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Author Topic: [WM] Allies & Mercenaries Trial Rules v2.2  (Read 1807 times)

Offline empireaddict

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[WM] Allies & Mercenaries Trial Rules v2.2
« on: April 01, 2017, 04:30:46 PM »
Updated version of Allies & Mercenaries Trial Rules.  Intending to allow mercenaries at next Saffron Walden tournament.

Warmaster Allies & Mercenaries Trial Rules v2.2

Two or more armies of the same size may ally together in a battle.  For simplicity, they will be referred to as allies.

Alliances cannot be made between ‘good’ lists (Empire, High Elf, Dwarf, Bretonnia, Kislev, Witch Hunters, Wood Elf, Lizardmen) and ‘evil’ lists (Chaos, Orcs, Goblins, Skaven, Dark Elf, Vampire Count, Daemon, Beastmen, Chaos Dwarf).  All other lists are ‘neutral’ and can combine with anyone.

Allies each have individual ‘break points’.  If one army withdraws, the other(s) continue(s) fighting.

Allied armies each have their own general but orders given to allies incur a minus 1 command penalty.

Allied armies can each take their own quota of magic items.

Alternatively, armies may hire sell-swords or recruit small contingents of allies from other lists.  For simplicity, these will all be referred to as mercenaries being hired. However, a ‘good’ army cannot hire from an ‘evil’ list and vice versa (see above).  Anyone can hire from a ‘neutral’ list. Monster units, machines, generals, and magic users/dispellers (wizards, liche priests, runesmiths, shrines, lammasu, etc.) cannot be used as mercenaries. 

Hiring armies maintain their normal min/maxs.  Additionally, mercenaries may be drawn from multiple army selectors but can never exceed one quarter of an army’s points.  They count towards the army’s ‘break point’ in the normal way.  For cavalry, chariots, and artillery no more than one of any unit selection may be hired from any list; for infantry the limit is two. If the hiring army has the option of artillery units in its own army selector, it may not hire mercenary artillery units.

Mercenaries always incur a minus 1 command penalty when receiving orders.  However, if mercenary heroes are hired, they order mercenaries from their ‘home’ list at no penalty and all other troops at minus 1.  Mercenary heroes may bring their mounts.

If an order to mercenaries, or an order given by a mercenary hero results in blunder, do not use the normal blunder table.  Instead roll a D6 and apply the following results to all mercenary units in the brigade that was ordered:

1. Treacherous.  The mercenary units transfer to the control of the opposing player from the start of the opponent’s next command phase. If the mercenary hero rolled the blunder, they also change sides. These units do not count as casualties for the blundering player but recalculate each side’s ‘break point’.  However, mercenaries from ‘good’ lists cannot defect to an ‘evil’ opponent and vice versa.  In those cases the units are simply removed and count as casualties.

2. Homesick. The mercenary units decide to go home.  They are removed immediately from the table and count as casualties.  If the mercenary hero rolled the blunder, they are also removed.

3. Mutinous.  The mercenary units do not move.  If they can shoot, at the start of the shooting phase they fire at the nearest friendly unit.

4. Disaffected.  The mercenary units and/or character do not move and suffer a minus 1 command penalty for the rest of the game.

5.  Craven.  The mercenary units move a full pace away from the nearest enemy unit, even if that unit is not visible to them.  The mercenary units and/or character also suffer a minus 1 command penalty for the rest of the game.

6.  Greedy.  The units move twice their normal distance towards the nearest visible enemy and charge if possible.  If they engage in combat they do so with plus 1 attack per stand.  If they win a combat round they must pursue, but will not advance because they will stop to loot the bodies.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2017, 04:54:26 PM by empireaddict »
"I cannot believe you when you say [your friend] has identical plastic boxes for his armies, all color coded [...] Don't you think that is being little obsessive?"
"Yes, but not enough to scare us wargamers."
Larry Leadhead (2004)

Offline greenskinchief

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Re: [WM] Allies & Mercenaries Trial Rules v2.2
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2017, 11:34:56 AM »
looking forward to trying this out properly, goblins with some allies to give them oomph, waaaaagh

Offline Geep

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Re: [WM] Allies & Mercenaries Trial Rules v2.2
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2017, 04:17:16 PM »
I like the idea and the rules in general, but I note one oddity:

Is there anything which stops me taking a Ld 10 General (say a Dark Elf) along with an Orc and Goblin army?
At worst, I can see that I may need to include the bare minimum for Dark Elves to be an 'allied' army. At best I may just be able to take that General as a mercenary?
Either way, it gives Orcs a Ld9 (effectively) General!

Offline empireaddict

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Re: [WM] Allies & Mercenaries Trial Rules v2.2
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2017, 07:33:39 AM »
@Geep, nothing to stop DE army and Goblin army working alongside one another as allies, so in that case, yes, DE general could order allies at minus one.  But Goblins can't take DE general as a mercenary: "Monster units, machines, generals, and magic users/dispellers (wizards, liche priests, runesmiths, shrines, lammasu, etc.) cannot be used as mercenaries."
"I cannot believe you when you say [your friend] has identical plastic boxes for his armies, all color coded [...] Don't you think that is being little obsessive?"
"Yes, but not enough to scare us wargamers."
Larry Leadhead (2004)