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Author Topic: dwarf tactics  (Read 14374 times)

Offline Aquahog

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Re: dwarf tactics
« Reply #30 on: March 16, 2015, 07:29:10 PM »
The image confirms how I interpreted the text so no language barrier (this time). :)

Offline wmchaos2000

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Re: dwarf tactics
« Reply #31 on: March 16, 2015, 09:51:42 PM »
Stand 2 and 3 are illegal shooters.
But, by putting stands 1 and 2 in each unit less then 5mm apart, forming an irregular formation, both 1st and 3d stands of each unit can shoot legally with a total of 4 shots.
And in the following combat, stand 2 in each unit will act as support.

Offline cjbennett22

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Re: dwarf tactics
« Reply #32 on: March 17, 2015, 02:35:27 AM »
issue 8 Q&A

no idea what I was thinking and my brother just went with it, might have negated a hit but I don't think so,  no change in the game as I recall but, all cleared up now.

Thank you everyone for clarifying and pointing out my rulebreak.

As I looked through all of my scanned magazines I could not find it but I own 8 through 12 so I had a desperate look through them just because and there it was in #8, the pdf I have is terribly incomplete!  lol

Offline Hammerskelp

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Re: dwarf tactics
« Reply #33 on: March 18, 2015, 09:40:07 AM »
Sorry for the delayed response.
"Hammerskelp, would you say that your dwarves win 50 percent of the time, or there about all things considered?"

I think the relative skill/experience of the players skews the numbers.
When inexperienced, I lost most of the time. Eventually that changed to winning most of the time.
That was another time, another place.

Now I'm mostly helping with the rules as I try to grow local interest in Warmaster.
Here, we describe a crushing victory over an opponent as a "Gentleman's draw" when asked.  :)

As part of my Warmaster missionary work I have new Orc and Lizardmen armies for folks to use.

Last night we had 1500pt  Bretonnian Vs Dwarf and Lizardmen vs Orcs.   
In this case the Dwarfs were beaten (commanded by the less experienced player) by the Bretonnians (commanded  by the slightly more experienced player.

In conclusion......If you love your dwarfs, you can learn how to win with them. 

Offline cjbennett22

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Re: dwarf tactics
« Reply #34 on: March 20, 2015, 11:00:15 AM »
I certainly do love the dwarves,  They are just the right amount of fun.  I am glad that my kid-self bought them all those years ago!

Looking forward to as many games as I can get in the future!

Thank you everyone for your amazing help in figuring out the dwarf army list.  This forum is a blast

Offline cjbennett22

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Re: dwarf tactics
« Reply #35 on: May 06, 2015, 11:04:02 PM »
found one more advantage to the "dwarven hammer" formation.

If you get hit by some cavalry, and they bounce.  more likely it will be at least 1 unit in front and 1 on the flank.  you now have 2 or more cavalry units, separated, in front of you.  If it isn't too much of a risk to get out of formation for a turn, give them an order.  move the thunderer out of the way, move a warrior in a line formation around the rear of the cavalry and then the other 2 warriors will attack the cavalry.  With or without the Ranger's help, this pincer move was a really good blow when I was able to do it and I have no doubt that it will happen a lot throughout future games.

But with more cavalry on the way, early in a game.  Probably do not want to get out of formation too badly.  Happy gaming and thank you all for your help.