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Author Topic: 1,500 Ork Clanz  (Read 3984 times)

Offline NoisyAssassin

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1,500 Ork Clanz
« on: March 01, 2017, 06:49:34 PM »
0 - Warlord: 1 re-roll
600 - Space Hulk: Snakebite Clan

0 - Warlord: 1 re-roll
370 -  Terror Ship: Prow Torpedoes
          Terror Ship: Prow Torpedoes                       
180 - 6 Savage Gunships

0 - Warlord: 1 re-roll
200 - Terror Ship: Prow Torpedoes, Assault Carrier, Mega-Armored Boarding Parties
150 - 6 Brute Ram Ships

1,500 points

How does it look? I can't add Clanz as my ships aren't painted to any Clan, but Gubbinz are an option, and I've got the models for anything in the Ork fleet. Only restriction is the Hulk needs to stay.

Offline Green_Squad_Leader

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Re: 1,500 Ork Clanz
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2017, 01:15:18 AM »
Substantial update for orks is coming soon, check out page 14 of the rules thread for the changelog of most of the changes.

Offline NoisyAssassin

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Re: 1,500 Ork Clanz
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2017, 04:28:14 AM »
I haven't done anything with BFG:R so far, generally play BB+Armada+2010 FAQ. The poor Ork clanz list is sort of a mess though, and I've been considering writing some house rules for them, so I might check out what you're doing with them.

Offline horizon

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Re: 1,500 Ork Clanz
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2017, 05:17:42 AM »
Ya, the Clans rules do work in the compendium but they are clumsy written.

Offline Green_Squad_Leader

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Re: 1,500 Ork Clanz
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2017, 03:39:43 PM »
I'd STRONGLY recommend using thd BFG:XR rules, thd original ork fleet is barely playable and the clanz update was a rushed mess.

Offline horizon

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Re: 1,500 Ork Clanz
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2017, 08:01:24 PM »
I recommend playing what your gaming group decides on. BFG players aren't that easy to find.

And if you go to a tournament like Adepticon it is official rules as well.

Personally I played against the compendium list and had a lot of fun (and re-thinking) in those battles. Was an experienced Ork player who did think outside of the box which may have helped.

Offline NoisyAssassin

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Re: 1,500 Ork Clanz
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2017, 01:25:28 AM »
This list actually is for Adepticon, so yeah, have to stick to official rules for it. As for my group, they're a querulous bunch, so introducing something like that may or may not go over well.

Offline Seahawk

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Re: 1,500 Ork Clanz
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2017, 01:45:44 AM »
Madison, eh? Derailing a little bit, but I'm right over in many people play BFG by you? If I have free time (aka, if I get my stuff painted in time), we could get together to try out your list before Adepticon.

I don't understand why people have so much trouble with the Clanz's fairly easy to work out and play, at least from my perspective. *shrug*

Your list looks fine to me. When you have the Hulk I would consider having swarms of Escorts to make up the numbers over more expensive ships, but then I do like the Terror ships too.

Offline NoisyAssassin

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Re: 1,500 Ork Clanz
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2017, 04:39:45 PM »
I think the main problems with the Clanz list are:
1). the structure rules are both highly unique and somewhat hidden in various places throughout the document rather than all in one place.
2). most of the clan upgrades and about half the gubbins are traps. Being punished with a sub-par list for taking all the fun upgrades and toys isn't very feel-good.
3). Ork ships in general aren't great compared to their Imperial or Chaos equivalents. Their random firepower almost always averages less, often for an insignificant points decrease, along with Orks' reduced Ld.

This'll be my first time trying the Hulk. So far Terror Ships have been my best performers, but I could see some utility is just swarming with escorts.

(topic derail continued in PM)

Offline Green_Squad_Leader

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Re: 1,500 Ork Clanz
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2017, 03:05:02 PM »
I tried using the original clanz rules in an ongoing campaign, and then when we decided on the coming update for BFG:XR I remade my list with the same clan affiliations and upgrades.

My previously 2000 point list was worth 1790 points...

 I get it, this game is dying the slow death of all unsupported games. Most players are scared to try anything new.  It would be fine if the original rules were well crafted. Unfortunately for the majority of the factions they really weren't.

It will take some TOs being brave and saying "These are the rules we are going to use." for things to change. Players will virtually NEVER consent to new rules being adopted unless they are forced to accept them. The funny part is they are usually happy once they are forced to do so.

Offline horizon

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Re: 1,500 Ork Clanz
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2017, 03:13:47 PM »
Unfortunately for the majority of the factions they really weren't.
Really? I disagree.

The only official rule problem exists with the Eldar (move-shoot-move mechanic). Fix that (MMS) and you have a really well balanced game.
Yes, the writing of some rules could be better but that doesn't change balance.

And I think a 210 point drop in XR versus Compendium 2010 in a 2000pts list is quite heavy (10,5%). So I'd really like to see some good arguments to be honest. Since (while clumsy written) the compendium 2010 appeared balanced to me. Big escort squadrons should not be underestimated. (Really 10 torpedo escorts with an average roll launch a lot of them...).

Offline Green_Squad_Leader

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Re: 1,500 Ork Clanz
« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2017, 03:33:18 PM »
Its all been discussed in the BFG:XR rules thread. Essentially we changed the clan affiliation from something purchsed by each ship into something purchsed fleetwide by the admiral. The clan traits were reworked to fit with this change. I had previously purchased Goff clan alinement for all my ships/squadrons, it was nearly 250 points of my fleet roster.  Now its 50.