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Author Topic: BlindHorizon's Pre_heresy vessel  (Read 7109 times)

Offline horizon

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Re: BlindHorizon's Pre_heresy vessel
« Reply #15 on: September 11, 2013, 05:40:38 PM »
That's a good thing to do. The good thing is we all have the same basic view on the ship. Weapon layout is also almost identical.

6 hits
5+ armour
1 shield
2 turrets
25cm speed
90* turns

Prow (or dorsal) strength 1 lance battery @ 30cm LFR

broadside weaponry:
  • Weapon batteries strength 4 per side @ 45cm
  • Lance batteries strength 2 per side @ 30cm
  • Launch bays strength 1 per side: stormbirds*

Stormbirds: as T-Hawks but resilient save on a 6+?

Offline connahr

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Re: BlindHorizon's Pre_heresy vessel
« Reply #16 on: September 12, 2013, 09:52:16 AM »
i was thinking stormbirds if you're playing a heresy era game (with the amount of heresy era ships avalible now this is possible)

otherwise thunderhawks
theres no such thing as over kill, its just making sure

Offline horizon

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Re: BlindHorizon's Pre_heresy vessel
« Reply #17 on: September 13, 2013, 06:44:27 AM »
Perhaps one may pick (if he does not want it to be a Marine vessel):
Launch Bays with T-Hawks, str1.
Launch Bays with fighters/assault boats, str2.

Did T-hawks exist pre heresy? I find this weird because Chaos does not have T-Hawks. So if this pre-heresy ship from blindhorizon is looked at from that pov one may argue that its bays are not optimized/build to carry Thunderhawks at all. So I am still not convinced on T-Hawks for this ship.

Offline Blindhorizon

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Re: BlindHorizon's Pre_heresy vessel
« Reply #18 on: September 13, 2013, 07:33:27 AM »
When i created the vessel i invisioned something space marinish, but also that it was a rarer ship post heresy that can be found in any fleets. I had written some fluff for it for those that are interested.

The Typhoon class strike frigate comes in three variants, annihilator, dominator, and subduer. The annihilator class is considered very powerful for a vessel it's size as it is one of the smallest ships to mount lance turrets on it's sides. The dominator use's it's speed to move in on target ship, and then fire's massed broadside's and moves quickly out of range before the target can react completely and bring their own guns to bare. While the most underestimated variant the subduer is one of the most versatile, carrying fifteen squadrons of fury void fighters, and fifteen squadrons of starhawk void bombers, the subduer can project it's lethal force in many places at once. The Typhoon's have seen service in every segmentum and every battlefleet, they even took part in the siege of holy Terra during the great heresy. Few forge worlds have the STC information necessary to manufacture this ancient ship design, it's rare to see more then a squadron of these ships together at any one time. More often they are broken into single ships used to quell small rebellions in backwater solar systems. Most notable engagements would be two annihilator class Typhoons, the Fury of light, and the Blessed hammer surprising the chaos cruiser Whispers of Intent. The battle lasted two hours, surprise was complete and the Whisper of Intent was completely gutted and only one of it's three escort ships escaping. The Blessed hammer had suffered major damage but was successfully repaired after six months in dry dock.


P.S. I'm with whatever you guys the experts come up with, I'm humbled to even have people discussing proper stats for a ship i created o.O

Offline Cneo

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Re: BlindHorizon's Pre_heresy vessel
« Reply #19 on: September 13, 2013, 08:34:04 AM »
Perhaps one may pick (if he does not want it to be a Marine vessel):
Launch Bays with T-Hawks, str1.
Launch Bays with fighters/assault boats, str2.

Did T-hawks exist pre heresy? I find this weird because Chaos does not have T-Hawks. So if this pre-heresy ship from blindhorizon is looked at from that pov one may argue that its bays are not optimized/build to carry Thunderhawks at all. So I am still not convinced on T-Hawks for this ship.

But Space Marine chapters have had thousands of years to upgrade the launch bays for the T-Hawks, and they're smaller than the S-Birds...so  I think is quite fluffy to equip the ship with them.  ::)

Offline horizon

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Re: BlindHorizon's Pre_heresy vessel
« Reply #20 on: September 13, 2013, 10:32:09 AM »
Well,, yeah, that could happen.

Oh, another thing that might bug: one variant has lances. Always a heated debate but a firm stance is that space marines should  not have lances on capital ships.

We could say the lance variant is bombardment variant (when used in a Marine fleet?)

Offline connahr

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Re: BlindHorizon's Pre_heresy vessel
« Reply #21 on: September 13, 2013, 11:27:25 AM »
well if it dates from before the heresy it could still have its lances

maybe it could be an upgrade option for X number of ships
theres no such thing as over kill, its just making sure

Offline horizon

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Re: BlindHorizon's Pre_heresy vessel
« Reply #22 on: September 13, 2013, 11:47:13 AM »
After the heresy all got re-organized. Space Marines were allowed fleets/ships that would never be a rival to the Imperial Navy in fleet engagements. Marines would be dedicated to Planetary Asauly. A lance was deemed an anti-ship weapon thus not allowed for Marines. The Nova escort is under scrutiny by the Inquisition.

So, if these ships had lances they would not be allocated to the Marine Chapters.

Offline Cneo

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Re: BlindHorizon's Pre_heresy vessel
« Reply #23 on: September 13, 2013, 12:21:05 PM »
Well,, yeah, that could happen.

Oh, another thing that might bug: one variant has lances. Always a heated debate but a firm stance is that space marines should  not have lances on capital ships.

We could say the lance variant is bombardment variant (when used in a Marine fleet?)

You're right, that's possible. But I like chapters that challenge the Imperial authority and made their own way far from the harshness Codex Astartes like Space Wolves (they have a captured Mars BC  8) ) or Black Templars.

The Nova, despite the Inquisition, is an example of how lances could have an important slot in a space marine fleet. So I'd maintain the lances for main version and Thunderhawks for the launch bays one.
