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Author Topic: BFG Online Campaign?  (Read 5112 times)

Offline Easy e

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BFG Online Campaign?
« on: November 10, 2010, 08:29:26 PM »

I have slowly begun work on an online BFG campaign for the Ammobunker forum.

It is tentatively titled: Furor Imperialist and will deal primarliy with an Imperial force attempting to reclaim the Ammoriss Sub-sector ont he Eastern Fringe from the dregs and tainted outcasts that have been infiltrating the system. 

The campaign will be pretty straight forward.  The sub-sector will have 7 systems.  The winner of the cmapaign will be the faction that controls 4 of the 7 systems after three months.  The participants will be able to score points by doing the following:

Buy BFG stuff
Paint BFG stuff
Convert/scratchbuild BFG Stuff
Play BFG games 
Write/Draw/Photoshop BFG stuff

As people earn points, they will earn little awards for their signature lines and ranks.

This will be my fifth (?) online campaign for a GW system.  To see the latest sample of my work, go here:   

Here is where I need some advice/input: 

1. How much information do people want to see on the individual systems?
2. I am not planning on any new BFG rules/ship types for this campaign.  Is that a mistake?
3. What would make you want to participate in such a campaign until the end?
4. What would you do to see this get done?     
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Re: BFG Online Campaign?
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2010, 05:27:06 AM »
apart of having to buy, having to paint, having to convert, an online campaign seems cool.
Since that asks for money & time. Especially the first item may be a problem to many.

1) ...
2) Yes, include everything from Draft2010.
3) Good background story, maps, people entering not dropping of too soon. Thus: only enter if you're 100% sure.
4) ... have to verify this with someone but offering a campaign news article in Warp Rift ....

Offline Easy e

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Re: BFG Online Campaign?
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2010, 01:12:17 PM »
Thanks for the feedback. 

Just to clarify, you would be able to earn points by doing any one (or as many) of those things as you want.  You don't have to do all of them to earn points. 

For example, I really don't have any BFG opponents in my area.  So, I could still participate int eh campaign by painting up some models that I have lying around. 

Or let's say, I get a new person to try BFG.  They go out and buy some ships.  However, they aren't painted and ready to game yet.  They can still be part of the campaign. 

I think this system does the following:
1. Gives encouragement to start/expand a fleet
2. Rewards people for all aspects of the hobby
3. Allows for people to impact the campaign in a diverse number of ways

As for Draft2010, I will allow people to use ships from any source, including Warp Rift, Book of Nemesis, Armada, whatever they want to play with is fine by me.  They can even use any of their own house ships as well, doesn't matter to me in the least. 
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Re: BFG Online Campaign?
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2010, 03:03:01 PM »
Thoughts on this banner? 

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Re: BFG Online Campaign?
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2010, 06:07:27 PM »
how would you win 4 systems of the seven if you cannot play?
demo games count?

i like the banner

Offline Easy e

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Re: BFG Online Campaign?
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2010, 05:01:08 PM »
Because you can score Campaign Points in other ways than playing.

I think of it like this.  (Warning broad generalizations ahead) The German army of WWII had an excellent tactical doctrine, and won a lot of battles.  However, they did not win the war.  Why?  The allies could absorb the loses due to their ability to produce "stuff" to keep fighting.  Wars are not won by battles, but the will to fight. 

Therefore, people will be able to score points by building, buying, and painting which demonstrates their ability to outproduce/reinforce key areas, despite the enemy defeating them tactically.

In campaigns I have run like this in the past, battles typically can net you more points then the other things.  Frequently, Building and Buying only allowed you to reinforce areas that you all ready controlled.  Painting and Battles could be used on the offensive or the defensive.  Fluff, PS, and Art I have never used before, so I have no idea how those will be used.  Thoughts? 

Also, Demo games would totally count.  As the Campaign organizer, I have a black box background system that balances out the results despite a disparate number of players for one faction or another.  Essentially, it take shte number of players from every faction and divides by the number involved to get a "true" result.  It does other stuff too, but that is the core mechanic.  That way, one faction can not defeat another faction simply be an overwhelming number of players. 

