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Author Topic: What are the names of the ships in your fleet(s)?  (Read 17402 times)

Offline Trasvi

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What are the names of the ships in your fleet(s)?
« on: October 29, 2010, 05:34:39 PM »
^^ Exactly what it says on the label. What are the names of your ships, and/or is there a naming scheme that you use?

My Imperial ships are named after children's show characters. I have Dispy, Tinky-winky, lala, Po, B1+B1, Morgan, Lulu Amy, Bert, Ernie....

However I'm trying very hard to come up with some names for my Tau fleet... the standard naming scheme described in the tau list 'Dal’yth Gal’leath A’proh M’lath' doesn't exactly roll off the tongue. I figure their names should be of the 'crouching tiger', 'hidden dragon' variety- Adjective Noun in a poetic compliment... but having difficulty coming up with a fleet's worth.

Offline horizon

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Re: What are the names of the ships in your fleet(s)?
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2010, 07:41:21 PM »
Here are the ones from Project Distant Darkness,
first line commanders. heh heh

Lar'shi'vre Ry'zon
Lar'shi'vre L'ikei
Lar'shi'vre Tas'ka
Lar'shi'vre Nua'ta
Lar'shi'vre Sheva's

Check out Project Distant Darkness here:

and also the Art of Command from the same page for various named Tau vessels.

Offline Vaaish

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Re: What are the names of the ships in your fleet(s)?
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2010, 08:28:21 PM »
Mine are attached to my 40k marine chapter which is based around ancient egypt. As such, the ships are named in middle egyptian and follow some of the coloring conventions in my marines and IG PDF forces.

Akhet Djet (Emperor Class)
Ankh Bahew (Retribution Class)

Grand Cruisers:
Ma'a Kherew (Vengeance)
Sahret Iret'a (Vengeance)

A'hew Mewet (Mars)
Shesep Djet (Mars)
Ankh Wedjah (Armageddon)
Ankh-er-Djeref (Armageddon)

Neset Wepet (Gothic)
Sahret Neheh (Gothic)
Neb-er-Djeref (Dominator)
Netjer Ka (Dominator)
Neb Kherew (Lunar)
Neken Djened (Lunar)
Nesew Ankh (Torpedo Dauntless)
Nesew Sahert (Torpedo Dauntless)
Nesew Hotep (Torpedo Dauntless)
Neb Ma'at (Torpedo Dauntless)
Neb Wepet (Torpedo Dauntless)
Neb Sahret (Torpedo Dauntless)
Set Bahew (Lance Dauntless)
Set Ankh (Lance Dauntless)
Nesew Wedj (Endeavour)
Nesew Djened (Endeavour)
Nesew Nakht (Endurance)

Escort Squadrons:
Bahew (3x Sword)
Medew (3x Sword)
Ankh (3x Firestorm)
Ma'at (3x Falchion)
Kheper (3x Falchion)
Seneb (4x Cobra)
« Last Edit: October 29, 2010, 08:29:52 PM by Vaaish »

Offline Valthaer

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Re: What are the names of the ships in your fleet(s)?
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2010, 10:52:12 PM »

My Tau fleet have Japanese WWII warships names:

Taiho (Explorer)
Haruna (Emisar)
Hiei (Emisar)
Yamato (Custodian)
and some invented as
Inmenath (Hero)
Annath (Hero)

And my Imperial fleet has names of the Spanish Armada and spanish names:

Ocaso Estelar (Emperor Battleship)
Espada de Niebla (Cruiser)
Halcón Negro (Cruiser)
Santísima Trinidad (Battleship)
Dama del Norte (Cruiser)
Príncipe Astur (Cruiser)
and etc...



Offline RCgothic

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Re: What are the names of the ships in your fleet(s)?
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2010, 08:41:30 PM »
When my Light Cruiser Squadron arrives, I am giving serious consideration to naming them:

Alpha Warvan
Gamma Warvan
Proxima Warvan
Grabthar's Hammer

Offline horizon

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Re: What are the names of the ships in your fleet(s)?
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2010, 09:24:13 PM »
Ry'zon, Tau fleet Kor, background:
Kor Ry'zon Background

Project Distant Darkness (Tau)
Project Distant Darkness
Project Distant Darkness - Revival -

Khurzon Reznard, renegade admiral
Khurzon Reznard

Akaeris Starblade, Eldar

Background on Adeptus Mechanicus (Inachus Tynton) and Merchant/Rogue Trader (Maros Grey) being worked on in Pirates of the Khareshi Expanse.

