Hi Maaksel,
1 Eldar Pulsar equals 4 Eldar Weapon Batteries. Therefor the options on the Wraithship are good and in equal strength.
16wb vs 3 Pulsar is 1:5, which is in heavy favour of the batteries. Within MMS the strenghts are 12wb & 3pl which still plays out balanced.
So 14wb vs 3 PL is a good choice.
Creating 4 PL / 16WB is just off limits.
You compare the possible average damage output by the Pulsar. But the hit potential is somewhat lower.
Also Eldar WB are always closing:
That means 10 dice between 15-30cm
If a blastmarker is present 7 (but then I'd pick another target).
Under 15cm the dice are 13 (left shift).
And they don't go over 30cm.
So we are looking at an average of 10 dice all the time. Since
i) my Eldar won't be daft to go under 15cm (but if I do I get 13 dice which might a final kill option).
ii) I will look for other targets if blastmarkers are intervening.
Also, your 8,5 dice vs 5+ armour is wrong: should be 2,81
7 dice (15-30cm behind blastmarker)
4+ = 3,50
5+ = 2,31
6+ = 1,12
10 dice (15-30cm or under 15 behind blastmarker)
4+ = 5,00
5+ = 3,30
6+ = 1,60
13 dice (under 15cm)
4+ = 6,50
5+ = 4,29
6+ = 2,08
From this we see that vs 5+ armour the 14 weapon batteries are better then the 3 pulsar unless there is an intervening blastmarker. Versus 4+ armour the weapon batteries are plain better.
Only vs 6+ armour the Pulsar is better on all levels.
So that leads to this: a mixture of both weapons is adviced in the fleet. Both are needed.