In addition, I give points for winning and losing battles.  This is because typically, a small number of players participate, and the fatiosn are varied, so every action must be recognized and rewarded.  Even a loss.  Of course, winning scores more points, and doing other stuff to the batrep (add pictures, narrative/fluff elemet, etc.) will also add points.  Therefore, even losing cna net you a decent amount of points , but not more than winning.         
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Offline Easy e

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Re: BFG Online Campaign?
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2010, 03:21:37 PM »
Here are the actual rules:

Welcome to the Furor Imperialis campaign. This campaign is an online campaign open for all factions and all players of Battlefleet Gothic to participate in. You participate by buying, painting, creating, and playing with your Battlefleet Gothic models. 

The Furor Imperialis includes the following Factions:

Furor Imperialists- Imperial Navy, Adeptus Mechaincus, Space Marines, Rogue Traders
Traitors- Chaos, and Wolf Packs
Tau Expansionists- Tau fleets, Demiurg, Rogue Trader
Eldar Raiders- Craftworld Eldar, Eldar Pirates, Dark Eldar
Warlord Gark’s Guld’N Mob- Orks
Cult of the Dragon- Necron and Adeptus Mechanicus

Each faction has a home system in the Furor Imperialis Campaign.  This system is where the faction will begin the campaign.  Any points scored that are not assigned will automatically be applied to the Faction Base. 

Furor Imperialists- System: Marovian
Traitors- System: Novogord’s Narrows
Tau Expansionists- System: Mortare
Eldar Raiders- System: Apex Pointe
Warlord Gark’s Guld’N Mob- System: Unhappy Landings 
Cult of the Dragon: - System: Ammoriss

Each faction is attempting to take over the systems of the opposing factions.  You do this by scoring more campaign points in a system than any other faction.  The methods for scoring points are detailed below. 

At the end of the Furor Imperialis Campaign, the faction that controls the most systems is declared the winner.  There is one caveat. A faction cannot be declared the winner if they have the most systems, but have lost control of their Faction Base. 

For Example: Let’s pretend that at the end of the Furor Imperialis Campaign, the Eldar Raiders have control over Mortare, Davidius, Marovian, and Unhappy Landings.  However, Furor Imperialists have control of Apex Pointe.  The Eldar would not be the winner of the campaign as they do not have control of their Faction Base. 

There are five primary ways to score points in the campaign.  The points system is based on a single digit basis.  1 point = 1 campaign point.

You can earn Campaign Points by buying new Battlefleet Gothic  models or rulebooks.  In order to score the points for purchasing, you must do the following:

1.   Post a picture of your new purchase in the appropriate campaign thread
2.   Detail what you have purchased, and where (i.e. FLGS, E-bay, ForgeWorld Website, etc.) 

Purchase Campaign Points can only be allocated to the Faction Base

Points earned:
1.   Every blister of escorts= 1 point
2.   Every Capital Ship= 1 point
3.   Battlefleet Gothic Core Rules= 5 points
4.   BFG Supplemental Rulebooks/Magazines= 3 points

For example, Greg buys the Core Rules and an additional blister of Escorts.  This would earn his faction 6 points. 

The second way you can earn Campaign Points is by scratchbuilding or converting Battlefleet Gothic models.  In order to score points for scratchbuilding or modeling you must do the following:

1.   Post a picture of what you built in the appropriate campaign thread
2.   Detail what it represents

Modelling Campaign Points can only be allocated to the Faction Base

Points earned:
1.   Convert existing Escort= .5 points per model
2.   Convert Existing Capital Ship= 1 point per model
3.   Scratchbuild an Escort= 1 point per model
4.   Scratchbuild a Capital Ship= 3 points per model
5.   Scratchbuild an Orbital Defense= .5 points per model
6.   Other= Campaign Moderators Choice
7.   Post a tutorial with pictures = 5 points

For example, Greg builds a pair of Ork Ramships for his Ork fleet.  He posts the pictures to the appropriate Furor Imperialis Campaign thread.  In addition, he includes a tutorial (with pictures) of how he built them on the site.  Greg has earned his faction 7 points. 

