Right , I have actually signed up just to comment on this thread, Horizon commented on a discussion I am Involved in on another forum.
Played Gothic when it first came out Eldar , been off for a couple of years but just picked up the fleet again recently for a campaign at my club. yay !!
I had some issues with the Craftworld Eldar fleet before I came here.
I was just a bit sick of cruisers cruisers cruisers for Eldar , even the flame of Asuryan for some reason they could not bring themselves to make into a decent flagship Battleship class , Craftworlds have the resources and some could argue more need for larger capital ships, so why do corsairs get the voidstalker when there is not one single 'battleship' for the Eldar fleet , As far as I am aware the imperials have quite a number to choose from and everyone else has at least one.
To top it all of in order to take the Flame you have to pay an insane amount of points for a character in order to have it, making it rather underwhelming for its cost ... make it a proper battleship please or at least make it good for its points !!! or give us a 'vanilla' battleship with viable options to make interesting variants (like everyone else)
One of the guys on the thread I mentioned has put forward some really good rules and background for 'Phoenix' Battleships , I'm sure were someone to check its balance and put it in a tasty pdf (Hell I'll convert the model !!) GW would more than likely put it in the fleet .I would link the word documents here but I cannot figure this forum out would be happy to get them up for consideration.
Shall I just paste it into a post,would be interested to hear peoples thoughts ?
The fleet is quite low on ships and kinda feels like an incomplete rushed hatchet job without a proper battleship and some more escort veriety and maybe some pre fall fun toys so that the Eldar have something in the same vein as the nova cannon etc , would just lend the fleet more depth/character I feel, and might result in more varied fleets popping up alongside some other suggestions being taken on board.
So my 2p on the current issues being discussed here:
Shadowhunters, No turrets please , just no , if it got put on I imagine I would avoid buying /using them any more as they would feel wrong , infact If the proposed nerfs to the dragonship happen too I would just Dump the list entirely and use my craftworld models with the Corsairs list......
I think as they are the ONLY escort it would not kill to give them an actual pulsar without lock on they seem to average about 3-4 hits and with lock on its about 6-7 assuming the squadron is at full strength.
However as a compromise why not give them: shadowhunter pulsars = pulsars that can only do max 2 hits ? and NO turrets

keep the 4+ ordy thing , that is a nice little characterful rule.
It makes them a little more flexible as you now have to choose going after ordy or going after ships or maybe buying several squads to do either where needed *gasp*
Flame:If its going to be the only 'big' ship Eldar get make it good , moving the pulsars to the prow or keel make sense so greenlight that for me
definitely should come with assault boats given Yriels penchant for assaulting things , I doubt he got so bad A** just sitting on a bridge sippping xenofruit wine.....
Personally I would like to see it with the same amount of hits as a stalker (maybe one less) and a set of torps , I expect to get flames for that but its just how I see/would like to see Yriels ship , considering he is possibly THE best Eldar Captain I don't see it as too much of a stretch .
Hero is overpriced and coupled with my other issues with the Flame makes them both a pretty unattractive prospect , Currently feel more inclined to go with the dragonship spam...
Ghostships:= fail
Dragonship:: There seems to be some debate about this ship , Its not OP so you cannot nerf any of it , the only option is to make some of the other choices more attractive : I don't think 4 pulsars is overkill ,it already exists on another ship (with longer range) however if you just cant see the sense in that, why not consider making the pulsars 45cms ? suddenly more attractive and already in existence on another Eldar ship (at str 4) I would certainly have trouble choosing between it and the EWB's ......torps and bays seem fine to me , I would love a str 8 Eldar torp on something but I feel that is battleship territory.
I'll 'rant off' now , seems I have written more than I intended , apologies.