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Author Topic: [WM] Pygmy army list  (Read 3551 times)

Offline Sjapie

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[WM] Pygmy army list
« on: February 19, 2016, 07:34:44 PM »
This is an old army list that I was busy with years ago. Since restarting with warmaster, I dug it up and I now present it to you. This army list has had only very minor testing, but almost each unit is based on existing units.

The name pygmy is in no way meant in a racist way, but stems from my love for the old pygmy army lists that were still included as mercenaries for the old 3rd edition warhammer (I still have some of the models). Please see it in that light.

I hope you all enjoy the list for it's flavour and I believe after tweaking it, it might make a nice addition to the plethora of other army lists that already exists. I hope you'll love the flavour of this army and am looking forward to any feedback on the list.

So with no further ado, here's the list:

Pygmy army list                           
Troop        Type          Attack   Hits   Armour   Command Unit size     Points    min/max   Special
Hunters           Infantry            2/1             3       0                 -                  3       35        3/-   
Scouts           Infantry            2/1             3       0                 -                  3       55       -/2       *1
Warriors           Infantry            2             3      6+                 -                  3       30       3/-   
Headhunters   Infantry            3/1             3      6+                 -                  3       70       -/2   
Biloko Host   Infantry            3             4      0                 -                  3       85      -/2               *2
Raptor/culchan riders Cavalry    3             3      6+                 -                  3       80      -/-   
Giant Pangolin   Monster            3/3             4      3+                 -                  1     100      -/2                *3
Beehive artillery Artillery            1/3             3      0                 -                  1       70       -/1        *4
Gargantuan Ape Monster          6             8      5+                 -                  1     150       -/1        *5
Rhino/Buffalo Riders    Cavalry    4             3      5+                 -                  3     110       -/2   
General           General           +2             -       -                 8          1       95         1   
Hero                   Hero                   +1             -       -                 8          1       80       -/3   
Shaman           Wizard           0             -       -                 7          1       45        -/2   
Raptor/culchan    Mount   +1   -   -   -   -      -/1   
Mokele Mbembe   Mounstrous mount   +2   -   -   -   -   +65   -/1   
Pygmy spell list                           
Path of Marabunta                           
5+ to cast …................ Range: 30 cm                           
The shaman chants and stomps the ground until a crack in the earth races forward in a straight line oozing out flesh eating ants                           
Draw an imaginary line 30 cm long that extends from the shaman stand. Each unit under the line takes 3 shooting attacks workd out in the usual way. Note that this spell can affect several units and will affect all units that are positioned over the ant spewing crevisse … including friends! Unengaged units can be driven back by the Path of Marabunta spell in the same way as ordinary shooting. Engaged units cannot be driven back, but carry over any hits scored into the first round of combat. Hits caused by the spell count as having been caused in the combat itself.                                                    
Drums of Beesbox                           
5+ to cast …................ Range: 40 cm                           
The shaman magically converts his command into drums sounding everywhere, enticing the troops onwards.                           
The unit is magically envigorated by drum sounds communicating the shaman's will. This spell can be cast on any friendly unit. The spell can be cast on a unit within range regardless of whether the Wizard can see it or not. The spell affects only a single unit, never a brigade. The unit can be moved just as if it had received an order in the Command phase. Character stands that have joined the unit will not move with it: they remain where they are.                           
Gaze of Boshrak                           
4+ to cast …................ Range: 40 cm                           
The enchanted unit is psychologically impaired as they start seeing images and hearing sounds indicating someone or something's watching them.                            
This spell can be cast on any enemy unit within range regardless of whether the shaman can see it or not. The spell lasts until the end of the opposing player's following turn. The unit moves at half pace in all situations: even when charging for example. The unit counts all enemies as terrifying (-1 Attack penalty). If the unit would normally cause terror then it ceases to do so and counts all enemies as terrifying just like everyone else. However, if the target is Undead it will not count enemies as terrifying although all other penalties apply as described (Undead are hard to spook).                            
Summon the spirits                           
5+ to cast …................ Range: 40 cm                           
The shaman instills the favour of the spirit in the target unit, imbibing the unit with the strength of nature.                           
This spell can be cast on any friendly unit within range regardless of whether the shaman can see it or not. The spell lasts until the end of the opposing player's following turn. During that time the unit counts in all regards as a Biloko host, using the stats and all special rules that are associated with that type of unit. In addition a successful casting of this spell drains the area in range of all the help the spirits can offer, meaning all other shamans that are within this spell's range are able to cast this spell during this magic phase.                            
Army rules                           
Poisoned attacks                           
All attacks from Pygmy infantry and cavalry count as poisoned, reducing the armour save by -1         
Dense terrain                           
