I mount everying on popsicle sticks, prime and paint.
I then examine each stand and put it into one of three catergories - 1. front stand, 2. rear stand 3. either. Basically based on the quality of the paint job on each side. Best front stands get glued down.
I then use pva glue to brush the base coat of basing on the front of the rear rank. Dirt flock, sand or whatever. I let that dry and then go in with the secondary and teriary materials (static grass, rocks, marsh grass whatever is appropriate for the army). After that is dry I then go in to the base, and lay down the first material, and while that is still wet, glue down the rear rank. It lets me get materials inbetween the stands with out the dangers of putting a glue brush in between the ranks; and allows me some time to get the rear rank in place correct.
the stand is then finished up, allowed to dry. Examine a few days later for touch ups, and about once a month I will take the production outside for dull coating.
I really like gale force 9's basing materials.
I use the Basing Grit as the base for dwarves and goblins; and foundation dirt for elves and humans. Dwarves get the grit one size up in spots. Dwarves, elves and humans then get static grass. Gobbos get marsh blend.
the eco bases are nice to. I lost my warmaster bases for my dwarves (prior to any painting) in the last move. A nice big box of gale force 9 bases is $15; I got enough bases for 3500 points of dwarves and a BOFA box set.