So, well, the Retribution and the Overlord.
You know their strength (i.e. giving range to the rangeless while being part of your battle line), you know their flaw (firepower, or rather the lack of it, especially up close).
And you know the problem that comes from this: Their long range WBs are pretty useless at range (if your enemy isn't stupid enough to come straight at you with a capital ship you get to throw the rather unimposing amount of two dice) and up close they're out-damaged by nearly every cruiser in your arsenal.
So while I've seen the one or the other idea how to remedy this by increasing their firepower at the cost of range I always found those suggestions wanting; long range batteries are the trademark of these ships, after all, and by taking them away completely the ships somehow lost character.
That's when I found a certain part of fluff in the back of my mind, about old fleet tactics where short ranged, high powered weapons batteries were king; this led to the thought "Hey, why don't I throw out some of the long range batteries and replace them with weapons from ye olden tymes?".
To cut a long story short ("Too late for that!" I hear you cry, but I couldn't care less

) here's what I came up with:
Let me know what you think!