I have the PDF rule book, which I have printed and stuck the errata in, for reasons of my own I printed it in blue to stand out and the errata are in white.
I would be happy to print it off again in white, put the errata in place and then scan it in so you have an errata corrected PDF. If this community wants me to and you can inform me where to upload, or who to e-mail it to.
I can do this for all the errata, obviously not instantly.
As to stickies on rules points.
Well IMHO One of the more irritating aspect of any games system is that mini rules elements are hidden where they are logically needed for one event and then not repeated at another point where they are relevant, because OFC you know that gem of data now don't you. So the rule that applies might not be in the precise situation you are searching at that point in time, and the game goes on hold.
So on my own clubs forum we have started a child forum with rules points in it, you can find it here:
http://madgamers.co.uk/newforum/forumdisplay.php?fid=158Hope this helps as a basis of an idea you might use. I don't promise they are right btw.