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Author Topic: Trench Runnerz  (Read 4420 times)

Offline heavygear

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Trench Runnerz
« on: January 13, 2016, 02:46:52 PM »
Do you remember "Bommerz Over da Sulfur River" from Andy Chambers?

I put only the first rule page as a reminder of this GW aperitive game (see BFG FR topic for more infos

Here is a french beta test adaptation from OKB14 to use with your BFG ordnance (maybe rules in english soon if one of BFG FR our english fluent has time enough to translate).

Board pic

French Rules, Board and Counters are here

« Last Edit: January 13, 2016, 02:53:59 PM by heavygear »

Offline MetalCoreKnight

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Re: Trench Runnerz
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2016, 03:46:41 PM »
That's a really cool idea! Never thought of BFG from that particular perspective! xD

Offline Stormwind

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Re: Trench Runnerz
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2016, 05:03:14 PM »
This is brill!
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Offline Malika

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Re: Trench Runnerz
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2016, 07:38:15 PM »
Two things:

(A) Where are those Ork fighters from? Are they official models, or did Pix design/print those himself?

(B) If you can get a rough translation ready, I could proofread and edit it for you!
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Offline Pix

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Re: Trench Runnerz
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2016, 08:40:53 PM »
:) thanks Heavygear to post it here !

(A) Where are those Ork fighters from? Are they official models, or did Pix design/print those himself?
not done by me... Deadly Kaf did it seeing the project going on and i think there are available from him.

(B) If you can get a rough translation ready, I could proofread and edit it for you!
nothing done already, but somebody reactivate the subject recently on BFG FR.
I will be happy to have your help on it Malika.

But i the nicest should be to do some playtest on it.
The rules are the one from Bommerz with just some modification.
And from all the party i did, i am feeling the idea behind is nice but some strong modification is needing to change this after taste of randomness.

Another idea is to do some other board with different path and counter/rules.
One in my computer since some month from a Winterman's HiveShip :

By the way, i didn't touch this project

Offline Malika

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Re: Trench Runnerz
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2016, 08:45:33 PM »
not done by me... Deadly Kaf did it seeing the project going on and i think there are available from him.
He hasn't really updated his blog or shop in a while. :(
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Offline LemanRuss

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Re: Trench Runnerz
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2016, 10:12:43 PM »
Rules Translation:

The Game:
In TrenchRunnerz, players take the role of a defensive squadron trying to protect their cruiser while bellicose bombers are trying to blow it up.

Game Pieces:
- Rules
- 8 or more d6
- Board pieces (A4 format)
- 12 defensive markers
- 6 damage markers (to be attached on model bases or under paper counters)
- 4 bombers for the attacker (faction of your own choice)
- 2 fighters of the defender (faction of your own choice)

Board Setup
The game can be played by 1 to 5 players.

For multiplayer games, decide who plays which side (up to 4 attackers and 1 defender) or roll a D6. The player with the highest roll plays as the defender.

1 Player:
Shuffle the defense counters face down. Place the counters face down on the objective (2) and defence (7) icons. Place the bombers (4) on the start zone, at the prow of the ship.

2 Players:
The defenser shuffles the counters face down and picks 6 at random. He may look at them and place them face down and evenly spread between the boards (no more than one counter on a space. The attacker places his bomber like in a solo game.

3 Players:
As per a 2 player game but the bombers are split between attacking players.

4 Players:
As above but each attacking player has a single bomber. Player 1 has an emergency bomber that he can set at the prow. Alternatively, the game can be played as a one against all free-for-all with a single bomber each.

5 Players:
4 attackers with a bomber each. The attackers can decide to play as a team or not.

Playing the Game

The game is played turn by turn. Each turn is split in two: Attacker movement and Defender movement. Each movement must be completed before moving on to the next. The Attackers always get the first turn.

Attackers Turn
The Attacking player(s) roll 2D6 per bomber in play and pick one of the dice as its movement allowance. Bombers are not obligated to use their full movement allowance but the minimum movement is 1 space.

- Bombers can only move between spaces that are linked on the board.
- When a bomber flies to a space containing a defense counter, flip it over and resolve its effect immediately (see defensive counters below).
- A bomber can travel to any linked space except the one he came from unless he is forced to by the defender (turn the bomber around towards the space it came from as a reminder). If a bomber is pushed back by a defense counter, its movement is automatically ended.
- Only one craft can be on a space at one time. A bomber can cross a space where another bomber is located but it cannot end its movement there. To avoid having bombers block one another, move the fastest bomber first. If a bomber is pushed back on another bomber, it has to evade collision. The attackers must roll a dice for each bomber and they will take a points of damage on a roll of 1. The bomber that got pushed back is then moved to another empty space by the defending player.
- If a bomber moves on a space that has a strategic objective or a turret, it must do a bombing run before leaving it. This must be done each time an opportunity arises during the bomber's movement.

