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Author Topic: BFG FAQ 2010 General Rules Questions  (Read 218480 times)

Offline flybywire-E2C

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Re: BFG FAQ 2010 General Rules Questions
« Reply #600 on: January 05, 2011, 01:34:10 AM »
Do we have an ETA on the release of this faq on the GW website?  I ask because this FAQ will be in effect for Adepticon this year and it would be easier to be able to point a link to their site than the google docs page. 

I agree completely, and that’s the prime mover for our New Year’s deadline. Unortunately, it will get on the GW website whenever they post it. I of course believe it will be sooner rather than later, but much of the behind-the-scenes staff has been restructured besides the game design team so I don't know much about how all that works anymore, and the few team members left are far more reticent about all the behind-the-scenes issues than they used to be.

As for the FAQ, I pulled it off the site and am keeping it on hold until tomorrow night to make sure we have all the cobwebs knocked out.  Right now we have it back on hold, mainly because there isn't anything like making a document final to get EVERYONE suddenly finding things we missed, misspelled or forgot. It will be re-posted tomorrow night (05 Jan) and off to GW as soon as we get the rest of the projects done, which hopefully should be in the next two weeks at the latest. We are aiming to give them everything as a lump-sum so they can get it posted all at once.

Hi Plaxor! Thanks for this! I wish we would have received this sooner, but it’s okay because I have received a FLURRY of e-mails about what we missed, misspelled or accidentally deleted since the Final got posted. I guess “Draft” means “Ignore until Final, then nitpick to pieces,” but I’m fine with it as long as we get a good product done.

Once it goes back up, it’s getting locked. Any sudden revelations after that point will have to be decided on a gaming table with a coin toss. I know we want this to be a living document, but GW isn’t using that framework anymore, and they will NOT entertain posting a document that still needs work so we need to get it right and call it done.

Last minute questions Nate:

You didn't mention in the FAQ that leech torpedoes count as eldar torpedoes and will only be hit by turrets on a 6 (It also isn't mentioned in armada) Also you should clarify that they don't need to roll to hit (or they do?)

They behave as Eldar torps in all respects, including being hit by turrets on a 6. Yes, they have to roll to hit, but now they cause 1hp damage on top of the auto-crit. We’re adding this in and further clarifying how they work, particularly against escorts.


I still think the description for how resilient ordinance is confusing, and should be reworded.

The examples (which are intentionally extreme) illustrate what happens when everyone always passes their 4+ save. We’re adding in that resilient ordnance is always immediately removed whenever a save is failed. No, we are NOT ruling that ordnance can save and keep moving because it makes it too powerful for those that WILL abuse it.

All of these situations are pretty esoteric to start with. If it’s still confusing, make a coin toss and keep playing.


Oh in the FAQ you say that necrons consider their reactive armor save working exactly as a brace save. You also say that brace saves will save against H&R attacks. So this means necrons get their save against assault boats and teleport attacks.... I think this should be clarified/mentioned.

Agreed. Fixed.


CTNH should be clarified for one thing: could say a capital ship with 20cm movement on CTNH with 45' turns instead of moving 10 turning 45' and then another 10 and turning another 45', move 20 and then turn 90'?

No. It was never this way and won’t be now.


I think that for the Chaos and renegade imperial vessels instead of saying a chaos fleet can take a IN cruiser of 185 points or less you should say any imperial cruiser not equipped with a nova cannon (as I imagine this is the only real thing you want to limit.)

Besides at 185 points a chaos player could take a Dominator with the 'downgraded (upgrade?) weapons batteries.

The FAQ already states Nova Cannon and special weapon rules can’t be taken so this doesn’t need to be clarified further.

Do squadrons roll seperately for things like AAF?  I think they do.  I wonder if the squadron range can be increased to 20cm.

No, squadrons (even capital ship squadrons) ALWAYS roll together for things like AAF. This is already in the FAQ, but we will add a sentence clarifying it. The distance ships have to maintain in a squadron is not being changed.

Check out the BFG repository page for all the documents we have in work:
:) Smile, game on and enjoy!           - Nate

Offline lastspartacus

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Re: BFG FAQ 2010 General Rules Questions
« Reply #601 on: January 05, 2011, 11:42:00 AM »
Man, I guess I missed leeches getting altered!

So now its -10cm and a hit?  I take it that DE ships always have them armed, since they are now like normal torps but better?

Edit: A-boats officially kill escorts on a 4+, right?
Does this apply to teleport attacks?  I can see why it wouldnt, but the same concept of 'if im near a shieldless escort, i kill it one out of six times' applies
« Last Edit: January 05, 2011, 11:44:58 AM by lastspartacus »

Offline Plaxor

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Re: BFG FAQ 2010 General Rules Questions
« Reply #602 on: January 06, 2011, 04:59:08 AM »
One last question:

How do daemonships deploy when they are squadroned? I know this rarely happens but you know...