No command penalty is applied to any units in the Pygmy army on account of dense terrain. The Pygmy's infested jungle homeland is mostly dense terrain and they are used to communicating through thick jungle and narrow tunnels by a highly developed drum communication system.                           
Special Rules                           
*1 – Scouts are armed with darts, blowpipes and Mbole-mbole pots. Many Mbole-Mbole pots contain a special mix of herbs that attract small animals such as fruit bats, locusts or bees but there are also reports of pots filled with all kind of nasty surprises such as scorpions, snakes, hornets etc. In game turns, the unit is allowed to shoot, but at a reduced 15 cm range. Any shooting hits scored cause confusion on a 4+ in stead of the standard 6+. In addition, if the original target unit is affected, all units touching that original target unit needs to test against confusion on a 6+.                           
The scouts are used to work in advance of the war host and don't have to be deployed at the start of battle. The individual units can be infiltrated onto the battlefield once the game has begun. To infiltrate a unit, the player nominates the point where he wants the scouts to appear and issues an infiltration order from any character. For purpose of this infiltration order, the characters command range is considered to stretch over the entire table. Treat the order as issued to the nominated point, and apply any modifiers to the order for distance or enemy proximity, but ignore penalties for dense terrain. The nominated point must lie either on the table in dense terrain, or on any base edge other than the enemy player's own edge. If successfull, place one stand on the nominated spot and arrange the rest of the unit in formation around it. The infiltrated unit cannot be positioned so that it touches an enemy unit. Once deployed, orders can be given to the unit by the same character that gave the infiltration order if he is within his normal command range. The infiltrating unit is considered to have used it's first order to deploy. If the infiltration order is failed, the unit is not deployed and cannot infiltrate that turn. It can attempt to infiltrate in a subsequent turn in the same or a different place.                            
*2 – The Biloko Host. The shamans are able to add tangible spiritual power to the war host through their mysterious rituals. Summoning the essence of the spirits into bodies of long dead pygmy warriors, the Biloko host rises. Being comprised of both spiritual energy and insubstantial creatures, the host cannot be driven back by shooting and do not roll for driveback. Their attacks are a terrifying experience as the host strike nearly unseen, and as such cause terror as described in the warmaster rulebook. In addition the host thrives on the elemental spirits of all around it and is aware of it's surroundings, and therefor counts all enemy units as in the open.                            
*3 – Giant Pangolin. The pygmy warhost sometimes employs the use of the Giant Pangolin, a scale covered blend between a badger, wolverine and an anteater. Mounted in the Howdah are some of the tribe's finest bowmen. When the Pangolin charges or is charged, the troops in the howdah are allowed to shoot. Any shooting hits count toward the combat resolution. In addition the creature is well known for it's strong glands, exhuming a stench not unlike that of a skunk. As a result, at the end of each combat round, any troops in contact with the pangolin must test for confusion. Any rolls of 6+ causes the unit to be confused.                            
*4 – Beehive artillery. Over the centuries, the pygmy warhost has become adept at using the natural rubber they find in their region and converting two nearby trees or bushes into improvised artillery. Their munition consists of Mbole-Mbole pots, containing a special mix of herbs that attract fruit bats, locusts or bees, but there are also  reports of pots filled with all kind of nasty surprises such as scorpions, snakes, hornets etc. In game turns, the unit is allowed to shoot at any visible unit within it's 60 cm range. Any shooting hits scored cause confusion on a 4+ in stead of the standard 6+. In addition, any units touching the original target unit needs to test against confusion on a 6+. Named Mbole-Mbole-Tshaka by the pygmies, invaders still refer to them as beehive artillery based on the munition used when this improvised artillery was first encountered. The artillery is not allowed to shoot at charging enemies, but is allowed to move at 10 cm movement rate, as a pair of sticks is easily found on the battlefield.                            
*5 – Gargantuan ape. Deep in the jungles of the equator the pygmies worship a gargantuan ape race. Through the ritual sacrifice of captives the creature is bound to the tribe and is able to drive it into battle. The creature is still a wild animal and is notoriously difficult to command. Therefor, all commands to the creature are at -1. However, through the continued use of drums during the ritual sacrifice, it responds very well to the “Drums of Beesbox” spell. Whenever the gargantuan ape is the target of this spell, a +2 modifier is added to the roll, allowing the creature to move on a spell cast at 3+.
The gargantuan ape has a great many hits, 8 in fact, which are almost impossible to inflict during even a fairly lengthy combat engagement. Because the gargantuan ape has so many hits we must consider the process of hurting and reducing it's effectiveness in subsequent turns. Therefor, if the gargantuan ape has accumulated 4-7 hits by the end of the shooting or combat phase, it is deemed to have been badly hurt. Once the creature is badly hurt all accumulated hits are discounted and its maximum Hits value is considerd to be 4 and it's attacks are halved to 3.
The gargantuan ape is a wild creature, unexperienced in combat. To simulate the rage as it's “snacks” start to fight back, any hits scored on the creature during the combat engagement add an extra attack in the next combat round.
Finally the garguantuan ape counts as a terrifying creature.
*6 – Mboko Mbele. Deep in the jungle swamps the legendary Mboko Mbele lives, a massivespecies of ancient creatures with long necks and tails live. In times of war a chieftain sometimes uses these terrifying creatures as mounts. The mount causes terror as described in the warmaster rulebook.                        
« Last Edit: February 20, 2016, 09:18:36 AM by Sjapie »