Ship Names:
Tau Commerce Protection Fleet
Kor'o Ry'zon
Or’Es’Leath Ry’zon - Custodian Class Battleship
Lar’shi’vre Ry’zon Niá - Protector Class Cruiser
Lar’shi’vre Jate’ra K'ri - Protector Class Cruiser
Lar'shi'vre L'kys - Protector Class Cruiser
Porr’ui I’chne - Emissary Class Cruiser
Porr’ui Wi’hs - Emissary Class Cruiser
Ka’Eldi - 6 Castellan Class Frigates
Shas’ka Nan - 3 Warden Class Destroyers

Renegade Fleet
Admiral Khurzon Reznard
Frozen Sun- Desolator Class Battleship
Heart of Darell - Repulsive Class Grand Cruiser
Divine Messenger - Styx Class Cruiser
Last Hope - Carnage Class Cruiser
Saint Leroux - Carnage Class Cruiser
Da’rell’s Wrath - Slaughter Class Cruiser
Vengeance - 3 Infidel Class Destroyers
Fallen Grace - 3 Infidel Class Destroyers
Hunters of Da’rell - 3 Iconoclaust Class Destroyers

Corsair Eldar Fleet
Admiral / Hero Akaeris Starblade
Spirit of Arina - Void Dragon Class Cruiser
The Silent Enigma - Void Stalker Class Battleship
Shroud of Frost - Eclipse Class Cruiser
Oriosa Novar - 3 Hemlock Class Destroyers
Bennan Baharr - 3 Nightshade Class Destroyers
Arith Kian - 2 Nightshade Class Destroyers & 1 Aconite Class Frigate
Karun Lir - 2 Hemlock Class Destroyers & 1 Aconite Class Frigate
<nameless> - 1 Aconite/1 Hemlock/1 Nightshade

Craftworld Eldar Fleet
Hero / Admiral Akaeris Starblade
Spirit of Arina - Void Dragon Class Cruiser
Anathema - Dragonship Class Cruiser
Cerysheal - Dragonship Class Cruiser
Destiny - Wraithship Class Cruiser
Infinity - Wraithship Class Cruiser
Eternity - Wraithship Class Cruiser
Nightspeed - 4 Shadowhunter class escorts
Star Song - 2 Shadowhunter (Old Spacefleet models)

Chaos Fleet
Warmaster Amon Dín
Dark Treachery - Despoiler Class Battleship
Chaos Eternus - Archeron Class Cruiser
Blood Crave - Murder Class Cruiser
Rotblut - Murder Class Cruiser
Count Larchavre - Slaughter Class Cruiser
Piercing Pain - 3 Idolater Class Frigates
Nocturnal Emission - 3 Idolater Class Frigates
Deathskill I - 3 Iconoclaust Class Destroyers

Adeptus Mechanicus
Magos Explorator Inachus Tynton
Judgement Forge - Retribution Class Battleship
Quest Mechanicus - Lunar Class Cruiser
Divinus Mechanicus - Gothic Class Cruiser
Calvinus Rekat - Endeavour Class Light Cruiser
Curator Mechanicus I - Gladius Class Escorts
Curator Mechanicus II - Hunter Class Escorts

Captain Veliaz
Horizon's Edge - Venerable Battle Barge
Daedalus - Strike/Scout Cruiser
« Last Edit: November 04, 2010, 09:26:51 PM by horizon »

Offline Da Mighty Camel

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Re: What are the names of the ships in your fleet(s)?
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2010, 03:19:17 PM »
My Ulthwé-themed Craftworld fleet uses the following names. I didn't really use a naming scheme or theme to it, rather I invented names that sounded like what the Eldar would name their ships. I used English because, well, I don't speak Eldar! :D

Foe Cleaver
Chariot of Khaine

Night's Steed
... and 1 more I can't think of at the moment... ???

Offline Valhallan

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Re: What are the names of the ships in your fleet(s)?
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2010, 09:23:47 PM »
Check the name - that's the norse theme to match my IG 40k force.

Asguard - Emperor BB
Ragnarock - Mars
Broadsword - 'Geddon
Tyr - Lunar
Vali - Gothic
Odin - Dauntless
Thor - Dauntless
Valkyries - Sword Squadron

Offline Yegr

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Re: What are the names of the ships in your fleet(s)?
« Reply #8 on: November 08, 2010, 12:34:02 PM »

"Harbringer of Doom" - Despoiler
"Terror" - Desolator

Grand Cruisers:
“Tranquilious” Vengance
“Unrelenquished Fury” Repulsive
“Relentless” Repulsive

Heavy Cruisers :
"Graf Orlock" Hades
"Agammemnon" - Acheron
"Deliverance" - Styx

"Scipio Decimus" - Carnage
"Cerberus" - Carnage
"Iscariot" - Devastation
"Genezaret" - Devastation
"Ascesion" Murder
"Sword of Orion"- Murder
"Merciless" Slaughter
"Flying Dutchman"  (daemonic ship) Slaughter

Dark Adeptus Cruiser:
“Spear of Voran”

"Lupus Squadron" – Iconoclast sqdr.
"Thunder Squadron" – Infidel sqdr.
"Rouge Squadron"- Idolator sqdr.