The third way to score campaign point is by creating fluff or artwork that can be used in the Furor Imperialis Campaign recaps and official updates.  In order to score points for creating you must do the following: 

1.   Post the Created text/object in the appropriate Campaign Thread.
2.   Stories must be complete, with a beginning, middle, and end.
3.   Background fluff must be at least 500 words.   
4.   Art work can be any medium; including photo shopped pictures of battles/painted models, drawings, digital art, paintings, etc.   

Creating Campaign Points can be used to boost the Faction Base.

Points Earned:
1.   Artwork= Up to 3 points.  Campaign Moderator’s Choice.
2.   Fluff= .5 point per 500 words of posted background, not to exceed 2 points
3.   Story= Up to 3 points.  Campaign Moderator’s Choice.
For example: Greg writes a background story for his Necron fleet.  He posts it in the appropriate Furor Imperialis Campaign thread.  The background fluff is 786 words long.  Greg has earned .5 points for his Faction base.   

The fourth way to score Campaign Points is to paint your models.  In order to score points for painting you must do the following:     

1.   Post a picture of the unfinished model (partial painted or base coated count as unfinished) in the appropriate campaign thread
2.   Post a picture of the final result
3.   Allocate a Warzone for points

Painting Campaign Points can be used to attack other systems or to boost the Faction Base. 

Points Earned:
1.   Every Escort= .5 points
2.   Every Capital Ship= 1 point
3.   Orbital Defenses= .5 point
4.   Other= Campaign Moderators Choice
5.   Post a tutorial with pictures = 5 points

For example: Greg has a pair of Sword Class Frigates.  He decides to paint them up for the campaign.  He shows the unfinished models, which have a simple base coat.  He finishes off the detail work and reposts the final product that day.  He chooses to allocate the points to the Marovian system.  Greg has earned 1 Campaign Point for his faction to try and gain control of the Marovian System.   

Note: It is possible to score Campaign Points for purchasing, converting and painting the same model in the same Campaign Turn.

The final and most effective way to score Campaign Points is to play battles and post battle reports (Batreps).    To enter a battle report, you need the following pieces of information:

1.    Batreps  must be posted in the appropriate campaign thread
2.    Batreps must clearly state what faction was the winner and which the loser was
3.    Batreps should specify the System they took place (Winners choice)

Batrep points can be used to boost a Faction Base or to attack other systems.  It is important to note, that both factions that appear in a Batrep earn points.   

Points earned:
1.   Lose= 1 points
2.   Draw= 5 points
3.   Win= 10 points
4.   Narrative Batrep = +3 points for writer
5.   Pictures for the Batrep= +3 point for writer

For example: Greg plays a battle with his new Frigates in the list.  He is playing the Furor Imperialists versus his friend Chad; who plays the Chaos Traitors.  He posts the following in the batrep thread: Imperials versus Chaos.  Imperials win.  System : Marovian.  Greg has earned 10 points for the Imperials, and Chad earned 1 point for his faction.

Later that day, Chad posts the same battle, but he adds a narrative report with some pictures for the battle.  This means that the points earned for the game are: Greg (Imperials) 10 points, and Chad (Chaos) 7 points.  Chad earned +3 points for the narrative, and another +3 points for the pictures.  Later, Greg returns and adds a narrative of his own, and some new pictures.  He has now increased the Imperial points total to 16. 

Both Greg and Chad must clearly state that these additional posts are follow-ups to the previous battle, or they risk earning 0 additional points.   

**Number of Players**
As a side note, these types of campaigns tend to have very few players.  It is possible that some factions will have an overwhelming number of players compared to another faction.  The scoring system takes this into account, but it is a background element.  The important thing for players to worry about is scoring Campaign Points for their faction. 

In addition, it is possible that a certain faction will have no active players.  The dual scoring for participants in a Battle is an attempt to remedy this to some degree.  Otherwise, it would be possible for a single faction to flood the campaign early.  Other factors have also been included in the background of the scoring to help deal with this possibility. 

