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Author Topic: Chaos fleet for a 1st timer  (Read 2824 times)

Offline BurningTear

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Chaos fleet for a 1st timer
« on: August 04, 2017, 03:56:19 PM »
Hi people, the fact is I've allways wanted to play BFG, and now I found how to get models for it  ;D

The list I thought of is as follows:

Flagship: Despoiler Battleship (st4 lances, torps, chaos warmaster, CSM crew, terminators) 530

Styx heavy cruiser (chaos champion, CSM crew) 325

3 Murders. 3x170=510

1 Dauntless (lance) 110

1RR. 25

Total 1500

The idea is that te first turns I can deal sone damage with all the lances and the ordnance, and then go in with everything but the styx.

But I've never played so who knows how would that go (hopefully you, that's why I'm asking here  :P)

You think it's playable at least? I don't wanna go arround winning tournaments, but I'd like my first buy to last some time.

Regarding this, you see the torp upgrade in the Desolator good? It looks nice on paper (2 bays for 9 torps, that might be boarding) but, if course, never actually tryed anything.

And the Murders look better to me as standart, but I'm inerested in the general opinion on the lateral lance option.

Thanks for your time.

Offline Seahawk

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Re: Chaos fleet for a 1st timer
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2017, 04:43:30 AM »
I assume you're not using official rules to make this list, so I can't speak much to that.

It seems to me though that you have a bucket of points in leaders and CSM crew that isn't helping much. For example, having the CSM crew on the Styx reduces it from 6 launch bays to 2 (if you take Thunderhawks); you may as well just take a Devastation instead so you aren't punished so hard. Murders are decent; your squadron provides a nice ranged output with the prow lances, and then weapons batteries when you have the arcs. Personally, I'd use a squadron of Slaughters because they're wicked fast and carry a lot more guns than the Murders, though they are certainly trickier to use. Carnages are always a good choice, because they carry a LOT of weapons batteries, and are perfect for countering Eldar and the like.

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Re: Chaos fleet for a 1st timer
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2017, 07:25:58 AM »
I would have assumed he used the official rules.... then I saw the Dauntless. Stating which rules you use is nice.  :)

As Seahawks states: using T-hawks on the Styx is waste.

Offline BurningTear

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Re: Chaos fleet for a 1st timer
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2017, 08:08:15 AM »
I thought I used the official rules  ??? It's a list called Renegade fleet that allows for the use of 1 imperial cruiser for every 750points, qnd 0-6 escorts.

Tvough certainly I use a compendium I printed before finding this forum.... I'll investigate a little.

I was not planning on using TH on the carriers, I une CSM crews mainly to get my LD up and to add the bonus to boarding torpedoes and assault craft. I'm pretty worried about failing LD and loosing a turn of ordnance, since I invested so much in carriers.

Thanks for the reply

Offline Bozeman

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Re: Chaos fleet for a 1st timer
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2017, 03:36:34 AM »
It sounds like you're using the 2010 update (my favorite!)  Yes, you can take renegade cruisers.  They get a -1 leadership though, so if you don't have a specific role for them, it could be a waste of points.

Chaos has three things going for them:
1. Speed
2. Launch Bays
3. Range

Pick one of those things and you won't go wrong.

1. Go all Slaughter class, all the time.  Marks of Khorne and CSM if you care.  Go right at the enemy and brace if they shoot you, but enough ships will get through to shoot and board. Slaughter are super up-gunned up close.  Great against Tau, or other Chaos.  Tyranids will crap themselves because you're twice as fast as they are.  Outflank them and pick your battles. Note: THIS is where your renegade Dauntless will shine, as it can keep up with the Slaughters and give some much needed Torpedo "oomph."

2. All Devastations to bulk up your launch bays, Styx if you're feeling saucy (though Styx tend to be undergunned) and a Despoiler for big games.  Don't forget Infidels for torpedo support, so the enemy has to choose between shooting torpedoes and attack craft with turrets!  This breaks everybody but is scary for Necrons who have no fighters, or Imperial Navy who don't have as good of launch bay options.  For REALLY big games, bring the Warmaster himself, Abbadon the Despoiler.  Re-roll those failed Reload Ordnance checks all damn day.  Board with Abbadon for extra fun!

