ok. so we all know that bfg is a bit screwy when it comes to scale. just look at planets against ships! LOL
but today I had the idea of using a known 40k scaled object that occurs in both bfg and 40k.
so forgive my piss-poor terrible maths skills but... its a given that 28mm is +/- 6ft in 40k scale.
so thats =/- 305mm to the 28mm.
in 40k a thunderhawk is 480mm
in bfg a thunderhawk is 6mm
and in bfg a regular imperial cruiser is 90mm
so I figured: 480 / 28 = 17.142857
X 6 = 102.85714
so lets round it up and say a thunderhawk is +/- 103ft long
am I right so far?
so that all being true, in bfg scale 6mm = 103ft
then 90 / 6 = 15 X 103 = 1,545
so an imperial cruiser is 1545ft long?
and for the sake of "why not" a cruiser in 40k scale we do, 90 / 6 = 15 X 480 = 7200mm? thats just over 23 and a half feet long in 40k!
that all seems likely to be utterly wrong to me but then this is all assuming that the thunderhawk models are the same scale to the strikecruiser they come from...
or just I'm shite at maths...

I'd love feedback on this so what say you?