Defender Turn

The defender's forces are represented by the defense counters and strategic objectives on the board. Strategic objectives have D6 flak turrets in addition to any other counters that may be on it.
The defender can flip over one of his counters at the beginning of each of his turns. He can then move each fighter and turrets that are face up. Remember that only laser turrets that have been flipped up can shoot at bombers.

Moving Flak Turrets
Flak turrets are immobile in solo games. In multiplayer games, they may be moved to an adjacent space that doesn't have a bomber or another defense counter.

The defender rolls 2D6 per fighter in play and picks one of the results as the fighter's movement allowance. The fighter then moves as a bomber. In solo games, fighters will always move its maximum distance towards the closest bomber and fight it as soon as possible.


Each time a bomber and a fighter are on the same space. Each player rolls a dice and adds whichever bonus/penalty might be appropriate (reroll in case of draw). The player with the highest score pushes back the opponent to a space of his choice. If the spread between scores is equal to or higher than 3, the loser also takes a point of damage. The winner can continue his movement if he has any left. The loser remains of the space it was moved to by the winner.

Dodging obstacles
Bombers on a space that has obstacles must roll a dice to perform evasive maneuvers. If the result is equal to or lower than its speed, the bomber suffers a point of damage. It may continue its movement if it has any left.

Pushed Back
Dogfighting or Flak Turrets can push back an attack craft. Place the the loser with its tail towards the space it just left. This causes the attack craft's movement to end.

Bombers and Fighters can take two points of damage each.
The 1st point of damage gives a -1 penalty to ALL dice rolls for that attack craft (movement, evasive maneuvers, combat, bombing runs).
The 2nd point of damage destroys the craft.

Bombing Run
If a bomber survives the defenses on a space, it can perform a bombing run. The attacking player rolls 2 dice per bomber. The result must be equal to or higher than the bomber's speed for the attack to hit. Flak Turrets have 1 hit point and objectives have 4.

Defense Counters

Each time a bomber and a fighter are on the same space. Each player rolls a dice and adds whichever bonus/penalty might be appropriate (reroll in case of draw). The player with the highest score pushes back the opponent to a space of his choice. If the spread between scores is equal to or higher than 3, the loser also takes a point of damage.

Laser Turrets
Laser turrets can attack bombers only if it is face up when the bomber moves over it. When it is the case, the bomber must roll equal to or higher than his speed. If the test is failed, the bomber is automatically destroyed. Once the laser turret has fired, it must be flipped over to be face down. Laser turrets cannot be moved.

Flak Turrets
Each bomber on a space containing a flak turret is automatically attacked. The defender rolls a number of dice indicated on the counter. Each dice that is equal to or higher than the speed of the target hits.
- 1 hit: the defender pushes back the target
- 2 hits: as above plus a point of damage is done to the target.
- 3 hits: the bomber is destroyed

Bombers on a space that has obstacles must roll a dice to perform evasive maneuvers. If the result is equal to or lower than its speed, the bomber suffers a point of damage. It may continue its movement if it has any left. Attack crafts may not end their movement on spaces that have obstacles. Obstacles cannot be moved.

Game End

Second Wave
Once all bombers have been destroyed or have left the board from the stern of the ship, the attacking player can opt to launch a second wave of 4 bombers. They must be deployed at the prow of the ship in the same way as the first wave.

In a multiplayer game, the defender shuffles his defense counters face down (including those that were destroyed) and places them on the board.
In solo games, the player switches face up and destroyed counters by shuffling them and picking them at random. Face down counters remain where they were.

Winning or Losing
The game ends once the last bomber is destroyed or has left the board. To determine the score, compare the state of the objectives to the number of waves used following the table below. If attackers were competing for victory, the player who inflicted the most damage wins (if the defender was defeated, of course!).

- 0 destroyed objective: Defender minor victory
- 1 destroyed objective: Attacker minor victory
- 2 destroyed objectives: Attacker major victory

- 0 destroyed objective: Defender major victory
- 1 destroyed objective: Defender minor victory
- 2 destroyed objectives: Attacker minor victory
« Last Edit: January 15, 2016, 03:21:16 AM by LemanRuss »

Offline Gothmog Lord of Balrogs

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Re: Trench Runnerz
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2016, 07:32:48 PM »
Where can I get a Battlebarge board?

*NEVER MIND there is the link. Doh!
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Offline Malika

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Re: Trench Runnerz
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2016, 04:14:49 PM »
Just sent a proofread version of the English translation to Pix.

I really love the premise of this, but I feel the game/document needs a bit more. Some background material and more artwork would already add a lot more character to this. You might even add some sort of 'campaign' element in it, allowing a bit more depth in the game. Maybe the campaign tool could be a way of introducing other races into the game, add a bit of storyline in there etc.

Food for thought.
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