Each Campaign Turn is one calendar month long.  The deadline for a campaign turn is midnight, GMT of the final day of the month.  The Campaign Moderator will be using the forum GMT time stamp for reference.

Campaign updates will occur within one week after the end of the Campaign Turn.  These updates will give a narrative style update for each system.  They will not include total points in each system by faction, but will make it clear who is in control of what system for every update.   

Other updates may occur during the Campaign Turn as time or events permit.   

The Furor Imperialis Campaign will last three months from the start of the campaign.  That means there will be three full Campaign Turns.

The overall Campaign Moderator is Easy E.  The Campaign Moderator is the final arbiter of points and Campaign results.  The Campaign Moderator will also settle any rules disputes, and make judgments on the flow of the Campaign.   

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Re: BFG Online Campaign?
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2010, 03:20:30 AM »
This has been slower going than I thought, but I just wrapped up the AI War Over Zephyrus campaign.  That should free up more time to work on this project.
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Re: BFG Online Campaign?
« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2010, 04:56:54 PM »
Slow progress:

Ammoriss System

Sun:Class Epsilon Yellow Star
Number of Planets:4
Habited Planets:2
Other Features:Thick Asteroid Fields
Mercurial Region: Clearmon Feran(Barren)
Inner Bio-Sphere: Ammoriss Minor(Ad-Mech World, Barren)
Primary Bio-Sphere: Ammoriss (Civilized World)
Outer Reaches: Eidos (Frozen, Access Denied)
Deep Space: Heavy Asteroid Fields

Colonization of the Ammoriss system dates back to the Dark Age of Technology. However, there are indications that something inhabited Ammoriss far before humanity ever entered the system. During the Age of Strife, Ammoriss disappeared from human thought as mankind was gripped by madness.

It was not until several millennia later, when the great Colony Fleets from Terra arrived, that the Ammoriss system was again re-claimed by Humanity. Ancient tales tell the story of how St. Augustine slew the xenos that opposed him, and led the purification of the system from xeno taint. Now stories of the Old Jackos are only spoken about in hushed and fearful whispers.

The planets of the Ammoriss System:

Clearmon Feran- Barren
This planet is located within the Mercurial Region of the Ammoriss Star. As such, it is blasted by heat and radiation from the star. Most metals are quickly melted in the heat of the sunward side. The dark side of the planet is much cooler. The planet rotates relatively slowly, allowing the melted metals to cool and reform on the dark side of the planet. This means the surface of the planet is textured by molten or dried flows of liquid metal. The topography is ever changing.

Technology exists that could allow limited colonization on the dark side of the planet. However, radiation and electro-magnetic interference from the nearby star is fierce. As a result of these phenomenon, Clearmon Feran has remained uninhabited.

The planet has no satellites.

Ammoriss Minor- Ad-Mech, Barren
The world of Ammoriss Minor is a barren rock of a world located within the Inner Bio-sphere. The world has been under the protection of the Adeptus Mechanicus since the early days of Imperial colonization. No evidence of terraforming is observable from space, and the Ad-mech have not skaimed to have started any attempts to terraform Ammoriss Minor.

As a result of the lack of terraforming, the planet has a very thin atmosphere. It cannot currently support life of any kind. With a thin atmosphere, the planet absorbs and loses heat rapidly. The sunward side is very hot, and the dark side very cold. No water exists on the planet, but evidence of former water exists in the form of deep canyons and varied topography on the surface. There is no wind, and the gravity is higher than terran standard due to a solid metal core. Due to the lack of atmosphere, no flora or fauna have ever been reported on the surface. No habitation exists on the planet’s surface at this time.

The Adeptus Mechanicus maintain a minor base of operations on the only orbiting satellite of Ammoriss Minor. The Ad-mech refer to this installation as Ad-mech post Beta-Alpha- 1235AB001. Colloquially, it is known as the Red Abbey. The Red Abbey has minimal docking facilities that have only been used by Adeptus Mechanicus resupply vessels. In addition, the Red Abbey is a fortified base, with anti-orbital weapons batteries.

