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Author Topic: [WM] Geep's slow painting  (Read 7650 times)

Offline Geep

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Re: [WM] Geep's slow painting
« Reply #15 on: January 12, 2015, 02:32:58 AM »
Thanks  :)

The goblin green trim of the bases is a sign of the times for my Warhammer army (it's quite old now). It's a little odd to have copied it on the Warmaster models (and I think the base/drybrush colour of the bases are also a little off), but I wanted to keep the two armies as similar as possible. Eventually I'll put some small patches of green static grass on the Warmaster bases- as with the Warhammer ones. The green edges look a little better when there's that green on top as well.

All of my bases are just done with a fine sand- usually two layers to cover the thick base tabs. Initially I used sand from a beach trip, but ran out of that so now use the GW sand.

I'm considering the Skaven bases mostly done. I wanted to keep them dark and a colour which the little rats wouldn't become visually mixed-up with. I may drybrush on some lighter grey if I get sick of the current tone. I still need to add some static grass and a few other details- maybe bones or small sculpted rats?

For those wondering why I'm sticking to simple paint jobs- I have roughly 40,000 points of Warmaster to paint. I'll never manage it if I put too much effort into every unit.

Offline jchaos79

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Re: [WM] Geep's slow painting
« Reply #16 on: January 12, 2015, 02:06:30 PM »
Having the sames forces on 28mm y 10mm is not common. Did you play with the "same list/force" in both scales?
Could you comment us how do you feel the same army composition in the two rulesets (WH/WM) or how different is a battle with the same army composition but in different rulesets (WH/WM)?

Offline Geep

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Re: [WM] Geep's slow painting
« Reply #17 on: January 13, 2015, 06:08:55 AM »
Unfortunately it's not really possible to play with the same list at both scales, due to things missing in one scale or the other, or price of things in different scales, or just how they work in game. That said, I've collected enough alternate units and alternate sculpts that eventually my full Warhammer army will be in Warmaster scale. I was, for a while, modifying my Warhammer army to suit the Warmaster one as well- making the orcs 5 wide and 6 deep (Warhammer orcs need to be modelled as a unit- they are too large for their bases). Unfortunately I drifted away from Warhammer with 8th edition, so that army hasn't been touched in ages. From current rumours 9th ed sounds even more awful.

For army composition between the two scales, I prefer the true 'horde' feel of Warmaster, though miss having lone rock lobbers and doom divers. I'll have these in 2000pts of Warmaster Orcs, but it won't quite be the same. In both systems cavalry are a bit too powerful (and therefore common), though I purposefully steer clear of taking too many now. 8th ed Fantasy did a good job of reducing cavalry effectiveness, but too much IMO- now cavalry do very little in that game.

As for how they play- unfortunately I've actually only ever played one game of Warmaster. I hope to play more in this year though! One similarity that struck me is that wolf riders die horribly in both systems, achieving very little. Goblins on foot aren't much better.
I think animosity will be much less of a problem in Warmaster (I take this to be represented by the low Ld characters). In Warhammer, animosity has always been my bane. It's supposed to be a 'double edged sword', and 'mitigated by having many more units', but in practice it just doesn't work. Units failing to move is annoying, and charging out of formation unsupported is even worse! And though you may have more units, the physical restraints of space mean you simply can't have all units properly positioned to support each other in the event of poor animosity rolls (even if you played on a table with no terrain). This is even worse since 8th ed, with hordes and units expected to be even more massive.

Despite the difficulties, I still like my Warhammer Orcs. They lose a lot more than they win (if I want to win I have a Wood Elf army), but it's usually fun to play- and sometimes they'll really surprise you, pulling off very unexpected victories.

Offline Geep

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Re: [WM] Geep's slow painting
« Reply #18 on: January 13, 2015, 06:26:26 AM »
Here's more I prepared earlier...

I did not paint this High Elf army. It was painted by Erwin Jackson- you can find pics of this army and various articles by him in some of the Warmaster magazines. Apparently this army used to play against Rick Priestley back in the day.

I usually only buy painted stuff if I'm going to strip it, but there was no way I was going to strip this army. The detail he has put in is excellent.

Most of the force. There's four dragons (1 with broken wing) and one eagle unit (with some broken wings) as well. Two of the dragons can be seen here:
The damaged happened last time I moved, and unfortunately I haven't been stable enough (location wise) since then to give them the care they deserve regarding repairs.

Each unit has major distinguishing colours, though it all ties very well into the whole army.

I had no idea when buying this army, but it's full of rare models- Dragon Princes, Phoenix Guard, Swordmasters- it even came with the full Albion set.

I like that both Erwin and I seem to share a lot of ideas of how the army should look- shown in details such as adding command stands to the archers.

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Re: [WM] Geep's slow painting
« Reply #19 on: January 13, 2015, 11:16:49 AM »
Ahhh you're lucky! I'm desperate for a dragon prince unit.
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