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Author Topic: Horizon is going to a tournament  (Read 2889 times)

Offline horizon

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Horizon is going to a tournament
« on: August 27, 2010, 08:39:13 PM »
These rules:

- Fleets are limited to 750 point
- Use small table (up to 120cm*120cm) and play fast scenarios,preferable 'sudden death' type.
- 2-4 Capital Ships
- Any number of Escort squadrons.
- Detail rules from fleet list, such like the fielding of Voss patternlight cruisers, are ignored.
- a maximum of 8 launch bays and 1 Nova Cannon in the fleet.
- you cannot use mines nor special torpedoes.
- you may compose capital ships in squadrons.
- rules of commanders are ignored. Instead one ship (larger/mostexpensive) is declared as flag ship, which gains 1 re-roll (may be used in whole fleet) and +1 to Ld. If the ship suffers the bridgesmashed critical hit these bonuses are lost.
But normal admirals may be taken if desired.

First tourney ever. Smaller games to get some games against few people in. Really eager to go.

I am thinking three fleets so far which I could take, well 4...

Tau CPF:

Not maxed but fluffy Tau fleet for such a tournament.

2 Hunter
2 Gladius

Hard, no ordnance but lots of turrets.

Dragonship (wb+lb+vampires)
2x Wraith (puls+torp)
Shadowhunter 2 wb
Shadowhunter 2 lance

CWE-just because
under new faq

Flame of Asuryan
2x Wraithship

easy transportation and lolling.

Offline Caine-HoA

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Re: Horizon is going to a tournament
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2010, 01:47:53 AM »
Im not sure if you should take the castellans into one squadron because its important to suceed at the leadership rolls for tau. And i think i wouldnt take the emissary as one on his own cant do a lot. Instead you could take some nicassar (if you have any) into the field i think they are nice in small combats (2 shields and 180° is really nice to have and you could protect them from assault boats with fighters).

I once before played with a no ordnance AdMech fleet and it was ok but the enemy didnt focus on ordnance. I think the problem with those rules and no ordnance is that your escorts will be lost vs chaos or orks who have assault boats. So either you really concentrate on capital ships with enough turrets and throw out the escorts or you should take one carrier.
Additionally i doubt one nova will work out its points, in such a small combat you may only get one or two shots and even if you hit most targets will take the dmg into their shields (if you are usually lucky with the dice its an option though).

I more often played Corsair so im not sure what to say about the CWE escorts, i think they arent worth their points most of the time but you wont get a capital ship either so no choice there i guess.

have fun and luck at the tournament
« Last Edit: August 28, 2010, 01:49:32 AM by Caine-HoA »

Offline horizon

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Re: Horizon is going to a tournament
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2010, 10:48:55 AM »
On Tau: I find the fleet fluffy. I like smaller squadrons to create more targets for the opponent. Thus a less surpressed fleet.

AM: No ordnance isn't a problem in small matches like this I think. Nova is just AdMechy.

CWE: of course the CWE escorts aren't superb, but the layout of the fleet is just fluffy.

You see, I'm not aiming for a win, but for a fun day.


Offline Caine-HoA

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Re: Horizon is going to a tournament
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2010, 01:42:07 AM »
Yes i know you want to have a fluffy list and i think its nice to have ppl playing like that. With my suggestions i just tried to show you some weaknesess of the chosen fleets to be aware when playing a tournament. And on the other had i dont think the changes for the tau list with taking nicassar dhow in would be less fluffy.

Anyway, have fun and tell us agains what fleets you had to play :-)

Offline canucks fan

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Re: Horizon is going to a tournament
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2010, 06:57:20 AM »
good luck, and make sure to take pictures and write a battle report.  Sorry I can't advise you on which fleet to take strategically, but you'll get the intimidation factor with your nicely painted CPF  ;D