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Author Topic: [NECRO] General Necromunda Log  (Read 5582 times)

Offline Velsharoon

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[NECRO] General Necromunda Log
« on: April 15, 2009, 01:29:53 PM »
This is my record of what I do regarding Necromunda, while I don't play it at the moment I am preparing for the day I can  8)

Presenting you my Ratskin Ganger "He Who Crawls" given his penchant for crawling through vents and tunnels and all other sorts of grim deeds as well as Scavvy ganger "Hop a Long" (due to an unfortunate incident with a giant rat).

The Ratskin is armed with an autogun. axe, a plethora of knives then of course a blindsnake pouch.

Hop a Long is a bog (teehee) standard scavvy with autogun and club. I considered modeling on the clubs  but decided they could be represented as under coats as I don't want to interfere with these now OOP models.

They are painted using Foundation Paints and Washe with some extra bits like bone and minor drybrushing such as on He Who Crawls Ratskin cloak. I prefer to get everyone up to table top standard before spending extra time on eyes, pustules etc but feel free to call me out on how to improve as comments and Criticism are always welcome!

The Scavvy only took me about 15 mins, the Ratskin maybe a wee bit longer.

« Last Edit: April 15, 2009, 02:41:36 PM by Lex »

Offline Velsharoon

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Re: [NECRO] General Necromunda Log
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2009, 11:51:13 PM »
Managed to get some more done this afternoon, in between buying a box of OOP ratskins and set of ratskin braves for a future project.

I always feel its a common mistake that people start painting and think they are going to be great, I am under no such illusions but I take pride in the fact my models look decent despite my lack of skill. Techniques such as washing help the beginner painter so much, as we can see from this scavvy and scaly, namely the one eyed "Squint" and Spear Gun carrying "Smiles".

Pre Wash:

After wash

Also included are Lumpy and Trekky, armed with shotguns and a very bad taste in clothing

I am irritated by the sand coming off the based even tho they are superglued but c'est la vie, I shall go back and touch them all up in one go later on.

Thanks for looking
« Last Edit: April 15, 2009, 11:59:59 PM by Velsharoon »

Offline Velsharoon

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Re: [NECRO] General Necromunda Log
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2009, 07:56:14 PM »
Finished off all the models I have at the moment, just as well seeing as im feeling quite silly being the only person to post here yet :D

As before very basic paint schemes yet im tempted just to varnish them and leave them as is...

Here are Angus (was gonna call him Derek but then I noticed his funky shorts) who is afflicted with a slight case of horns growing in inconvenient places, Acromegaly who is waving to the camera and Tripod. All are armed as seen, which while inconvenient due to the fact they are rubbish weapons is keeping with my using the models without modifications.

Below are Topknot, the leader of the gang aswell as Long-Tongue the scatter gun scaly.

And a picture of the gang as it stands.

Most satisfying seeing them like that.

I am waiting to get my hands on an Autogun scavvy as well as some dogs to round off the gang, but also WIP are 6 Zombies- just normal WHF ones since I had the sprues handy. Then I see a Karloth Valois on Ebay and I have that gang of 20 odd escher I need to finish...And I want to make a table to :\

Offline Rogue Trader

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Re: [NECRO] General Necromunda Log
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2009, 11:12:34 PM »
Cant have you posting by yourself, especially in your own thread!
Nice looking models for a tabletop quality gang. Did you use the new GW washes?
Remember this. The Universe is a big place, and whatever happens, you will not be missed.

Offline Chaos_Rabbit619

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Re: [NECRO] General Necromunda Log
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2009, 11:16:00 AM »
Nice looking figs...a good start. :)

Offline Velsharoon

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Re: [NECRO] General Necromunda Log
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2009, 01:15:53 PM »
Thanks for the kind words, wasnt sure if it was worth continuing since im not offering anything impressive :P

I am using devlan mud in copious amounts, i need an urgent resupply actually

I have 6 zombies, 5 ratskin braves, a new box set of scavvies (OOP still) and OOP Ratskin box set to paint to so I am just going to leave them as is for now until I want them to look pretty

Offline Chaos_Rabbit619

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Re: [NECRO] General Necromunda Log
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2009, 11:13:36 AM »
scavs can look "pretty"?  *laughs* isn t that kindda a contradiction? or maybe thats inner beauty ....