3. Carnage class cruisers to give the enemy a smack before they can even get in range, and a wallop when they get close.  This makes the Eldar cry.  Top it off with a Repulsive class grand cruiser (if you're using the 2010 update, put it on a big base for the extra shield so it doesn't suck!)  Fill out points with Idolators for more long range fun.  If you're going up against Necrons or Marines, swap the Repulsive for an Acheron to get super lances from range, or consider a Desolator if battleships are your bag.

Offline Lotus

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Re: Chaos fleet for a 1st timer
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2017, 04:16:06 PM »
"For every 1,500 points in a Chaos fleet, one cruiser from any Imperial Navy fleet list up to 185 points and/or up to six Imperial Navy escorts may be taken. Special weapon rules, Nova Cannon, Chaos Lords, Chaos Space Marines, Chaos ordnance or Daemonship upgrades may not be taken for Imperial Navy vessels used in this manner, and cruisers suffer -1Ld for going renegade. Imperial Navy escorts need not be in a single squadron and may be interspersed within other Chaos escort squadrons if desired. These vessels do not count as reserves; they count as Chaos vessels in all respects."

FAQ2010, page 23.

Seems to be fine. The 1500p-mark could be the reason why this list is exactly 1500 points big.

Edit: And having some traitor vessels alongside the old vessels is fluffy. Go for it.

Offline BurningTear

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Re: Chaos fleet for a 1st timer
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2017, 11:22:25 AM »
So after reading the advice I've come with 2 possible lists using the 2010 update:

List A:

Despoiler battleship                                 510
  st4 lances, warmaster, CSM crew (no THawks)

Repulsive class Grand Cruiser                   255
  extra shield, improved lancea

4x Carnage class cruisers                      4x180

TOTAL: 1485

The Idea here is to have a long range fleet with some bays to screen or, if my oponent lacks bays or torps, launch bombers and assalt craft. There are 15 points to spend, and I was thinking on Nurgling/tzeenching the despoiler or the Repulsive, but I'm still torn on the torpedoes in the despoiler.


Repulsive Grand Cruiser                              255
  extra shield, better lances, Chaos lord

2x Acheron heavy cuisers                        2x190=380

4x Carnage heavy cruisers                       4x180=720

TOTAL: 1405
The 95 points would go either into 2 iconoclasts plus an Idolator or upgrading the CLors into a WMaster and some rerrolls.

This list is more about throwing firepower down range but has no bays of any kind.

What so you think about those?
Thanks for your time

Offline Lotus

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Re: Chaos fleet for a 1st timer
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2017, 11:53:13 AM »
I never played chaos and not very often against chaos....

...but i would not recomend "no bays of any kind" for a 1500 points game. Even if you don't want to use them - you should have at least some ordnance to counter enemy ordnance. The possibility of encountering no enemy ordnance in a 1500 point game is low.

Offline BurningTear

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Re: Chaos fleet for a 1st timer
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2017, 01:04:49 PM »
Thanks! I actually didn't know if it was viable to ignore bays  ::)

Then ignore the 2nd list everybody  :)

Offline Bozeman

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Re: Chaos fleet for a 1st timer
« Reply #9 on: August 12, 2017, 03:14:37 PM »
Play around with the first list and get at least one re-roll.  It could save you ass.

Also, try a variant without the Despoiler for smaller games.  Replace with a Styx or a few Devastations.

Don't forget Infidels!  They are your cheapest, easiest option for torpedoes.

Offline Seahawk

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Re: Chaos fleet for a 1st timer
« Reply #10 on: August 14, 2017, 02:21:13 AM »
2010FAQ is definitely the best.

I meant mainly because your points are off, unless I'm missing something. For example, your first list should be:

[580] Despoiler - Torpedoes, Warmaster, CSM, Terminators, 1 extra reroll

[320] Styx - Chaos Lord, CSM

[510] 3 Murders

[110] Dauntless

Which would be 1520 points. I thought then that you were using some fan rules with adjusted points.

Still, easy way to make the first list 1500 legal is to simply drop the torpedoes and terminators from the battleship and you're in business! Further, you could probably stand to drop the expensive Styx for another cruiser and a selection of escorts; Infidels as mentioned, with their torpedoes, are always a decent choice.