Offline empireaddict

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Re: [WM] Pygmy army list
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2016, 10:00:41 PM »
Really interesting list.  If you are concerned about causing offence with inappropriate naming, why not label it as Lustrian Tribal (like Araby Tribal)?
"I cannot believe you when you say [your friend] has identical plastic boxes for his armies, all color coded [...] Don't you think that is being little obsessive?"
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Offline Sjapie

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Re: [WM] Pygmy army list
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2016, 12:12:34 AM »
Not really concerned about that, but I remember that back in the old days, the Figures that were the original inspirational for this list had to be changed from pygmies to jungle halflings. Just to be prudent I think it is best to simple state it's not meant to be offensive. English is after all not my first language.

I'm really curieus on feedback on the list. And pygmies aren't limited to Lustria but were also inhabitants of the southlands.

Offline empireaddict

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Re: [WM] Pygmy army list
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2016, 08:37:24 PM »
OK.  Any ideas of what minis might fit nowadays?
"I cannot believe you when you say [your friend] has identical plastic boxes for his armies, all color coded [...] Don't you think that is being little obsessive?"
"Yes, but not enough to scare us wargamers."
Larry Leadhead (2004)

Offline jchaos79

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Re: [WM] Pygmy army list
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2016, 10:33:33 AM »
giant pangolin? nice ideas :)

maybe, in my taste,  I would fusion hunter and scouts.
Also I would fusion headhunters and warriors.

But is just my personal opinion. The rest of the list seems super!

About the figures,  6mm zulu range? Heric and ross is true 6mm, too slim so do not work, but Baccus is "heroic 6mm" so they could work for halflings/pigmies. The only problem is that I do not know if baccus make zulu range  ::).

My 2 cents

good work

Offline Sjapie

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Re: [WM] Pygmy army list
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2016, 07:41:12 AM »
Thanks for the feedback.

I didn't fusion the hunters+scouts because the army would be causing too much confusion.
Headhunters I consider the elite warriors, just like blackorcs are for Orcs.
I started with the stats in the article "the quest for Ferdinand's gold" in one of the last warmags.

This is also where I got the models from. They were sculpted by GW especially for that gamesday game and I have a good number of models here at home. But I'll see if I can give the list a couple more tries to see if it is balanced. The last entry (the buffalo/rhino riders) I put in because I saw there are models out there with exactly these type of models.

Offline dry_erase

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Re: [WM] Pygmy army list
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2016, 11:19:44 PM »
About the figures,  6mm zulu range? Heric and ross is true 6mm, too slim so do not work, but Baccus is "heroic 6mm" so they could work for halflings/pigmies. The only problem is that I do not know if baccus make zulu range  ::).

The infantry would probably make pretty good basic troops. Not much in the way of suitable missile troops, but perhaps suitably unattired 6mm Biblicals could work there?