Hi all, in an attempt to get my various painting projects on track I thought a log of some kind might be in order. So, here it is... This'll be mainly Warmaster-related but as and when other projects interrupt I'll try to show you what I'm up to. I'll try to update this with at least a unit every fortnight, starting with a bumper update next week with stuff I'm about to base over the next couple of days.
For today's post, here's my table of toys:
In there there's roughly 2000 points of Orcs, Empire, Chaos and Dwarfs. If I can keep my mind on track I'll be focussing on the Empire and Chaos for the next month or so to get the armies bulked up (they're both at around 1000 points now).
Distractions I've got to try to avoid on the way include: Nurgle Blood Bowl team, Realm of Battle table, and much much more! Let's see how I do...