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Author Topic: My new and humble LOTR-Warmaster blog  (Read 23119 times)

Offline Mars Miniatures

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Re: My new and humble LOTR-Warmaster blog
« Reply #30 on: January 25, 2015, 12:53:26 AM »
Thanks and in case you dont know, its a Pegasus Hobby river.  I dont want it to be my permanent river, but it will do for a while.  Its very inexpensive and better than nothing at all.

Offline Stormwind

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Re: My new and humble LOTR-Warmaster blog
« Reply #31 on: January 25, 2015, 01:23:58 AM »
Really great stuff!

I have a river from Game Scenics and they are really good, come in 3 inch and 6 inch wide sizes.
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Offline Mars Miniatures

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Re: My new and humble LOTR-Warmaster blog
« Reply #32 on: January 25, 2015, 01:31:22 AM »
Bookmarked, thanks for link.   I was thinking of these rivers
Now im torn between the two.  Your link looks more dark and crisp rivers, and seem cheaper, havnt done the math yet.  Will investigate further...

Offline Stormwind

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Re: My new and humble LOTR-Warmaster blog
« Reply #33 on: January 25, 2015, 03:40:03 PM »
If you email the guy he will happily make custom ones for you. You might have to factor in extra postage as he is from over here in the UK.

I asked him to make me a 45 degree river bend section with a ford across and it looks great.
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Offline Mars Miniatures

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Re: My new and humble LOTR-Warmaster blog
« Reply #34 on: January 25, 2015, 04:30:55 PM »
Im used to paying the postage.  Most everything I buy for 10mm is from the other side of the pond it seems. 

Offline Mars Miniatures

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Re: My new and humble LOTR-Warmaster blog
« Reply #35 on: February 19, 2015, 03:46:59 AM »
Narx'ylix the Mad, scion of the Illithid Empire, surveyed the battlefield before him.  The mindflayer raised his staff and gave it a slow circle to the left.  Instantly, at his command, 2 regiments of Bullywugs began circling the dwarf village on the left flank.  The Bullywugs were Underdark mutations and not the typical coloration of the overworld variety of the frog-peoples. Their sickly blue hides gave an impression of plagued bruises given form and intelligence.  The mindflayer was pleased to have enthralled them, as they made excellent scouts.  He watched them leaping and skittering around towards the dwarf lines.  At once, within range they stopped and began firing volley after volley of crossbow fire into the defended village.  He hoped the dwarves would be lured out, but no, they would not.  The stubborn dwarves stood resolute behind their shield walls.  So be it, thought Narx'ylix, he looked towards his right and gave a signal for an attack on the right flank.  The ground trembled as regiments of Quaggoths rushed forwards.  The bear-like creatures were ferocious to behold when unleashed. With paw, and spear, and rock, they bounded into the dwarf lines… and smashed into them, driving wedges all across the once clean dwarven battle lines.  With the dwarves in disarray, the mindflayer gave a final command.  Forward the Giths!  The progeny of the Illithid empire's breeding program, the Gith was created to be their most dedicated soldier.  Fast, lithe, deadly, and most importantly trained to use psionic powers, Gith regiments marched forward to sweep away and pursue the last of the dwarven defense.  Another victory for the empire, thought Narx'ylix, but more importantly… more dwarves to enslave to his will!
  Greetings, dear readers!  Here is the thrall army of the mindflayer Nax'ylix in pictoral form.   Took awhile to paint, since it comprises 3 smaller armies in composition.  Nearly all figures are from Magister Militum.  Oh and a sneak peak of my "Weathertop" hill, with Battle Of 5 Armies plastic ruins atop it.

See full post with more pics:

Thrall factions, from left to right, Bullywug, Gith, Quaggoth

The Bullywugs comprise 5 regiments of crossbows and 2 regiments of dino-riders, under the command of a lizard king.

The Giths comprise 5 regiments under the command of the mindflayer himself.

The Quaggoths comprise 4 regiments of spear bears, and 2 regiments of rock hurlers.

Bullywug cavalry, after filling up at the local watering hole.

"And yet I saw them in a limitless stream – flopping, hopping, croaking, bleating – urging inhumanly through the spectral moonlight in a grotesque, malignant saraband of fantastic nightmare."

An army of assassins with super fast reflexes and psionic jedi powers?  Yes, please.

And within a day or two, a faux battle report to match the fluff piece at the start of this post.  Wherein you will also see much more of the "Weathertop" hill… so stay tuned!

Offline jchaos79

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Re: My new and humble LOTR-Warmaster blog
« Reply #36 on: February 19, 2015, 02:18:48 PM »
Great work with this army.

Which world are this army for? D&D?

I like the army = frogs + bear + assassins :)


Offline Mars Miniatures

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Re: My new and humble LOTR-Warmaster blog
« Reply #37 on: February 19, 2015, 09:50:59 PM »

Yeah, its for my own world/setting Im creating.  But it wont stop them from invading Middle Earth, once in a while.  Historical wargamers have their "Imagi-Nations" version of alternate history. So I dont mind some Imagi-Dimensions style games, where Conan and Gandalf team up to fight D&D style villains.  At some point I also want to make armies for GRR Martins Game Of Thrones.  I would like to campaign a world war between the 7 Kingdoms of Westeros and the allied forces of Middle Earth.  Thats in the far future, I have a long way to go before Im done painting Middle Earth forces.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2015, 10:13:47 PM by Mars Miniatures »

Offline jchaos79

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Re: My new and humble LOTR-Warmaster blog
« Reply #38 on: February 20, 2015, 09:32:33 PM »
By the way you have a very nice style of painting and a high rate of painting!, so I guess westereos armies could not be so far away in time