Also why did you change the way random launch bays work on Orks? it was a tiny boost to ork vessels and made people want to buy the restricted ships more. Now terrorships are all the more valuable because they don't have this disadvantage.

Also with torpedo bombers, you made it so that not only do Ork vesels with random launch bays have to pay maximum points for them (which wasn't necessary as it was already written into the rules for most of their costs), but they are notably worse on top of that because of your 'short burn' thing.

I'll try to see if I can come up with anything more fleet-specific that you missed.... but I think you're pretty solid on everything that needed FAQed.

Offline Plaxor

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Re: BFG FAQ 2010 General Rules Questions
« Reply #603 on: January 07, 2011, 07:28:50 AM »
Nate, are you planning on making boarding torpedoes do 1 hit in addition to the H&R?

This would make perfect sense for Orks and nids (as boarding torpedoes are more expensive and/or slower)

Space marines... ugh... fast torpedoes filled with space marines....

Offline lordgoober

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Re: BFG FAQ 2010 General Rules Questions
« Reply #604 on: January 08, 2011, 03:55:23 PM »
A quick request from a person who is planning on sticking this faq on his ebook reader when it comes out in final/final version.  Can we have 2 versions of this faq sent to GW? One with the fancy schmancy graphics on it like the current release and then a version that is just pure text?  My ebook reader (sony 600 touch edition) chokes badly on pdfs with graphics like that in the files.

Offline flybywire-E2C

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Re: BFG FAQ 2010 General Rules Questions
« Reply #605 on: January 09, 2011, 09:06:08 PM »
Hi all! Sorry about the delay, but I pulled the FAQ/Errata down for corrections just in time for a very serious personal emergency to rear its head. I'm back and the new FAQ has been posted. There were a few minor ommissions, mis-spellings and other errors in the final document that we needed to get fixed before it goes up to GW.

Here is a partial and incomplete list of some of the added rulings that were previously missed, in error or just plain forgotten. It's NOT all-inclusive and doesn't include any of the last-minute spelling errors or added cross-references so check for your favorite fleet to see if anything else was added or changed:

- All Ahead Full in squadrons was clarified.

- Catastrophic damage in asteroid fields was fixed.

- Boarding torpedoes do not cause automatic hits.

- Resilient ordnance was clarified to state in all cases, resilient attack craft that fail to make their save are immediately removed.

- The order of leadership checks to ram and how they apply was clarified.

- How capital ship squadrons make leadership checks to cross asteroid fields was clarified.

- Imperial grand cruisers do NOT count as cruisers for the purpose of adding battleships to the fleet in ANY Imperial fleet list.

- The Devastation uses different ordnance types in its profile. This in no way means their ordnance behaves differently, and for all intents and purposes their ordnance is exactly the same as other Chaos attack craft in all respects.

- Deamonships cannot be used in squadrons.

- The strength of the Dragonship’s weapons battery option is 14, the torpedo option is 8 and the launch bay option is 4.

- All Eldar ordnance (including Dark Eldar) are hit by turrets on a roll of 6. Slavebringer assault boats gain +1 when rolling their hit and run attack. Otherwise, they behave as assault boats in all respects.

- Leech torpedoes are clarified.

- When the Necron reactive hull saves apply is clarified.

- How Necrons may gain repair points in a campaign has been adjusted.

- The Tau Merchant starship is 95 points.

Please do NOT refer to this post as a source of answers, as this is not all-inclusive and leaves out important details for purposes of brevity.

The intent of a "Living Document" unfortunately never was brought to fruition by GW so when this finally makes it up to the GW site, it will probably remain as-is for the foreseeable future. If there is anything after this point that we missed, forgot or simply screwed up, the best thing to do is agree with your opponent how to handle the unclear situation. If two players can't come to an agreement, then flip a coin, game on and enjoy!
Check out the BFG repository page for all the documents we have in work:
:) Smile, game on and enjoy!           - Nate

Offline flybywire-E2C

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Re: BFG FAQ 2010 General Rules Questions
« Reply #606 on: January 09, 2011, 09:10:51 PM »
A quick request from a person who is planning on sticking this faq on his ebook reader when it comes out in final/final version.  Can we have 2 versions of this faq sent to GW? One with the fancy schmancy graphics on it like the current release and then a version that is just pure text?  My ebook reader (sony 600 touch edition) chokes badly on pdfs with graphics like that in the files.

