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Author Topic: Countering eldar 1000pts  (Read 3199 times)

Offline Zarathustra Sucuine

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Countering eldar 1000pts
« on: March 03, 2014, 11:05:23 PM »
So any advice on countering escort heavy eldar at 1000pts?
The list I'm thinking of is this:
Fleet Admiral 50pts
Blood hawk Retribution class Battleship 365pts
Lord Balendil Tyrant class cruiser185pts
Isildion Dictator class Cruiser 220pts
Dauntless class light cruiser 110pts
2 Sword class frigates.
Any suggestions?

Offline Cneo

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Re: Countering eldar 1000pts
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2014, 08:21:45 AM »
Weapon Batteries, lots of them!!! And a few fighter squadrons to counter the bombers.

I usually chose the Dominator for its superior firepower, the Eldar needs the get close to use their deadly lances so the 30 cm. aren't a problem. And you have a Nova...1's in saving rolls exist.  8)

Maybe you can swap the Dauntless for more Frigates, a 4-6 squadron could be a nightmare for any Eldar ship.


Offline Zarathustra Sucuine

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Re: Countering eldar 1000pts
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2014, 09:02:40 AM »
Must admit I'm limited on ships, as the core mof my fleet is usually a lunar and gothic paired together :p
I did think about the dominator as the blast could hit multiple escorts at once, hopefully getting some ones, but it would force me to swap a sword for a cobra.
How good is a dictator? I'm thinking the fighters could help against torpedoes, and the bombers may be able to generate enough dice to get a few points of damage through. If not I could always swap it for another tyrant and sword.

Offline Gron

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Re: Countering eldar 1000pts
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2014, 07:32:35 PM »
Hello, haven´t posted or played BFG in a long while now for various reasons. Anyway my personal favorite has always been the Overlord and even more so a duo of these with an Admiral escorted by some Dauntless LCs. Yes it´s not the most cost efficient combo for any fleet I know. More of a fluff reason. I was under the impression that most players hate the Overlord and they were seldom mentioned at all. Time and time again I have made great achievements with them instead of say an Emperor Class Battleship.

Offline horizon

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Re: Countering eldar 1000pts
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2014, 12:53:05 PM »
Try to build an allround (allcomer) list and not one that is anti-Eldar.

Offline Zarathustra Sucuine

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Re: Countering eldar 1000pts
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2014, 05:18:31 PM »
I do normally, only problem is my normal lists are very lance heavy, and I asked the guys playing (one with eldar, one with count as mechanicus firestorm armada models) what both fleets were like as I have never played them before, plus watching and just seeing how the mechanicus players lances did nothing... Figured the retribution would be a better fit then my usual apocalypse :P Tbf the only difference between this and my all round list is the battleship, and the lack of a gothic.

Offline AndrewChristlieb

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Re: Countering eldar 1000pts
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2014, 12:38:32 AM »
My Bastions list has an Overlord, its never let me down :). I usually pair it with a reserved Carnage. The rest of the fleet is Tyrants, Retribution and Firestorms. Just because I could and everyone disliked those ships :).

This would of course probably be a bit over kill against Eldar though :P. They might even squeal cheese.
I don't make the rules, I just think them up and write them down.

Offline unseelied

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Re: Countering eldar 1000pts
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2014, 01:41:54 PM »
I think that the dauntless is a poor ship vs the eldar.  Torps or lances against most everyone else on a pretty mobile unit is nice but not against the eldar.  Dictator is also not a good ship against the eldar due to its crappy range although I agree with previous posters that you need some AC.   I'd think about switching out the battleship for an emperor class so you can get long range guns and AC on one platform.  Its not very mobile but no matter what you pick its never going to be more mobile than the eldar so its not such a loss.  After that you can lose both the dictator and the dauntless and put in some ships with guns that shoot over 30cm.  It just gives you more opportunites to engage.  I'm not a huge fan of escorts but at this point level vs an eldar escort heavy fleet, a big group of swords would actually be a good choice.  I doubt you'd be able to fit them in unless you dropped the battleship entirely but its still a viable direction to go. 

Offline Zarathustra Sucuine

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Re: Countering eldar 1000pts
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2014, 08:43:11 AM »
My Emperoror is not finished yet. What about this list?
Exorcist Class Grand cuiser 230pts
Dictator class cruiser 220pts
Tyrant 185pts
Endurance class light cruiser 120pts
4 Sword class frigates 140pts
Admiral 50pts
Extra Reroll 25pts
Cobra class cruiser 30pts
I have had good luck with the Tyrant in the past, and want to try the Endurance due to the amount of firepower it can put out, plus finish my scratchbuild (which considering I will only have about 4 hours to finish it before the game may :P

Offline horizon

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Re: Countering eldar 1000pts
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2014, 12:39:34 PM »
Endeavour > Endurance. My preference.

Offline Zarathustra Sucuine

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Re: Countering eldar 1000pts
« Reply #10 on: March 08, 2014, 06:43:25 PM »
Need to take an Endurance before I can take the variants.

Offline horizon

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Re: Countering eldar 1000pts
« Reply #11 on: March 08, 2014, 08:44:58 PM »
Need to take an Endurance before I can take the variants.
tge Endeavour is the basic vessel of the three.

Offline Zarathustra Sucuine

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Re: Countering eldar 1000pts
« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2014, 07:31:05 AM »
Oops, got them mixed up. Yeah, the Endeavor is probably my favorite, though the defiant may be nice to try. Endurance kind of seems pointless compared to the other vox ships.

Offline Zarathustra Sucuine

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Re: Countering eldar 1000pts
« Reply #13 on: March 18, 2014, 10:15:52 PM »
So I got slaughtered, primarily because he kept hoppng bakc and forth round the planet, and partly I lost my swords and Endeavor early one to block their flanking. which then gutted my fleet, it finished with the Exorcist down to 6 hull points fending off 2 crusiers (one crippled) and 3 torp escorts and 3 pulse lance ones, was a fun game though, even if the captains of the Tyrant and cobra proved to be incompetent. Also I hate hit and run teleport attacks.
His was a torpedo heavy list, which which was mostly countered by my fighter waves, which makes me a bit uneasy about dropping the dictator, but the list I'm planning on bringing next term is this:
Fleet Admiral (need a name)
Exorcist - Ark Imperial (with the fire power ten swap)
Dictator-Lord Balindil
Dictator- Legacy of Walsingham
5 strong Sword squadron "Imperial hounds"
5 strong Sword Squadron "Blades of Ryza"
My plan is to in future just stay together to make sure the eldar can't pick me off like they did, and to keep the escorts behind the main ships so the eldar cannot get behind me. Not sure I have enough ordnance to counter his torpedo waves though.