The Red Abbey is closely affiliated with the Ad-Mech headquarters on Ammoriss, locally called the Red Tower. Many of the tech-priests on the facility are from Ammoriss, and were trained at the Schola Mechanicum at the base of the Red Tower. The supplies are also provided from the coffers of the Red Tower.

No one is entirely clear what the Red Abbey is doing on Ammoriss Minor. Speculation swirls among the local spacers. Some claim it is a secret weapons testing facility. Others claim that they are hording the mineral wealth of the planet for themselves. Some claim that they are dabbling in things man was not meant to tamper with. Whatever they are doing, they are a highly secretive lot.

Ammoriss- Civilized
Ammoriss is the unofficial hub of the Ammoriss Sub-sector. As such, it is a prosperous and civilized world. There is some evidence of terraforming occurring in the planet’s ancient past that made it livable. Most of the planet’s surface is composed of water, with 30% being land. The land masses are dominated by two large continents in the North and South of the planet, with a scattering of atolls, island chains, and archipelagos dotting the surface.

North Ammoriss is the seat of Imperial power. It is also the home of Imperial Tower, the acting capital of the planet. The Red Tower, the fortress monastery of the Adeptus Mechanicus of Ammoriss is also found in the North. North Ammoriss is a complex web of hab blocks, manufactorums, and strip mines. It is the Industrial heartland of the planet and produces a large number of manufactured goods traded to South Ammoriss and off-world.

South Ammoriss is a more rural area. It is ruled by a collection of Great Houses that send delegates to the Imperial Tower to represent the interest of South Ammoriss with the planetary rulers. The economy of South Ammoriss is based on the production of food resources for their Northern neighbors. The capitol of South Ammoriss is the city of Pierefoy.

Ancient artifacts have been discovered on the planet’s surface, but the exact nature of these artifacts is unclear. The Ecclesiarchy destroyed many of these tainted Xeno sites centuries ago, but a few are under the protection of the Red Tower. This is still a point of contention between the local Priesthood and their Ad-Mech counter-parts.

The planet itself is well-protected by anti-orbital weapon systems. These are located at various points of the planet to provide a strong anti-orbital protective screen. In addition, the key facilities on the planet’s surface are protected by void shielding, such as Imperial Tower, the Red Tower, Pierefoy, and others. The planet also has a relatively strong local space defense force in the form of monitors and system defense ships that patrol the whole of the Ammoriss system.

Ammoriss is orbited by two satellites. The first is Bunkra I, and tends to orbit closer to South Ammoriss. Bunkra I is uninhabited and generally left to its own devices. The second satellite is Bunkra II, and its orbit is much closer to North Ammoriss. As a result, the satellite is home to a well-established orbital docking array. Typically, warp capable craft dock at Bunkra II, and then send loading shuttles down from the moon to the spaceport in North Ammoriss. The Arch-magos Stanislav spaceport then unloads trade goods, and in return loads up locally manufactured goods and Adaconite for the weighting freighters at Bunkra II. The docking platforms and support colonies are completely man-made and artificial in nature. In native life exists on either Bunkra I or II.

Two years prior, the planet Ammoriss was gripped by a brutal chaos inspired rebellion. Most of the rebel activity was localized to South Ammoriss. This turmoil caused a significant loss to the anti-orbital defenses. In addition, the South Ammoriss capital of Pierefoy was raised to the ground. The rebels received limited off-world support, but re-inforcing elements from the Imperial Guard and Black Templar Space Marines Chapter was enough to crush the rebels.

The turmoil attracted xeno scum to attack as well. Ork forces made a determined landing in North Ammoriss, but with the help of the Storm Dragons Space Marine chapter were successfully contained away from the primary industrial areas. In addition, the mysterious Eldar and Necrons were also reported operating on the surface. What became of these xeno threats is still unclear.

Some accounts report that the terrible warfare on Ammoriss was precipitated by ominous readings of the Imperial Tarot. In addition, strange dreams and portents seemed to draw local commanders and raiders to the planet. Powerful psychic residue still hangs heavy over the planet as it struggles to return to normal, whether this is simply psychic feedback from the war or more sinister is still unclear. What the source of the psychic phenomena is and what happened to it is also a mystery.