I don't think GW will entertain creating or posting ebook-friendly versions of this document because it opens up the door to creating such versions of ALL their PDF files, which due to the current issues they have going on they will almost certainly NOT entertain. However, since this file is particularly important I should be able to create a graphics-free, ebook-friendly version of the FAQ/Errata and post it to the Repository. I will not be doing this for the other projects we are working on.
Check out the BFG repository page for all the documents we have in work:
:) Smile, game on and enjoy!           - Nate

Offline Admiral_d_Artagnan

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Re: BFG FAQ 2010 General Rules Questions
« Reply #607 on: January 09, 2011, 10:54:27 PM »
A quick request from a person who is planning on sticking this faq on his ebook reader when it comes out in final/final version.  Can we have 2 versions of this faq sent to GW? One with the fancy schmancy graphics on it like the current release and then a version that is just pure text?  My ebook reader (sony 600 touch edition) chokes badly on pdfs with graphics like that in the files.

I don't think GW will entertain creating or posting ebook-friendly versions of this document because it opens up the door to creating such versions of ALL their PDF files, which due to the current issues they have going on they will almost certainly NOT entertain. However, since this file is particularly important I should be able to create a graphics-free, ebook-friendly version of the FAQ/Errata and post it to the Repository. I will not be doing this for the other projects we are working on.

Why would creating e-book friendly versions of the Specialist Games documents, the ones which they are not making any money out of nor they are not really supporting 100% force them to create eBook friendly versions of the stuff they are making money out of? Sure the door is opened but if they don't want to go that way with WFB, 40k and LotR they don't have to.

Offline Plaxor

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Re: BFG FAQ 2010 General Rules Questions
« Reply #608 on: January 09, 2011, 11:09:40 PM »
Thanks Nate for the Merchant reduction.

I'm disappointed at the boarding torpedo thing, as boarding torpedoes (in orks) are more expensive and slower. I would've done; rolls to hit against the ship, causes a hit and instead of rolling to cause a critical, it causes 1 automatic H&R attack.

Therefore you essentially trade out the chance for a better critical for an auto H&R. Also with the much slower speed and higher price, I think it would work out fine.

Offline fracas

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Re: BFG FAQ 2010 General Rules Questions
« Reply #609 on: January 09, 2011, 11:18:56 PM »
Yes thanks for the 95pts merchant

Offline Gron

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Re: BFG FAQ 2010 General Rules Questions
« Reply #610 on: January 10, 2011, 09:20:56 AM »
This isn't a major issue but how to officially score VP's from minefields is not addressed at all. Currently I use a house rule that they count as 100% destroyed if the defender loose the scenario.

Boarding torps, they badly need a change as how they work. Hits like a-boats or similar would probably do the trick.

Offline Sigoroth

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Re: BFG FAQ 2010 General Rules Questions
« Reply #611 on: January 10, 2011, 11:41:42 AM »
This isn't a major issue but how to officially score VP's from minefields is not addressed at all. Currently I use a house rule that they count as 100% destroyed if the defender loose the scenario.

Boarding torps, they badly need a change as how they work. Hits like a-boats or similar would probably do the trick.

Just give them a +1 to hit.

Offline lastspartacus

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Re: BFG FAQ 2010 General Rules Questions
« Reply #612 on: January 10, 2011, 07:44:00 PM »
Thats actually the best idea ive heard. they are manned, afterall.

Offline lastspartacus

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Re: BFG FAQ 2010 General Rules Questions
« Reply #613 on: January 14, 2011, 11:33:45 AM »
To be sure:  I have always played, example, squadron of Idolators don't worry too much about BFI, because all they lose each is a str of battery.
I heard some talk that you actually treat the squadron as halfed.  So I have been playing, say, 5 Idolators on BFI getting 5 lance shots and str5 batteries.  Is this incorrect?  Where does it state that the squadron as a whole is halfed, meaning that some ships essentially have no weapons to fire at all?  Finally, does this apply for capital ship squadrons?

Also: Bumping support of Sig's idea.

Offline horizon

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Re: BFG FAQ 2010 General Rules Questions
« Reply #614 on: January 14, 2011, 11:46:06 AM »
To be sure: I have always played, example, squadron of Idolators don't worry too much about BFI, because all they lose each is a str of battery.
I heard some talk that you actually treat the squadron as halfed. So I have been playing, say, 5 Idolators on BFI getting 5 lance shots and str5 batteries. Is this incorrect? Where does it state that the squadron as a whole is halfed, meaning that some ships essentially have no weapons to fire at all? Finally, does this apply for capital ship squadrons?

Yes, squadron powered totalled (escorts and capital ships) then halved.

5 Idolators on BFI = 3 lances (5/2 rounded up) + 5 batteries (10/2).

FAQ2001 and newer ;)
iirc even rulebook stuff.