Offline horizon

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Re: GothiComp 2009
« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2009, 02:39:37 PM »
I'll mix'em up using a randomizer. So I hope that does a trick.

Offline monsh

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Re: GothiComp 2009
« Reply #10 on: August 05, 2009, 12:51:14 AM »
Looking forward to the creative outlet here...does anybody know when the voting starts?

Offline horizon

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Re: GothiComp 2009
« Reply #11 on: August 05, 2009, 08:36:04 AM »
Within a week I hope.

Offline trynerror

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Re: GothiComp 2009
« Reply #12 on: August 18, 2009, 10:43:24 PM »

Offline horizon

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Re: GothiComp 2009
« Reply #13 on: August 21, 2009, 09:10:43 PM »

Voting for fleets has begun! Ships Tomorrow!

Offline horizon

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Re: GothiComp 2009
« Reply #14 on: August 22, 2009, 07:54:29 AM »
Voting on ships and fleets has started!


remember: you must be a member of Tactical Wargames to vote.