It's been a while since I've finished anything WM related. The good news is that I've just finished my latest project, the Realm of Battle table which is just about Warmastery enough, I think, to share. Here it is with a small Empire detachment about to deal most righteously with a daemon prince:
For those of you who haven't tried the Realm of Battle, I'd rate it pretty highly for Warmaster. The hills are useful in a way that perhaps isn't true when it's used for Warhammer and I think it looks very natty. The downside is the clips (which aren't attached in this picture). They're a horrible faff to use and I expect I'll modify the supporting table to avoid having to use them. The table is also just a little bit wobbly to use without a full-size supporting table underneath which is a shame. Oh, and the skull pits. You might just be able to see that I've filled them in with rubble, I didn't want my Warmaster troops to panic when they realised that they were battling over some horrific giant's graveyard...
Now I really need to make a river that matches and to buy myself some 10mm buildings, oh and tidy up the games room which is now covered in static grass. Before I do that I'm going to try to give the empire some reinforcements in the form of the Flagellants who've been patiently awaiting their finishing touches for so many months that it's almost years!