 ‘Character’ Ships:
"Planet Killer"
Blackstone Fortress II
“Nox Eternus” (Wieczna Noc) - Night Lords Legion super-warship.


"Shi'va" (Grand Victory)- Custodian
"Korst'la’Shas'ka" (Sun Reaper)- Custodian
"Tau'va’Re" (The Might of Greater Good) - Custodian

"Yanoi’Anuk" (Moon Bird) - Protector
"Au’Cha" (Eternal Goal)- Protector
"Bork’Sha'is" (Snow Storm)- Protector
“Rra Upt” (Shadow Mountain)- Protector

"M'yen’Myr" (Invisible Blade- Warden sqdr.(3)
Da’T'pel (Dark Shark) - Warden sqdr.( (3)
"Kais’Ka" (Skillful Strike)- Castellan sqdr.( (5)

And still unnamed and unfinished SM fleet

Offline Sigoroth

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Re: What are the names of the ships in your fleet(s)?
« Reply #9 on: November 08, 2010, 02:06:56 PM »
"Ascesion" Murder

You mean Ascension right?

"Rouge Squadron"- Idolator sqdr.

This is rouge as in "red", rouge as in "make-up" or rouge as in, "woops, I misspelt rogue"?

Offline Easy e

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Re: What are the names of the ships in your fleet(s)?
« Reply #10 on: November 10, 2010, 08:12:47 PM »
That I recall off the top of my head are...

Kill Krooza- Boomdakka
Terror Ship- Runt Killa
Terror Ship- Grot Ugga
Hammer Class Cruiser- Da Big Dakka
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Offline Zelnik

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Re: What are the names of the ships in your fleet(s)?
« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2010, 07:33:42 PM »
Imperial Navy
Apocalypse Battleship: The Dominion
Oberon Battleship: The Green Lake

Saturn class Command Vessel: The Odyssey
Jupiter class Command Vessel: The Illiad
Neptune class Command Cruiser: Poseidon
Callisto Cruisers: Orion, Ajax, Perseus, Achillies
Ganymede cruisers: Hyppolita and Atlanta
Europa class cruisers: Apollo and Artemis
Titan cruisers: Chronos, Oranos, Gaia

Hammer class battlekrooza: Bizmork
Hammer class Battlekrooza: Red Orktoba
Terrorships: Tetsuork, Orkstar 1, Orktown, Orkam's Razor.

Offline Admiral_d_Artagnan

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Re: What are the names of the ships in your fleet(s)?
« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2010, 11:17:15 PM »
Testament of Faith - Apocalypse
Sovereign Will - Oberon
Vergeltung des Kaiser - Governor (Unofficial)
St. Jean Baptiste de lu Zaahl - Repulsive
Conflictus Eternus - Vengeance
Hippogriff - Vindictive (Unofficial all Launch Bay Vengeance)
Advocate of Justice - Armageddon
Intercessor's Faith - Conqueror (Unoffical Gothic BC)
Antilles - Dauntless
Bathala - Dauntless
Insurmountable - Dictator
Kardynal Syn - Dominator
Judicator Cervantez - Dominator
Thunder Rift - Dominator
Don Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar - Gothic

Implacable - Dictator (Admech Reserve)
Black Mamba - Cobra
Cali Mountain Snake - Cobra
Copperhead - Cobra
Cottonmouth - Cobra
Snake Charmer - Cobra
Sidewinder - Cobra
Aramis - Falchion
Athos - Falchion
Porthos - Falchion
Cayugas - Firestorm
Mohawks - Firestorm
Oneidas - Firestorm
Onondagas - Firestorm
Senecas - Firestorm
Tuscaroras - Firestorm
Arien - Sword
Eonwe - Sword
Ilmare - Sword
Osse - Sword
Tillion - Sword
Uinen - Sword
« Last Edit: November 12, 2010, 11:18:46 PM by Admiral_d_Artagnan »

Offline Plaxor

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Re: What are the names of the ships in your fleet(s)?
« Reply #13 on: November 13, 2010, 12:25:43 AM »
Kill-Kroozer: Umie-Stompa
Terror Ship: Face-Puncha
Terror Ship: Da Splodinator
Kill-Kroozer: Toof-Grabba
Hammer: LbTwnXprss

Squadrons (misc): Gut Beetaz (Gut Baetez, Gut Betuz), Sqwadrun GMX 1x10^3.4772 (similar names)

Offline horizon

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Re: What are the names of the ships in your fleet(s)?
« Reply #14 on: December 17, 2010, 01:09:15 PM »
My Imperial Navy has its ships named:

Imperial Navy

Astrum Terra - Apocalypse class battleship         

Commissar Vandemarr - Lunar class cruiser               
Praetor  Maximus - Lunar class cruiser                  
Acheilos - Dictator class cruiser               
Imperator - Dominator class cruiser               

Fury-  Sword class frigates   
Enyo - Cobra Class Destroyers      
Deino - Cobra Class Destroyers