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Author Topic: Crazy Leonidas  (Read 3577 times)

Offline Steel Rabbit

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Crazy Leonidas
« on: November 30, 2009, 08:01:30 PM »
On page 88 of the Warmaster Ancients rulebook, there's the profile for the Greek army and the hero Leonidas. There's been some discussion amongst my gaming group as to what exactly is going on in his special rule.

It says "any unit he fights gains the benefit of his additional attack bonus." Now, we're pretty sure there's a missing word in there, because as it's written, it looks like he gives the enemy his fight bonus, which obviously isn't right. Where the problem lies is that this doesn't seem special. Doesn't every hero add his attack bonus to the unit he's fighting with?

Thanks for looking this over.

Offline Lex

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Re: Crazy Leonidas
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2009, 08:31:55 PM »
On page 88 of the Warmaster Ancients rulebook, there's the profile for the Greek army and the hero Leonidas. There's been some discussion amongst my gaming group as to what exactly is going on in his special rule.

It says "any unit he fights gains the benefit of his additional attack bonus." Now, we're pretty sure there's a missing word in there, because as it's written, it looks like he gives the enemy his fight bonus, which obviously isn't right. Where the problem lies is that this doesn't seem special. Doesn't every hero add his attack bonus to the unit he's fighting with?

Thanks for looking this over.

I would see that you best keep him OUT of the fighting then !! Obviously this "hero" is meant to lead his troops from behind...

now, assuming that this guys is modeled on the Spartan King at Thermopyla, that would be realy vague, unless.....

the TYPO is that he should have -1 attacks !  now all of a sudden he is the awe-inspiring Spartan Hero again, who singlehandedly fights of legions (well him and the odd 300+ other guys.......)


Normal heroes give their combat bonus to one of the stands of the unit theu are fighting with

Leo makes opposing units shit their breeches, dropping their effectivness by one attack per unit ??
« Last Edit: November 30, 2009, 08:38:48 PM by Lex »

Offline jchaos79

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Re: Crazy Leonidas
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2009, 11:48:36 PM »
In my opinion, the ancient upgrades are normaly "habilities" or skills related to command roll. But Leonidas seems to be a special type of upgrade.

What I understand with leonidas is that he makes an +3 (general +2 leonidas +1). The effect is like a chariot in warmaster fantasy. This upgrade of +1 combat skill of the general is not very common in ancient warmaster. In my opinion the comment is trying to highlight this.

In addition, leonidas also improve one grade the armour of the unit attached.

This two specials features makes sense to me for represent that Leonidas was not very "clever" as a campaing general (He decide still in thermopylas) but he was a great leader in combat a killing machine (as he demostrate in thermopylas). If the text are right...


Offline Ben2

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Re: Crazy Leonidas
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2009, 09:04:41 PM »
Indeed, if you group him with Spartan Bodyguard Sacred Band then they have fifteen attacks on the defensive and 18 on the offensive, which is enough to destroy a full unit of unarmoured infantry a round.

He's brutal, but the big risk is in including your general in combats. In Fantasy warmaster I've won a couple of games through general assassinations because my opponent has committed them to what they thought were key combats.

Offline Stomm

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Re: Crazy Leonidas
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2009, 12:14:24 PM »
In Fantasy Warmaster I've won a game with a single round of fire from a pair of cannons at a unit that the opposing general had joined by wiping it out with driveback... A big block of zombies, which I bounced the general into the centre of, then proceeded to engage all of the other seven or so units in combat, so that my nearby cannon brigade on a hill could only target the unit containing the general, as units in combat are not eligible as targets for shooting, and combined with the firing overhead rule, I took out his Vampire General with cannon balls...

Of course even if the shooting hadn't taken him out the combat round would have. Since it was actually part of a tournie, I shouldn't have done any shooting, or just shot with one of the units to take a stand out and cause some confusion. As I would have received far more VP's from taking all of those units out...