Eidos- Frozen: Inquisitorial Sanction
Eidos is located in the outer reaches of the Ammoriss system. As a result, it is a frozen ball of gas, debris, and other questionable materials. The planet is only lightly touched by the solar winds from the Ammoriss star. Hence, the planet is plunged in perpetually inhospitable frozen weather. The dark side is colder than the light side, but at the temperatures we are discussing, it makes little difference to life or maintenance.

Little is known about Eidos. It is habited, but the extant and level of habitation are unclear. It is the home of an Inquisitorial fortress. Little is known of the facility outside of the highest circles of the Ammoriss Sub-sector authority. The fortress must have limited docking capabilities, or it could not sustain itself. However, the exact location of the facility is unclear. It is speculated that it must be buried deep under the planet’s surface to remain hidden from the systems regular space traffic.

Optional Rules for Playing Games in the Ammoriss System

The Ammoriss system is ringed by a dense belt of Asteroids in the Outer Reaches and Deep Space region of the system.
•When using the random phenomena generator for the Outer Reaches; replace the number 5 result with d3 Asteroid Fields. Replace the number 6 results with an Asteroid Belt.
•When using the random phenomena generator for Deep Space; replace the number6 results with d3 asteroid fields.
Planets should only be used if all participants agree ahead of time.
•Planets in the Various Regions are:
oFlare Region- No Planets (Roll again)
oMercurial Zone- Clearmon Feran – Small Planet (No defenses)
oInner Biosphere- Ammoriss Minor- Large Planet (No defenses
Red Abbey- Small Moon (1d3 Ground Defenses)
oPrimary Biosphere- Ammoriss -Large Planet- (2d6 Ground)
-Bunkra I- Small Moon (No defenses)
-Bunkra II- Small Moon (1d6-1 Ground)
oEidos- Small Planet (3 Orbital Defenses)
oDeep Space- No Planets
Rules for Asteroid Belts
oAn asteroid belt, like the asteroid field, is formed out of the fragments leftover from planet collisions during the creation of star systems or the debris from the destruction of planets and moons. Asteroid belts however tend to be much larger and will often form an unbroken ring around their stars. Effects: Aside from its method of placement, an asteroid belt is treated as an asteroid field in all respects, as shown on page 44 of the rulebook.

oPlacement: Use the normal pebbles and unused kitty litter to represent the asteroid belt. The belt extends in a straight line from one table edge to the opposite table edge, running parallel to the sunward table edge. It will be the normal D3x5cm in width
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Re: BFG Online Campaign?
« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2010, 05:55:16 PM »
Sounds good!

The only issue I spotted was the orbits of the moons. It's almost physically impossible to have a pair of moons orbit so that one passes closer to one polar continent than the other polar continent and vice versa. The only way to have a moon orbiting closer to one continent at all times is to have the moon in an orbit with a period equal to the planetary rotation (not quite the same as a geostationary orbit, but close - the moon would oscilate north-south over a fixed point on the equator), and at least one of the continents off-set from the poles so as to be nearer or further away to the moon.

The more equatorial the continent, the easier it is to set it up an orbit that hangs overhead. But this would also only work for one moon - two moons could not stably share the same near - geostationary orbit required, so one moon must always have the continents pass underneath and therefore draw closer/further away to each continent as time goes by.

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Re: BFG Online Campaign?
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2010, 02:40:37 PM »
So, do you think I should change it so the first moon is simply closer to the planet then the other, so they use that as the orbiting docking station? 
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Re: BFG Online Campaign?
« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2010, 06:47:52 PM »
Yup, that would make sense. It could even be in a geostationary orbit, which would make it perfect waystation above a planet-based space port, particularly if it were only a small moon without significant gravity of its own (0.1G or less).

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Re: BFG Online Campaign?
« Reply #12 on: December 11, 2010, 04:12:07 PM »
Thanks, I know next to nothing about astronomy. 
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