Yep, precisely. I found that the posture was elegant and agressive. A nice fig to add to an already flamboyant army like the Bretonnian one.
And no fig was ever released to represent the Hippogriph. It deserved one.
As Ironwind did not shipped to my lost island, i asked them to send the stuff to a friend in the US. I hope he will send back the package to me quickly.
And of course, you will have a complete return with pictures asap. I have bought some other nice things that could mach our scale :
1 x Dwarven Guard-dog Golem (01-229) = $8.95
1 x Earth Familiar (DF-608) = $4.25
1 x Giant Griffin (01-155) = $14.95
1 x Hydra (DF-089) = $6.00
1 x Manticore (DF-100) = $8.00
1 x Sprytes (2) (67-008) = $3.50
I hesitated with those ones too :
But found the models i had bought where better, finaly. But i did not had the exact scale so we will see.