I would be glad to help edit! Although I can't make promises to promptness, depending on the busyness of life...

. If you send me the raw files, I'll have a go when I am able, which will hopefully be soon

I think that Pirates! Gold is one of the best games I've played

... it is so addictive

. It seems to have just the right amount of each component to make it enjoyable (and only unpleasant when your crew mutinies and you're stuck with a fleet of mast-less galleons, 200 000 gold and a fleet full of pirate hunters and Spaniards on your tail... I need to learn to sail away

). I think the fun-ness also comes from the fact that the individual game components are not too hard: you stand a chance at most of them during the game (if you pick your fights right) so it's more about trying to achieve the best career.
I would totally be up for making a BFG version! Sid Meier said in an interview (you can find it somewhere on Civ Fanatics, don't have the link at the present moment) that he thought it wouldn't be more fun on the table top than it is on the computer, but I think it wouldn't take too much modification to the core ideas to make it work.
Obviously, real-time sailing is not really an option, so I guess one would take one's fleet to a port and you would generate random encounters using a chart system based on various factors.
And we'd have to work out a good system of units for trading (e.g. 1 transport point ~ 1 Pirates! Gold ton), and how stuff gets transported once plundered (e.g. how much can a warship carry?), but trading itself shouldn't be too hard (e.g. sell 1 transport point for x monetary units). Gun trading would require some work but maybe this could be just moved in with ship repair costs.
And at the end, one could play Pirates! Gold with friends and with futuristic space ships on a table top: besides the original game, what more could one want

Piratey food for thought,
Thinking Stone